Summary: Heya people. Ok, here's the deal. Plot bunnies attacked, I'm sure you all know how that goes. This is a series of fics, requests and ideas are welcome. I like the idea of playing with different sensations with Marie, since she spent most of her life locked behind Soma without senses. It seems plausible to me (and also makes me squee like a fangirl at the thought) that Allelujah would be very determined to make sure she enjoys all that life has to offer through her senses. *sigh* Romantic I know.
So here are the rules: Give me a prop, a rating, and if you like a scenario, though that's totally optional. Suggestions are VERY welcome.
This prompt was given by Cielo, it was a GREAT idea I had a lot of fun writing it. The story is set sometime in the future after the series obviously. I have a habit of not including characters outside the main ones used in the fic before the end of the series, because I don't want to say, include Tieria and then jinx him in the series and have him die XD. So, it was a bit of a challenge not to mention any other names.
And now I'm babbling. Ok.
Cocktail Party
Prop: Cocktail dress, sans undergarments.
WARNINGS: Implied adult themes
Disclaimer: Well now, if I owned G00 I wouldn't be posting here, now would I?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Everything showed through. Even her slip couldn't save the sad situation. Marie sighed and flopped on her bed. She looked at the dress hanging from her closet door. It was slinky, swishy, and light, in a deep plum- the exact kind of dress that showed EVERY KIND of possible underwear worn underneath. From the barest of thongs to the fullest of boyshorts.
"Marie? Are you ready to-" Allelujah stopped short at the door. Marie lifted her head to look at him, forgetting her own nakedness in her exasperation.
"No! I can't find anything to wear!" her head fell back down onto the mattress.
"D-ahem- Didn't I get you a new dress? You don't like it?" he averted his eyes to the floor. Otherwise, they'd never leave the house.
"Of course I do," Marie sat up. "But I can't find anything to wear underneath. Everything shows."
"Isn't that the..point?" he didn't understand. Wasn't underwear supposed to be worn with everything? It was just underwear after all.
She sighed again before tossing a pillow at him. "If you're not going to help, get out. I'll be down in a second!"
He caught the pillow easily, his gaze coming up to rest on her. She was lovely when she was angry, even lovelier when she was angry andnaked in their bed. "You know," he leaned against the doorway. "We have some time..."
Marie blushed but shook her head. "No, Allelujah. Remember the last time?"
He did. Oh, he did. The halter dress she wore to the last get together lasted ten seconds before it was tossed to the floor. They had arrived to the party with just an hour left to mingle. It had been completely worth it... but Marie had a point.
"Maybe...I'll go wait in the living room," he suggested.
"Good," she stuck out her tongue at him, part of her regretting not letting him stay. The way he had been looking at her...
She hated the thought of not wearing the dress. Allelujah had chosen it just for her, had bought it all on his own. And it was a spectacular piece, it really was. She just...didn't have any underwear to use underneath. Marie rose and went to her closet, taking the dress from the hanger and putting it on anyway. It fit her perfectly, molding against her curves and swirling around her knees. The fabric was delicious. It slid against her thighs like a caress, softer than anything else she had ever worn. The bodice was tight against her, working with her body so that she didn't need a bra.
"Hm.." Marie examined herself in her closet's mirror, turning and twisting this way and that. The dress was knee length, and it felt so nice without anything underneath...and really, it wasn't like anyone could tell she wasn't wearing underwear. It gave her a sort of thrill to think of going out in public like this- with her own scandalous little secret. What would Allelujah say if he knew? Would he blush too? Or wonder what she was thinking?
Really, there was only one way to find out.
"You've been the life of the party all night," Allelujah pulled her into a corner to murmur in her ear. He wasn't lying. From the moment they arrived, Marie had fluttered this way and that, mingling with guests, laughing easily and charming the whole room when normally she would quietly stay by his side. He wondered what brought on the change. It gave him a sort of pride to watch her move around the room, so admired by everyone. His own lovely Marie. "Did I tell you how beautiful you are tonight?"
"Yes. But thank you," she gave him her best smile. He kissed her forehead tenderly.
"I'm glad you found something to wear with your dress," his hand caressed her side, his arm around her. "I was afraid you'd wear something else."
"I didn't find anything to wear with it," she murmured back, a sweet smile on her face. He stopped mid-sip, choking on his wine.
" mean-"
"Oh, thank you," Marie accepted an hors 'd oeuvre from a waiter. "Like you said," she leaned in towards him. "You wanted me to wear this dress. I wanted to wear it for you."
He opened his mouth to answer but she had already been called away. She moved gracefully, tantalizingly, the skirt of her dress swaying around her knees. He couldn't believe she would have the bravado to do something like that...then again, she was forever surprising him. Allelujah swallowed hard. Underneath that dress...she was bare. All he had to do was reach for her, hike up her skirt and...
She felt rather than saw his eyes on her, watching. Discreetly, she stole a look at him out of the corner of her eye- and nearly dropped her drink. He was watching her intently, his mismatched eyes devouring her hungrily. Marie felt her face grow hot. She suddenly felt very naked, but how ridiculous. Her dress was fine. There was no way anyone else could know. After all...the only reason Allelujah knew was because she told him.
God, he's still looking she played with her skirt absentmindedly, trying to listen to the conversation. Another stolen look let her see his predatory gaze, looking past the plum fabric to the bare skin underneath. Marie took a sip of her wine and tried to distract herself. But it was useless. Her mind started to wander to other things, to a pair of large hands that knew her body better than she did...
He almost lost it when she started to play with her skirt. The hem rose a bit along her thigh as her hands tugged at the fabric, letting him see the bare skin underneath. If she kept going...but of course she wouldn't. They were in a room full of people. Yet...he watched her lips close around the rim of her glass and felt his body heat up. The way her neck tilted back just a little to catch the wine, baring her throat...Allelujah tried to tell himself she wasn't doing it on purpose. She wasn't trying to drive him crazy. But she was doing a damn good job anyway. He watched as she left the couple she was talking to and head towards the ladies room. Wasting no time, he moved towards her.
Marie shivered as his fingers touched her arm, tracing a line up to her shoulder.
"It's getting late isn't it?" his voice was huskier now. "Shouldn't we be heading home?"
She made a little sound of protest. "It's only 8. It'd be rude to leave like that."
His large hands circled her waist slowly. "If you're sure."
"I'm sure," Marie pulled away with a smile. "Behave, Allelujah."
"I'm trying...but you aren't exactly making it easy," he caught her and pulled her close. His hand trailed lower, fingers tracing a line on her hips where her underwear should have been. Marie got the point.
"Allelujah!" she hissed, blushing.
Somehow, she managed to last the rest of the night without dropping her drink or losing the feeling in her knees. But it was a challenge. He took every chance he had to let her know exactly what was on his mind. A brush against her hip, a smoldering look from under his lashes, a breath blown against her ear whenever he leaned close to talk to her- not a chance was wasted. The looks were the most affecting of all. How were his eyes able to look through her dress, through the layers of organza and charmeuse to what was underneath? How was he able to make her feel like she was undressing in front of the entire party? She spent most of the night with her arms crossed over her breasts, trying not to blush. It felt ridiculous, but just when she wanted to melt to the floor with embarrassment Allelujah would brush his fingers over her shoulders lovingly and she suddenly wanted to melt for very different reasons.
But she never got the chance to scold him for driving her crazy most of the night, because as soon as Allelujah opened their door he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder. The front door was kicked shut and locked with his free hand.
"What are you doing?" she shrieked in surprise.
"What does it look like? I'm taking you to bed," he replied, his hand sliding under her skirt as he carried her to their room. "You can't just do that to me all night and expect me to be quiet about it."
By the end of the night, Marie had forgiven him his behavior. In fact, she fell asleep convinced that she should go without her underwear more often. Definitely more often.
Enjoy and drop me a line people!