
Chapter 3


"Naruto, are you okay?"

I can't help asking, even though I know how much he hates it I just cannot ignore the look. The one he thinks I don't notice. The way his hand grabs his chest anxiously when I'm not close enough, when he can't see me.

The shock is adorable, I'd give him that much. Naruto would never admit to being anything like cute and yet here I was, thinking that the colour that rose to his cheeks and the way he'd blink a few times, shadowing his face with his long eye lashes was the most intriguing thing in the world. The reaction it gives me… I can't ignore it.

Then he pouts. His hand falls to his side. I can see him glance around to see who is watching, who might notice his weakness. Just me, so it's okay Naruto.

"Geez Sasuke, I'm fine." You aren't. You are whining to cover the slight hitch in your breath and the shake in your chest. God I'm so sorry.

I climb back down from the tree I had been hiding in. Not on purpose, never on purpose. It's just habit I guess, to observe you and not be seen. I've been doing it for years, even before there was something between us. Watching you was all I could do to relieve the stress. The ache.

You flinch slightly as I approach. I doubt you even realise you do that. It's the normal reaction, the one to be expected of someone who's been abandoned, and suffered for it.

I'll try to fix you though.

I think I will start with your lips today.

Making a connection between us just through your lovely mouth is the hardest thing in the world. To restrain and not touch you, to be able to breathe you in but from a gap between us, I want to touch you. I want to feel every part of you. Yet I can feel the hesitation in you, so I wait and instead try to relax you with my lips. My tongue, my breath and if I feel it's okay, a little teeth. I know what you like. What you can take…

The tender flesh of your bottom lip, I could suck on it all day. The little nip I give it, tug and then smooth it again my tongue. You quiver. I can feel that through just your lips. I taste your mouth. You groan a small groan. I can feel that to my toes.

I lean back and feel your breath against my cheek and I can tell you want me as badly as I need you. All from a kiss.

It's not just a kiss though Naruto, you know that don't you? It's my apology. It's all of me that I'm trying to give to you.

I trail my hands down your sides, starting from your shoulders and down to your hips which I grip lightly before moving my left hand between us, following the contours of your lower stomach over the fabric between us. Horrid material, useless barrier.

I shift forward, taking both my hands to the small of your back to press lightly and stroke small circles of comfort. My leg slips between yours and I can feel the pulse there. The hard, completely undeniable truth there that you feel me. That I am here.

"Naruto…" I let my breath caress the skin beneath your right ear, the muttered whine my reward. Your hands slowly rise to wrap around my body where your grasp so tightly, letting me know you've heard.

"Naruto, I'm here."

You bury your face into my neck and I feel your harsh breathing slip slightly into what you'd utterly deny was a sob.

"Naruto, I need you so much…"

It's just a whisper but you hear me. The kiss you place lets me know.

"Naruto… I'm never leaving you.."

The space between us is so hot, the air around us is pulsing with energy. It's a bubble and its our space, where no one can breach it, no one can touch us.

"Naruto, please believe me."

I know you don't. It's not your fault though, I broke you.

"Sasuke…" Your muffled voice does things to me, do you know that? Of course you do, you can feel me too.

Do you feel all of me though, Naruto?

Can you feel the weight of the words I want to say so badly, yet I can't? The ones I leave in the touches and the strokes. The ones I am tracing into the heat of your back with the hands I've slipped beneath your clothes… those words, do you know them? Can you feel them?

I'll keep trying you know… I'll try to tell you every day.

I can give you that much, I owe you that much.

A/N: I do listen and read reviews... I am still honestly surprised that you guys ask for me of this. I think I broke my head trying to put myself back into the frame of mind I was in when writing this. It doesn't flow on from the other chapters. It's not similar writing style. I'm sorry. I repent.

Not really though. Enjoy!