"No way! You got to meet the iCarly gang?"

"What were they like?"

"Is Sam really strong?"

"Did she-"

"Whoa, one at a time," Rikki said, holding her hands out. The kids closed their mouths. "Yes, Zach I did meet the iCarly gang. Riley, they were really cool. She is strong Haleigh. And Sandy, your question?

"Um," the little boy said. "Did she call Freddie funny names?" Rikki laughed and nodded her head. Sandy smiled.

"Now where was I?" Rikki asked. Riley raised her hand.

"You were at 'in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

"He doesn't say the one."

"Be quiet guys," Rikki said, annoyed. "Now, the countdown-"

Sam came up and introduced me to Carly. Then they interviewed me on iCarly. Apparently they wanted all their viewers to know what I had done for Freddie. It was quite annoying. I mainly put Sellwood in jail just to get back at him. No one messes with a Chadwick and gets away with it.

"What about a Benson?"

"Yeah, no one messes with a Benson, either."

Anyway, Sellwood is stuck in jail for the rest of his life. The jerk. He's not getting out anytime soon. He'd tried to get out but Grandmamma was too smart for him. She wasn't letting him get out that easy.

After the birthday party, everything started falling into place. Granddad got his job and we moved out of the trailer park. Grandmamma moved to the Gulf Coast to be closer to me. After my leg/tail healed, I was swimming constantly, building up my endurance. I swam to New Zealand, New Zealand, America, China, etc. When the time came, I was glad to have that skill but that's another story.

Your father and I, after we graduated, move into an apartment overlooking the ocean. After he got his degree in business, and I in writing and poetry, we got married. We were the second of our friends to get married. Aunt Cleo and Uncle Lewis were first. They were more in love than any of us and no one was going to stop them from getting married, not even their parents. After we were settled, we got married. We wanted to build a house on Libertas's Mountain, but the laws wouldn't allow it. So we settled for finding a cliff that had a path leading down towards the ocean. We called it Monte Pacificus. After us, Aunt Emma and Uncle Ash got married. They were the last to get married. They took their time, focusing more on their jobs than settling down. A few years after our wedding, they decided that they were tired of hearing "So when are you guys getting married?" so they decided to tie the knot. They knew they wanted to get married but I guess they weren't sure when to do it exactly. But after they got married, they realized that question wasn't nearly as bad as "So when are you guys having kids?"…Yeah, we could have told them that was coming.

A year after Aunt Emma and Uncle Ash got married, Zach was born. All I can remember is I was screaming a lot and Uncle Lewis got a new guinea pig…me. Tests and experiments filled nine long months. After that, Aunt Cleo and Uncle Lewis had Veronica. Then Aunt Emma and Uncle Ash had Daren. Then we had Riley. Aunt Emma and Uncle Ash had Daisy and we had Haleigh and two years later we had Sandy.

"That me," the two year old said. Rikki smiled.

"Yes that is you," she replied.

We still talked to Sam, Freddie, and Carly. We'd visit them when I had a convention to go to in America and they visited us when iWeb Awards were in Australia. We weren't close but I did get along quite well with Sam.

Anyway, Sellwood got what he deserved. He is in jail for life with no hope of getting out. He was the meanest, stupidest…

"Are you telling that story again?" Rikki looked up to see her husband smiling down at her. She laughed and got up from her spot on the floor.

"They asked for it," she replied, gesturing to the four kids around her. Riley had inherited her mother's blue eyes and blond hair. Zach had inherited his father's good looks. Sandy had a mixture of blond and brown hair with blue eyes and Haleigh had brown hair and blue eyes.

"We love that story Daddy," Haleigh said, in her cute, four-year-old voice.

"Yeah, Mummy was so brave," Riley said.

"Plus, Mum said that there was more to the story that we never heard," Zach said. "You kept interrupting her." Zane just sighed.

"It isn't a story that I take lightly. Your mother almost got killed."

"But she didn't," Riley said. "It's a happy ending!"

"Happy, happy," Sandy said, smiling.

"Well, I think you heard most of the story," Zane said, knowing he had lost again. "Time for bed."

"Aw," his kids exclaimed. Zane just shook his head.

"I'll take the boys," he told his wife, grabbing Sandy, who started to try to squirm in his father's grasp. Zach just sighed and got up from his spot on the floor. Then he followed his dad out of Haleigh's bedroom.

"All right, Haleigh," Rikki said, tucking her daughter in. "Are you pleased with tonight's story?"

"Uh-huh," she said, moving her head up and down. "Did you like the story Riley?" Riley only nodded her head. She was impatiently waiting by the door. At seven, she felt like she was too old to be tucked in, but something was telling her not to give up this precious moment.

"Ok, well good night," Rikki said, kissing her youngest daughter's forehead. Haleigh smiled and nuzzled into her covers. Rikki turned around and walked out the door, followed by her eldest daughter.

"Mum," she said, "is it true that the silver fish you saw while trying to swim away from the rocks saved your life?" Rikki sighed as she opened Riley's bedroom door.

"That is what I believe," she said as Riley made her way to her bed and jumped on top. "Sometimes I think it wanted to save my life. It was almost like it knew what it was doing." Riley laid down and Rikki put the covers on top of her. "It was almost like it knew I needed just one push to get away. I feel guilty sometimes because that push is probably what made it not be able to escape." She kissed Riley's forehead. "Good night, sweetheart." Then she turned towards the door.

"I bet it was repaying a debt," she heard her daughter reply, almost asleep. "It probably had to repay a favor it made to another mermaid and you looked just like her." Rikki paused, her hand on the door.

"Maybe," she replied softly, "Maybe." With that, she walked out of the room and closed the door.

Rikki made her way to the big window in the living room. It overlooked the ocean and the cliff. It was so beautiful and peaceful. She was so wrapped up in thought, she didn't know her husband had come in until he kissed her on the head.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked, putting his arms around her. Rikki just smiled.

"Just thinking how peaceful it is out there," she replied. With that, she made a huge sigh of relief she didn't even know she had been holding.

"Yeah," Zane said as he and his wife made it to the bedroom. "The water looks so calm."

"Yeah," she agreed, it did. "Looks like the peaceful waters are coming our way."


Yeah, cheesy ending, I know, but I had to put it in there. Plus I'm not so good at endings of long stories but it is COMPLETED! Woo! My first ever chapter story. I'm so happy for myself. I would like to thank all the people who reviewed and kept with this story for two long years. And to all the new readers and reviewers who took a chance on this story. By the way, it's the two-year anniversary. Wow, two years of this thing being in my head.

Anyway, this chapter is based loosely on my other story 'The Reunion'. Mainly it's just the kid's names. Maybe one day, I'll write a sequel to this story. But it probably won't be for a long, long time. Maybe not at all. I also might come back to this story in the future and fix the grammar and spelling mistakes but I guess I'll have to actually want to do that.

Once again, thank you so much and THE END!

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