
Chapter 1: Stuff Dreams are made of….


All the noise was starting to get to me, so I decided to get some fresh air and headed for the balcony. I knew he would be there, ever since that day he shot himself out into space to save me. The bond between us had grown immeasurably. And now I sensed, no I felt his presence out there, waiting for me. He had become my knight, someone who I could always count on, to protect and comfort me and I hoped that he would someday love me as much as I love him.

I stood next to him and just admired his beauty as he observed the night sky. His mere presence was enough to send chills across my skin, he knew I was there but he chose to playfully ignore me.

Then out of the corner of my eye I saw what he had been staring at…a shooting star. I gave him a playful smile and raised my finger mimicking what I had done that first night we met, when the heavens granted my wish and sent me the angel with the eyes like a calm blue sea. What I got in return was very unexpected, he actually smiled at me and it honestly melted my heart, never had I seen such beauty.

He took my hand and gently pulled me closer to him. His smell tugged at my senses, I could not help but fall into him. He wrapped his arm around my waist; this was something that I had been dreaming of since I first met him that night at the ball.

Then he kissed me, softly at first. Yet I could still feel him holding back, so I decided to push just slightly and wrapped my arms around his neck drawing him closer to me. He didn't resist, I could actually feel the walls that he had erected around himself all those years ago begin to fall down. He kissed me deeper; it was something that I had never felt before, like a part of my soul that had been crying out for what it had lost had finally been restored. It was right then that I knew what was happening. I had found what I had been looking for…I had found my soul mate.

It was several minutes before we parted, and I could tell that he had to force himself to slightly pull away, but he kept our lips only a few inches apart with his sweet breathe intoxicating me to the point that I thought I would faint. He stared into my eyes, it was like he was seeing right into my soul…no…he was looking right into my soul, and I into his.


"Yes?" As much as I loved to hear his sweet, comforting voice. I was still overcome with the feeling that his sweet kiss had brought me, and I had desperately wanted to continue it.

"Umm…well…I…just wanted…to say."

I smiled at him; the look on his face as he tried to express his true feelings was so cute. "It's ok, you can tell me."

He closed his eyes, and I could tell that whatever he was going to say was extremely important. I nudged him and squeezed his hand, trying to give him strength.

"I…I love you, Rinny. I…think for some reason I have always loved you."

They were the words that I had longed to hear, with his sweet voice saying them…never did I imagine how they would truly sound until that moment. I could feel the warm tears begin to slide down my cheeks, at the sight of me crying I could feel him tense up. I pulled him closer and kissed him softly on the lips, my tears softly dripping on his face.

"I love you too…and yes I have always loved you. It's something that I can't explain…I just feel it."

He pulled me into an embrace, his strong arms around my waist and his head resting on my shoulder. This was right…I have waited my whole life for this moment. I had never felt such peace and comfort like this, yes this was right.

I kept my voice low, so noone else could hear my words but him, "Come, lets go."

"Where are we going?" his voice was a whisper, but I could feel his lips against my neck and they were smiling. He knew where we were going. Sly man.


He quickly grabbed my hand and we started to leave the balcony. Suddenly I began to feel dizzy, like the entire world had decided to increase the speed of its rotation. He grabbed me as I began to stumble.

"Rinny…are you ok?"

I couldn't answer, it was all too confusing. I heard muffled screams coming from the banquet hall. I could hear my friends calling out our names; their voices were twisted and distant. I lifted my head to look at him. He was beginning to fade away, like snow that had just fallen onto still warm soil. I noticed that everyone else was also slowly disappearing. I reached out for him in desperation, our hands were still able to hold onto each other. His face showed true horror and I knew why, he was losing me and I felt the same way because I was losing him.

"God no! Rinny! It's a loop, Rinny!"

"What? No…we beat her!" Even as he was fading I could see his tears, this man who did not cry, who only showed his true emotions when I was close to him. He was crying…

"Rinny…listen to me! No matter what happens, I will find you!"

I desperately tried to cling to him, but found our grip on each other begin to dissolve. "No! Please…don't leave me. We…I just found you!"

"I will find you Rinny…Remember that! If you go there…you will find me…I promise!"

"I promise! I will be waiting…I love you…" I could feel myself begin to choke on my tears, as this man who had brought me such joy and love faded away from me. I could still hear his words.

"I love you Rinny…always."

Everything was gone…there was just black. I remember his eyes…his voice it…it silently whispers to me, even when I'm awake. Sometimes I hear it in the wind. But that's just silly…because it was only a dream.


"Damn…that is very romantic yet extremely sad Rinoa. How often do you have that dream?"

Rinoa raise her head to look at Sara, her best friend for so long and gave her a weak smile, "For as long as I can remember. At first it was so beautiful…he is so beautiful. But I don't remember his face really…it has gotten a little fuzzy over the years, just his eyes. Now…it is so damn sad. God, it was so real Sara. I could feel him and smell him."

Sara was sobbing. It hadn't been her intention to make her friend cry; she had just wanted to tell her dearest friend something that had been haunting Rinoa since she was a small girl.

Rinoa chewed at her lower lip. "I'm sorry Sara…I didn't mean to make you cry…"

She shook her head while trying to wipe away her tears, "No…it's ok. It was just a dream right? Anyway…are you going to that SeeD Graduation dance? I hear Seifer will be there. You ever thought about getting back together with him? He is very cute…and tall…and sexy."

Rinoa grabbed the closest pillow and tossed it at her, Sara caught it playfully and both girls laughed.

"Yes I am going, but not for the reasons you think. Seifer and I have been over for nearly a year now. I am going see the Garden headmaster…hoping that we can come to an agreement about getting the Forest Owls some help against Galbadia."

Sara's eyes grew wide with surprise, "You're going to try and recruit some SeeD's? Wow…that would help us a lot…but do we have that kind of money?"

Rinoa nodded slowly, "Somewhat…I have the trust fund my mother left me. It should be good for something."

Sara reached to the side of her chair and took her glass from the table, "But…your not going to see Seifer at all?"

Rinoa smacked her forehead with her right hand and rolled her eyes at Sara, "He wants me to watch some stupid duel tomorrow…honestly I don't think I am going to go. It just seems…so stupid."

Sara laughed, "Well said. Who's he fighting?"

Rinoa shrugged, "Don't know…feel sorry for him though…I've seen Seifer fight and he hasn't lost a duel yet."

Sara began to giggle, "Well…that's not what I heard…way I understand it is that there is one person who is just as good with that gunblade as Seifer is."

"Who?" Rinoa asked, her friend's statement had peaked her curiosity, "Seifer told me he has never lost."

Sara shook her head, "Not sure actually. Didn't get a name, supposed to be a real hottie though!"

Rinoa threw another pillow at her, this time catching her off guard. It smacked Sara in the head, causing her to spill her drink. She just stared at Rinoa for a few moments then started laughing again.

"You need help Sara." Rinoa stated between the giggles.

"Come with me to the duel Rin…never know might rekindle some sparks with Seifer, or you might even like his opponent." She said as she raised an eyebrow.

Rinoa raise her arms in surrender, "Ok, but I am not getting back together with Seifer…that man actually scares me sometimes."


Sara pulled Rinoa by the arm, guiding her to Duel Hill. Rinoa could make out the faint sounds of metal clashing against metal. "Here we go Rinoa…oh my there's Seifer, cute as always….wait there's the other guy…wow…I think I just died and went to heaven…"

Rinoa saw her ex-boyfriend, Seifer dueling with a shorter man that looked about the same age as her. Seifer was swinging his black gunblade around nonchalantly while the other man's gunblade was silver with strange engravings that she couldn't make out entirely from her distance from the battle. But she completely understood her friend's statement. The other man was beautiful. His light brown hair flowed elegantly in the wind and thanks to the haze that hung in the air his eyes seemed to glow with a magnificent shade of blue.

Have we met before? Rinoa couldn't take her eyes off him…his every motion was like beautiful poetry. He gracefully defended himself against all of Seifer's attacks, then he would follow with his own, and she noticed that it took everything Seifer had to protect himself. As the man stepped back she observed him looking in her direction and their eyes met…the man just stopped and stared at her, and for a mere moment he paid no attention to Seifer. Oh god! He is beautiful.

Rinoa winced as Seifer took advantage of his counterpart's sudden lack of interest and cast a Fire spell knocking the other to the ground. Rinoa thought she heard Seifer saying something, but couldn't quite make it out. A second later, Seifer slashed the boy across the face. Rinoa could feel her heart nearly brake at seeing this boy in pain, the blood from his wound that cut diagonally across his forehead dripped down his beautifully chiseled face.

Rinoa felt the overwhelming urge to run to this boys defense, but stopped herself as she witnessed him leap up from the ground with amazing speed and cut up across Seifer's face which caused the taller man to stumble backwards and then finally fall to his knees. The other boy stayed on his feet slightly longer then he too fell down. Both of the fighters were out.

"Oh shit! Rinoa you take care of Seifer, I'll see to the other one!" Sara shouted as she ran off to the scene were both men had fallen.

Rinoa wanted to ignore her friend and attend to the other man's wounds. For some unknown reason she felt herself drawn to him. She forced herself to push those feelings away and guided Seifer to the Infirmary with the assistance of some other cadets that had heard Sara's scream.


"Come on Rinoa…let the doctor do her job." Sara pleaded with her as she pulled Rinoa away from the Garden's front gate. Reluctantly Rinoa followed her lead back to their waiting car. Which would return them to Balamb Town.

"You didn't happen to catch the name of Seifer's opponent did ya Sara?" Rinoa asked as she wearily looked out the car window.

Sara smiled and tossed her friend a sideways glance, "Nope. Sure didn't Rin. Why you like him?"

He was like a dream. Letting out a small laugh, Rinoa playfully slapped her friend in the arm, "No…I don't know…well…what did you think of him?"

Sara rolled her eyes, "He was very handsome…and those eyes, did you those? Oh my."

The last comment brought a smile to Rinoa's face, "Yes I did…a woman could drown in those eyes." Why do I feel like I know him?

Sara nudged Rinoa in the arm, "Uh Oh…Rinoa, I am beginning to think that you're sweet on that boy, and you've never even officially met him."

Rinoa blushed, "Your thinking too much into it Sara…this kind of thing happens to people everyday…you see someone and it's like wow but then you move on. It's no biggie."

Sara munched on her candy bar, "Yeah, no biggie. Right."

Rinoa detected the sarcasm, "Ok…enough about this. Lets get back to the hotel. The Meeting with Cid is tomorrow night."

"Maybe you will run into the mystery man…hmm?" Sara added.

Rinoa rolled her eyes, "Doubtful…he's probably not even a SeeD." I have more important things to concern myself with then some boy.


"Come on, Squall. We're gonna be late!" Zell shouted as he ran down the hall.

"Whatever." Squall replied under his breath, "Don't even know why I'm going to this stupid dance."

"Because you passed your exams Squall," the voice behind him said. "Looking good tonight, don't go breaking any hearts ok?"

"Quistis…how many times have I told you not to sneak up on me?" demanded Squall.

Quistis held her hand up to her mouth and giggled, "I'm sorry Squall. Come on, let's get this over with."

Squall rolled his eyes and let Quistis drag him down to the banquet hall.

Quistis went her separate way and left Squall alone to fend for himself. God, I hate this. Slowly and reluctantly Squall pushed open the double doors and without even stopping to admire the decorations walked briskly to the most secluded area of the massive room.

He leaned against the wall, and grabbed a glass of wine from a passing server. Great. Why did I take this? I don't even like wine!


Rinoa stood quietly outside the banquet room, trying to gather the strength to enter. She knew that Headmaster Cid would be in there somewhere; she just had to find him. Ok, I can do this. I'm a big girl now.

She took a deep breath and pushed the doors open and slowly walked through. The majesty of it all engulfed her; the walls were an immaculate display of pastels and the lights made everything look like it was covered in crystals. The music danced through her head and she suddenly felt the urge to dance. She stopped at the center of the banquet room watching the couples twist with each other underneath the midnight sky. It was so lovely it brought tears to her eyes.

She quickly looked up into the night sky; there before her eyes a shooting star appeared. Talk about déjà vu. Maybe I should wish for something? Hmm…how about…yeah…to my dreaming knight I wish that you keep your promise and find me. Rinoa suddenly felt someone looking at her; she turned her head to the right and saw him. Oh my god…it's him. He is even more beautiful up close. Those eyes… For some unknown reason, Rinoa found herself pointing up to where the shooting star had streaked across the sky. He cocked his head slightly, but continued to stare at her. Ok, maybe I should go introduce myself. What could it hurt? She straightened her dress and casually walked over to him, as the young man averted his eyes from her. Oh, how cute!

As she got closer to him she noticed how truly beautiful this man was. It took her breath away; he was a fantasy that little girls dreamed about, a knight in shinning armor. Why does he look so depressed? Those eyes…they…wow…

"You're the cutest guy here. Dance with me?" she asked him.

The man once again looked down at his feet, slightly blushing. Did I…embarrass him? I can do this!

Regaining her composure she smiled again, "Let me guess…you only dance with someone you like right?"

He shrugged at her, trying to look disinterested in her proposal.

Rinoa bit on her lower lip trying to look cute, "Okay then…look into my eyes." She gently touched his chin lifting his head so she could look into his eyes. God! Why do I feel so strange? I have never seen such beautiful eyes…

Holding her smile in place, she wiggled her fingers in front of his face, "You-are-going-to-like-me…You-are-going-to-like-me…"

She resisted the urge to giggle at how she silly she must look to him right now, "Did it work?"

"I can't dance." He responded.

Such a sweet voice. She let out a soft laugh, "So you can talk? Come on, you will do fine…"

Ignoring his silent pleas, she grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the dance floor.

She began to move her feet to the beat of the music. Her feet knew the dance and immediately went into their ardent corporeal movement. He fell into her as she began to lose herself in the dance. Damn I am an idiot! He told me he couldn't dance…he must really hate me now…

"I'm sorry…please, lets try again." She smiled up at him, momentarily losing herself in his eyes.

She began to take him through the steps slowly, trying to give him some confidence.

Then unexpectedly her attention was drawn elsewhere as they collapsed into another couple. The man glared at her. Rinoa felt her partner flinch slightly with embarrassment. She rudely stuck her tongue out at the couple and turned back to her partner and gave him another smile. Why is he looking at me like that?

He was silent for a moment, and then he suddenly swung around in a perfect spin. Whoa! She laughed softly, only allowing him to hear it. He pulled her back to him, his strong arms holding her close. Rinoa felt his touch on her bare shoulders, his sweet scent enticed her. Am I getting dizzy?

He whispered softly in her ear, "Ready?"

She smiled and nodded, "Yes...please."

He spun her out and let go of her hand. She raised her arms and slid in back of him, appearing on his other side to take his hand again and went into a slant. The world vanished before her eyes; it was only the two of them. He lied! He can definitely dance!

They were one soul moving across the dance floor, nothing else mattered at that one moment. All her fears and all her insecurities faded away, just because of his mere presence.

However reality is cruel, as the firework display woke Rinoa from her fantasy. They both halted in their dance, he was looking up at the fireworks. She watched him as he stared up at the night sky and she noticed that he was actually smiling. He brought his beautiful eyes back down to look at her. Why am I trembling? I barely know this man… Why does he look so familiar?

Suddenly Rinoa catches the sight of the headmaster near the refreshments. This is going to suck…Trying to find her voice; she looked up one more time into his eyes. Etching the beauty into her mind. Gently and reluctantly, she pulled away from the young man. She was surprised to see that his expression was one of loss, he was sad to see her leave. I think I am going to regret doing this for a long time. She squeezed his hand one last time and walked off to meet with the headmaster.

"I know you…" it was a whisper that only she could hear and the words it spoke caused her to stop and quickly turn to face him again, only to see that he was no longer there.