The Secret of Her Distress

Disclaimer: I don't own ST:TNG, the gods at Paramount do—and they make more money than I do!

A/N: So every time Deanna lands in / is taken / asked to go to sickbay, she protests. Why? Thus the story…enjoy! PS – this is a reject story for Strange New Worlds. Maybe you could tell me what I should have done differently?

Chapter 1

They captured her to prove their point; they were the ones in control now. It was a power move Lieutenant Commander Deanna Troi understood. The rebels had stormed the palace, taken her to the main room and tied her hand and foot to the old royal throne. The captivity she could cope with, but she didn't like the immobility factor. Deanna thought she'd be rescued quickly, but as the hours passed, her personal uneasiness with the situation grew. How long were they going to leave her tied to the throne?

Then, after several hours, without cause or explanation, they blindfolded her. At first, she started to hyperventilate, but some calming exercises and a promise to herself that when she was rescued, she could break down and have a good cry. The blindfold didn't permit any light, but Deanna could hear her captors all around. Normally not a violent society, circumstances of a corrupt king and council forced them into abhorrent actions. Deanna heard heavy footsteps cross the room and come up the steps of the dais where she was bound. She recognized the voice of the leader as he shouted to his men while checking her bindings. Distracted by what his men were shouting, he allowed the blindfold to slip, momentarily blinding Deanna. Blurred and tearing after the hours behind the blindfold, she could see the rebels fighting some darker shapes. Amid the shouts of the rebels, she heard a familiar sound—the whine of the transporter. Blinking quickly to clear her vision, she recognized the central figure. Worf had come to her rescue.

Brandishing a phaser rifle, and flanked by a full security team, Worf led the charge into the room, tossing rebels out of the way one-handed, occasionally firing shots, stunning the ill-prepared rebels. Rushing up the few steps of the dais, Worf took position directly behind the throne while the security team formed a protective circle around them. Calling for a beam-out, Worf, the security team and Deanna, still bound to the throne, materialized into Sickbay.

Deanna couldn't see anything beyond the security team's uniformed backs and her immobility was threatening to drive her insane. The precious hold she had over her control was slipping. If she couldn't get free soon, she'd either start screaming or pass out. Worf put a hand on her shoulder to reassure her, but it only served to bring the fear and panic she had held at bay for so long rushing towards the surface. One of the security team began pulling at the bindings of her legs and she could see Alyssa Ogawa coming towards her, but she lost her control and had but one thought before she lost consciousness, "Not again!"