VIII. Rape Me

A/N- Dear Fans, thank you so much for all your reviews and follows. It's been a long time coming but with baby and work, life's been hectic. So sorry for the wait you guys but I just couldn't let this story die. The whole raping thing is part of the plot and I wrote it in part to get over my sensitivity to the subject. I hope y'all enjoy and I appreciate all the support.


Mad Mary

Harley was going crazy... well crazier. Every second she spent in the Joker's presence she couldn't stop herself from thinking about Bruce and the night they'd shared. She didn't know which was stronger, her anger or her fear. She had to keep assuring herself that the Joker would never find out, but if Catwoman knew, how unlikely was it really for word to reach the Joker's ears?

He was out tonight, going to his usual bi-monthly poker game, leaving her alone in the house, just her and her jumbled thoughts. The abandoned apartment building where they were residing was immaculate as she'd drowned herself in chores just to keep her mind off of it all. Before, with Ivy, things were different, but now while in the Joker's company, she tried to just keep her righteous anger at Bruce up.

Admittedly, she found herself itching for another go but she would never say that out loud. She'd often practice, when she was alone, what she'd say to Batman (hopefully in the very distant future).

''Look B-Man you were good n all but that don't change tha fact I'm Mistah J's girl. Anyways, that spyin' on me with your 'friend' was low. Are ya so emotionally inept or in denial, whatever, that ya couldn't address me directly? Na... was that ya plan? Keep me from everyone 'til you became a viable option? Was I some sorta toy ta you?'' Harley sighed not getting any more progress than the last seventeen times she'd tried the imaginary argument.

She was still unsure about what motivated Bruce to keep her the way he did, kidnapping and then spoiling her. What made him want to keep her around? It had to be more than a simple booty call... it had to do with her specifically. Was she reaching for something or was she on key? Studying motivation was so much harder when it involved her directly.

'Sure you're not fishing,maybe just wanting it to be more than just the sex?' Harley heard Ivy's voice ring between her ears before she passed and grabbed her coat. ''Why bother talking with an imaginary Ivy when I can go see her?''

There were two things that bugged Harley most: she didn't know why and even more so she wanted to know. She should have just been happy to be free and with her Puddin', but that quesiton ran marathons in her head; why had he done any of that at all?

'Do I even really wanna know at the end of the day? What if it turns out I can't handle what he'd say?' There were other questions that bugged her: 'Why did I let myself do it?' 'Why ain't I telling Mistah J who B-Man really is?' and 'Why don't I hate him for this?' Attraction there was, of course, but that didn't explain why he went through so much trouble if it was only about sex.

She tried the easiest questions first as she'd done before,'Booze eased me into his bed. I promised B-Man I wouldn't tell Mistah J after all, no B-Man means no Joker afta all... but why don't I hate him? I should be able ta answer this one for myself.'

'Maybe you're in denial~,' Ivy's voice sing-songed.

''Psh. Ova what?'' Harley shot back as if actually arguing with Ivy.

'Maybe you enjoyed it a little more than you care to admit.'

''Okay the sex? Was freakin' fantastic. I guess all the heiress broads musta been decent practice.''

'Wasn't talking about the sex. I was referring to the stay, the company.'

''I maya been nice to get spoiled but I ain't gonna betray Mistah J.''

'A bit late for that isn't it, Harl?'

''So what? I'm just supposed to marry the guy? Look, I'm not gonna play perfect polished trophy wife. I ain't a richy bitch nor am I gonna allow myself ta be led around by a short leash even if it were diamond encrusted and Italian suede!''

'So why do you allow the Joker to lead you around with a short rusty chokechain?'

''He doesn't try ta keep me restrained.''

'He doesn't care as long as long as you serve your purposes to him. Has he ever once said he loves you?'

Harley stopped right in front of Ivy's door realizing both that the Joker hadn't ever said he loved her and that there was a note on the door which read:

Harl, since I know you're the only one who knows or would want to look for me here, I'm in Metropolis for a while with Leslie. If you ever get a phone my number is 911-1991. Call me if you get the chance.



PS Please don't think what you did with Batman should be a regret, just do what Harley wants.

PPS Fuck that clown! xoxo,Leslie

Harley clicked her tongue disapprovingly as she read Livewire's one line contribution. She folded up the letter and put it in one of the pockets of her trench coat in case she did ever get a phone to call Ivy with.

'I wonder if Mistah J would even tell me if he decided ta move ta Metropolis...' she bitterly laughed at herself giving herself the answer, 'Of course he would, he wouldn't move all his shit by himself.'

She was the one who fucked up so why was she the one starting to doubt the love between her and the Joker? This was new and completely unsettling to have her faith rattled like that. She, for the most part, did not put her faith in much other than herself; it was a very big deal to her when she did. Harley had faith in her love for the Joker. He needed her just as much as she needed him, didn't he?

Harley shook those doubtful thoughts from her head, ''C'mon Harl! Mistah J has neva doubted you! Shame on you fa doubting what we have!" Her voice was mostly the only noise on the quiet dim lit slum street. The thought of the silence struck Harley as odd. No matter the reason, be it Batman or a stalker maybe, silence never bode very well in a Gotham ghetto.

She desperately hoped as she sped up her pace that it was just a would-be mugger. A mugger she could actually handle but she wasn't ready for Batman just yet, she just couldn't face him right now. Admittedly, she started to hope it was someone looking to try her, she could use a good scuffle for a distraction.

Growing impatient with her tailer, she took a turn into an alley she knew to have a dead end. When she reached the brick wall she pivoted on her heel, blushing and embarassed in her confusion, "I coulda sworn...''

''Feeling paranoid?'' Turning Halrey saw Nightwing looking smugly down at her.

'No wonder,' ''Whaddya want? Don't ya have better things to do than harass pedestrians? Why are you even in Gotham?''

''I'm tracking Red Hood.''

Harley raised and eyebrow, ''Mistah J told me he died.''

He paused thinking of how to explain, ''Well Rah's...''

''Ah, Lazarus pit?''

''Yeah. Rah's agrees with Red Hood's more... anarchaic and extreme method to justice or rather their results.''

''Okay, have fun sicing em Bird Boy I'm goin' home...'' she rolled her eyes as Nightwing grabbed a hold of her arm, but she didn't quite break free yet, ''Let me go, I got my damn certificate of competency.''

''Harley, I remember the last time you were granted one of those certificates.''

''Look, if findin' Red hood is so damn important, why are you botherin' with me?"

"This concerns you.''

She dramatically paused taking her own pulse before sarcastically retorting, ''Odd cause heart rate would indicate I'm not feelin all that concerned.''

''He's gunning for the Joker,'' she stopped and listened, that tidbit catching her attention.''Let me show you what he did to some of Joker's ex henches just for intel,'' He showed her a small digital screen and she swallowed seeing corpses of people she probably knew but couldn't recognize past the mutilation.

''I thought Red Hood was like... like a good guy, vigilante just a lil rougher?"

''The Lazarus pit can mangle a man's mind just like he mangled these goons with a crowbar. Rah's remains more or less stable because even though he's used it quite a few times, there was a lifetime's worth of years in between. Red Hood, however, has used it twice in the last decade. He's angry and it's at the Joker, probably Batman too, but he's gunning for the Joker at the moment. It isn't safe for him or you right now you need to keep off of the streets.''

''Why would Rah's help Red Hood if he's so bat crap crazy?''

''The Joker burned Rah's on a deal so Rah's figures one psycho deserves another.''

''Since when do you care, though? Wouldn't it just be easier to let Red Hood get ridda us?''

''My goal is to save lives not cast troublemakers aside to be killed in what would be a painful way judging by the henches.''

''Fine, fine, I'll get out of the streets.''

''I can probably convince Batman to take you...'' In hearing Nightwing's plan, Harley promptly took a trash can lid and gave Nightwing a hard strike to the head.

''Sorry for the possible concussion, but that ain't happening. I gotta find a place fuh me an Mistah J...'' Harley booked it towards the old comedy club that they'd used as a hideout on multiple occasions. She needed to stock up on supplies and the old places was still full of them, one of those supplies being a phone.

She hastily dialed the number of the closed bar where the rogues threw cards. She breathed a sigh of relief when someone answered. It sounded like Professor Crane.

''Hello? Professah Crane? It's me, Harley.''

''Oh hello, child. How are you?''

''Not too great, teach... is Mistah J there?''

''One moment'' It seemed like a lot longer than a moment to Harley before she heard a familiar irritated sigh into the reciever.

''Dammit Harley I'll be home in an hour!''

''That's not what I was callin about, Mistah J.''

''Make it quick, Daddy's making bank tonight.''

''Do ya remember that Red Hood guy?''

''Oh that little flunkee that stole my shtick? That kid just never had the class to pull it off like I did...'' he sighed dramatically before she nearly heard the frown come to his face, ''What about him?"

''Rah's al Ghul brought him back... and he's in Gotham lookin' for you.''

''You're not calling me from the apartments are you?!'' he yelled, she could tell, with his hand cupped around the reciever.

''No I went ta the comedy club. I didn't want ta lead him to you.''

He calmed considerably, ''Good girl. Now if that little shit,'' he used all his venom for the word shit, ''gets ahold of you, you don't say a word, get it?''

''Yessuh, but what do we do?"

''We let Bats on his ass, problem solved... wait, Harley who told you about this?''

''Nightwing, y'know the Bat's first brat that moved ta Jump City?''

''Well then, all we have to do is let the Bat be his usual meddlesome self. In the meantime, find a place to stay and make sure it's away from the apartments!''


''I don't care! Just lie low til this blows over and keep the hell away from me whatever you do. He'll get what's coming to him once.''

Harley was thinking of what to say before her thoughts were interrupted by Pr. Crane, ''Are you alright, my dear? You aren't in any trouble are you?''

''I'll be okay, Professah...''

''Do you need a place to stay?''

''I don't...''

''Harley, it is because of you that I'm free... it is the least I can do.''

''You sure?''

''I insist, it will be just like University.''

''Thank you, Professah Crane.''

''I'll head out to get the house ready. It's the old house on Wilbur St.''

''Thank you, I really appreciate it.''

Harley felt a little bit better knowing she had a place to sleep and it wasn't exactly common knowledge that she and Pr. Crane were old friends or that they were friends at all.

Harley learned a lot from Pr. Crane when she was attending GTU. He took her in his home for a time, also being the one to convince her to change her majors to psychology and chemistry. There were times that she would break him out of Arkham whenever she was freeing Poison Ivy or the Joker and even a few times just for him. He was another person Harley knew hated the Joker, not doing anything because Joker had meant so much to Harley. Whenever they could they looked out for each other. Harley didn't know much about Red hood but hoped that he didn't know a lot about her.

Harley could guess the severity of the situation not only due to the picture Nightwing had shown her but also from how little the Joker actually divulged about his run in; when the Joker wins he's not one to be modest. Harley could guess that he was shaken at best and was legitimately scared of Red Hood. It was one thing to deal with Batman, he wouldn't kill, but this guy wanted Joker dead and if he was able to take Black Skull out by himself, he wasn't exactly incompetent.

'Would he kill me too? Probably if I don't tell him what he wants ta know.' Upon arriving to Pr. Crane's house, she slipped in through the second story guest room window which he normally left open for her. She was thankful that she had spare clothes at his place so she wouldn't have to go back to the old apartments to get some.

Harley thought for a moment about the Lazarus pit... would it be against Batman's morals to slip into it when he got old to keep up his crusade against crime? Harley reasoned that if he really wanted to, he could buy some form of longevity, he had the money for it after all. Her mind set on Bruce Wayne/Batman, she went to the computer in Pr. Crane's office to do a little research on him. After reading up a bit on him, all of the crime fighting stuff made sense and in all honesty, she could feel her heart going out to him. ''Would explain the intimacy issues...'' she muttered aloud to herself.

"Tell me about it.'' Harley turned to see Red Hood, or who she assumed to be Red Hood right at the doorway of the office.

She tensed standing up, ''How did you get in here?''

He held up a keyring, spinning it on his finger,''Crane's gonna be a bit late getting home. Though it's not like I couldn't just jimmy the lock on the front door.''

''What did you do ta Professah Crane?''

''Just knocked him out... if I were you though, I'd be more worried about yourself and your 'Puddin'.'' Harley cringed at the mention of the Joker.

''How did you know I'd be here?''

''I tapped the phone at that pub where the henchmen told me the Joker is seen from time to time.''

''Why not just wait in the bar?''

''Because I have Nightwing on my ass and the Joker's never alone in there. Not to mention I never know when he's going to be there. What you're going to do is help me draw him out of whatever hole he's been calling home. I don't need Batman, Nightwing, or any of the goons getting in my way; I want it just him and me. So, what apartments are you and Joker staying in?''

Harley looked around for a way to escape, only seeing a window to jump through as he was currently blocking the door. ''He's probably outta t-town by now'' she tried to subtly inch toward the window but Red hood was on her in a second, hand around her neck.

"Ah ah, Ms. Quinn, you're not about to wiggle your way out of this...'' He used his body to move her to and pin her against the desk. He looked down at her making a tremor of nervousness pass through a very anxious Harley. His voice lost the sneering and took on an encouraging and soft tone, ''If you help me, if you just point that finger in the right direction,'' he gave her hip a gentle squeeze with his other hand, an almost coaxing gesture if not for his intent. ''I can look the other way, wont touch a bleached blonde hair on your head but,'' the grip turned bruising on her hip and throat and his voiced turned into a hiss, ''if you fight me, if you deny me, I will take great pleasure fighting back and taking what I want from you and in the end the result will be the same. Either way I'm going to kill the Joker and if you get in my way, I just may off you too.''

''Batman's not gonna let ya...''

''I wonder how many of the Joker's dead victims told him the exact same thing before he beat them to death or blasted them with Joker venom?'' she could feel the hand on her hip let go but shortly afer she felt a cold knife against her cheek. ''And how would Batman even know I'm here? Nightwing doesn't want him involved, he wants to be able to wrangle me on his own, and thanks a heap for knocking his tenacious ass out, by the way.''

''He's willin' ta work with Batman.''

''You wouldn't understand and even if he did, he's passed out in an alley right now.''

''I've known B-man longer than you, he's proud but with time he fuhgives.''

''Seems to come up a lot that's why this city is rotting, too much forgiveness. Criminals are a cancer to be cut out. And you know me too... though maybe not like this, did you know that Harley? Did Joker tell you who I am?''

She shook her head before he slipped his helmet off revealing the old black mask, "Robin?"

''Yeah, the one your precious Puddin killed, or so he thought.''

"So yuh're Jason?'' That caused him to puase and tense and he pressed the knife harder, making it bite at the flesh there.

''How the fuck do you know my name?'' Harley bit her lip, not wanting to reveal that Bruce had a small memorial shrine in the mansion for him and that she'd even been at the mansion to see it in the first place. She whimpered as his hand started sincerely gripping her tight.

''Talk. There was never a funeral for me that you could go off of and you didn't know who I was when I was Robin.'' After a small pause his eyes narrowed, ''Do you know who Batman is?'' He pressed the knife just to the point of drawing blood.

She managed to weakly squeak out a, ''No.''

His eyes widened, "You do! How did you find out?!"

''I dunno who Bman really is!''

"You're not a very good liar when you're stressed, your eyes move all over the place.'' Getting a thought, he took the knife and cut of the fabric from her right shoulder and he saw exactly what he was looking for, a very faint but raised and bruised bitemark. "He fucking bit you.''

"That was Mistah J...''

''Oh please... you think you're the first one he's marked? I've seen this on Catwoman before...'' he let out an almost hysterical incredulous laugh, "I can't believe... you slept with him? You betrayed your Puddin and fucked Bruce?''

In that moment Harley felt more embarassed ashamed and dirty than she ever remembered feeling, ''Jus' let me go...''

His tone switched back to serious and he jerked her by her neck, ''Does the Joker know?''

''No I nevah told him.''

''Talk about betrayals... I figured it'd be Ivy or Roxy next but who would have guessed the Clown Prince's faithful bitch would be the one to see what's under the utility belt? Oh this is rich.'' His sadistic glee in his words was not missed and it rang in her ears. ''This may be a perfect little distraction for Bruce,'' he got out his cell phone, dialed and put it up to his ear, shit eating grin on his face, the knife now against her throat to keep her still. ''Hello, is this Bruce Wayne? No? Well hey, Alfred it's Jason, mind letting Bruce know I'm on the phone?'' The second he felt movement from Harley he pushed his hips roughly agaisnt hers, making the wood of the desk dig into her ass.

''Hiya Bruce, just thought I'd call to let you know I'm back in town. Well I had a trip to the Lazarus pit and that place has a way of sharpening your sense of revenge, which seems to be quite lacking in you. Shit... not only did the Joker kill all those innocents but what he did to Barbara? I'm especially tempted to pay him back on that...'' he ground his hips against hers as a clear emphasis on his meaning of payback. ''How is she, Bruce? You gave her one of those special little marks of yours must mean she was a fun night... does she have that Bronx accent when she screams during sex?'' Harley was positively mortified and shocked as he talked with Bruce and she could start to hear the other end of the call.

'Jason! Stop whatever plan you're hatching, you can't do this!'

''Of course I can, Bruce, the slut's right here. Is she tight? I can feel that she's got an awesome heat that radiates from her...''

'I'm warning you Jason.'

He stopped for a second giving a Harley a curious look before laughing, ''Holy shit. You actually care about her, don't you? Whelp then, let's see who can get to her first, you or her precious clown.''

'She doesn't deserve this!'

''Of course she does and so do you Bruce. You let this happen when you didn't let me kill the Joker when I had the chance. He will always cause suffering as long as he lives and since he can't seem to make you directly suffer even after Barbara I'm going to let you wonder how long it will take me to get bored and then get rid of Harley before I do the same thing to her Puddin'. You all deserve to be as fucked up as I am, especially you...''

At his emotional display, Harley took advantage of the distraction and managed to yank the knife from him and stab him in the upper arm. After shoving him back, she dove for the window, not letting the shards of glass phase her. She wouldn't be able to match him by strength and he was trained by Batman to fight, so she had to get to somewhere where she could have a home advantage when he caught up to her.

Luckily, Harley managed to get enough of a lead to hop onto Red Hood's motorcycle which still had the keys in the ignition. Harley tsked incredulously ''Really, in this neighborhood?'' before mounting and shooting down the street on the crotchrocket. She wondered how long it'd take her to get to the hideout, or more importantly, how long it'd take him to get to the hideout, he'd undoubtedly check there for her.

There were hundreds of lethal weapons in the hideout, hundreds of traps, but it wasn't like Harley could Home Alone it; he wasn't stupid nor would he underestimate her. She shook her head, ''You're the only person ta survive Mistah J for so long even after he tried ta kill ya, you can take this chump...'' she tried reassuring herself but inside she was tremoring.

As she rolled up to the old comedy club building, she lead the bike in and searched for the old laptop, it was an emergency line of communication but this most certainly qualified as an emergency. After arming boobytrap after boobytrap, which she knew would only buy her precious seconds maybe even minutes once he got there, she set up the laptop and attempted the call.

''C'mon Mistah J... I got ya that smartphone for a reason...'' she bit her lip as the ringing kept on; she needed his help. A chill ran up and down her spine when the thought crossed her mind, 'What if he doesn't answer at all and if he does, what if he doesn't come? Would anyone? Ivy was too far away and who knew that anything even happened to Crane... would Batman even know where to look?'

Finally, for what seemed like hours, the Joker's irritated face came on the screen, ''What is it, Harley?!"

''Mistah J, the Red Hood guy...''

''Won't find you if you lay low, you twit!"

''But Mistah J, he's afta me right now!''

''And you went to the old hideout? Are you stupid, girl?''

''I dunno what ta do, Mistah J.''

''It's quite simple, you get the hell out of there!'' he growled

Before she could say another word she was pinned down with her arm behind her back and her wrists were quickly cuffed together. Red Hood grabbed the back of her head and forced it down onto the floor.

''Well, Clown, I was going to send you a letter but I think this'll do much better...'' yanking her head back up with his other hand he squeezed her cheeks toward eachother roughly before acidly baby talking to the clown, ''Isn't she cute? I always thought so...'' He looked pointedly at the webcam through the helmet before slipping out the knife Harley had stabbed him with.

''How's about I do to you and Harley here what you did to Barbara and Jim Gordon? How about I force you to watch while I screw Harley here into a wheelchair? I may even use my,'' using the knife, he sat her up on her knees and cut down the center of her dress exposing her pale flesh and black lingerie, '' knife here to make a new fuck hole. Would you like that you freak?'' He said the last part almost whispering it menacingly to Harley.

Using the knife again, he cut off her lingerie so that all she wore now was a shocked expression and her birthday suit. ''That may even top what you did, don't you think?'' He ran the knife over her skin, the cold metal reminding her sharply of the acute danger she was in should she try to run again.

''Think about it, Babs was paralyzed and raped but she didn't have her lover watching did she?''

To say the look on the Clown Prince's face was livid would be a horrible understatement and it looked as though he was looking to shut off the call but Red Hood shouted a warning, ''Cut the call and I will make that new hole I was telling you about and I will use it.''

''So... ya think you can best me do ya, kid... I'm going to make sure the Lazarus Pit doesn't have enough of you to bring back,'' Harley couldn't tell if he was about to burst with fury or glee at a challenge.

He scoffed,'' Huh, that's the only thing you've ever said that I actually found funny...''

He started roughly grabbing and pawing at Harley's body hands bruising and nails cutting, his legs on top of hers to pin them down and apart to keep her from using them to keep him off. He whispered in a way that would be sensual if she were anywhere near a consensual partner instead of his shell shocked victim, ''How did you like it? I know Catwoman would always wail like a banshee every time they got together... did you scream out for Batman too?''

She wasn't sure what was the worst of the situation, that he was about to violate her, that he'd basically just told the Joker about her and Batman, or that he could at any moment kill her. All she could do was shut her eyes tight and brace herself while she tried to think of something, anything to take her anywhere other than where she was.

Harley knew she was just supposed to be bait, but what if the Joker just decided to say the hell with it? If the Joker didn't come, the situation was at best raped then paralysis for life and at worst, tortured and raped over and over before finally dying, not much of a difference. She didn't know exactly what had happened between the Gordons and the Joker nor did she know why Jason would care but it left her in no better standing.

Chancing a look at the screen, he'd left the call. There was still a connection and there was environmental sounds, but the Clown Prince's face was no longer on the screen. Feeling hope leave her Jason leaned in to rub some more insult to his injury, ''Looks like your boyfriend doesn't mind leaving you behind.''

***************RAPE SCENE START**************

She heard him unzip his pants and her heart dropped, her body cringing. She felt him hard against her bare backside and she knew this was really about to happen. ''Y'know I'm surprised that it'd be you... after all the women Bruce has had, Catwoman, Wonder Woman, Talia... we'll see what he liked about you. This is probably the only thing he could like.'' He pushed in and she screamed out, body tensing in protest.

Joker had been rough with her, even intending to hurt her sometimes, but it wasn't like this. Every time she'd start to struggle, she'd feel the bite of his knife as it cut her. He made sure to cut in nonvital areas so she'd bleed but not come close to passing out, he wanted Harley to be concious for all of the suffering he had to give.

''You wanna know why I'm doing this to you?'' He growled driving into her yanking her face closer to his covered one by her hair, ''Go ahead bitch, fucking ask me!''

Without warning he switched holes roughly stabbing his erection into her making her screech out through gritted teeth in pain, ''Why?!"

''Because you allow him to live. He's killed and raped,'' he took no mercy on her, putting his weight down on her, one hand wrapped bruisingly around her throat, sandwiching her between him and the floor both equally unforgiving. ''You think what I'm doing is bad, he's done it too and you let him. Those who see evil and don't stop it deserve death just as much as those who act. Bruce deserves to suffer, and you and especially the Joker. Do you think he'll come or will he just leave you behind? Why would he waste time on a useless set of holes like you? The only reason anyone would have you around is for fucking. Just,'' he thrust in slapping his hips agianst her every time to emphasize his every word, ''Another. Tight. Hole." He squeezed her throat a little harder and went at a faster pace, ''Did you really think you could ever be anything else?''

Harley held back as best she could, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of completely falling apart, of letting him hear her pain or see her tears. All she could do was keep clenching her eyes shut and bite her lip so hard it bled. Her whole body was on fire with pain and what little endorphines the cuts would have released was nowhere near enough to even register through the pain of what may have very well been him tearing her. She knew she was bleeding, she could feel it dripping down her thighs and all she could hope for with his hand around her throat was for her to pass out; she wanted to be anywhere else even if it was at the devil's cloven feet.

Joker had left her behind to suffer under this sadist's treatment and why should she have expected differently? Why would he love her, why would he or Batman even care? Despite her feelings of despair she still didn't let herself sniffle or sob, the least she could do in her virtually powerless position was spite him, even if in this miniscule way.

''How do you think I should leave your body for him to find? Should I just prop you up with your legs spread like the whore you are so he can see my jizz leaking from and around your holes?''

He pushed her face into the floor, dangerously close to breaking her nose. Harley heard a loud clang before his member ripped out of her, her torn hole being treated a fresh shock of pain.

********RAPE SCENE END********

She looked over her to see the Joker with a crowbar in hand and Jason now on the floor beside her, gripping his dented helmet in pain. Joker turned his very serious gaze to her and she cringed in fear. He tossed his long overcoat over her, which she silently accepted and gladly used to cover herself.

His gaze, less serious but the intent no less malicious, turned to Jason, ''Y'know, kid, I don't know why you keep trying to be me, it'll just leave you falling short.'' He swung a cannister of Joker toxin. "First, you try to steal my old mob persona,'' he gave Jason another hard swing of the cannister against his head, knocking Jason away from Harley and keeping him disoriented. ''Then you try to take my crowbar schtick with my old crew which will be hard to replace, with no personality or spirit,'' he started beating and breaking each of Jason's knees with the crowbar now, reveling in the howls of rage and pain from the younger man, '' and then you're stupid enough to come into my house and try to use what is mine?'' He let out a howl of a laugh as he pried the helmet of of Jason's head with the crowbar. ''Not turning out too well for you is it, kiddo?'' he tsked.

Joker grabbed the collar of his shirt and started systematically bashing his face with the helmet putting more dents in it and him. ''You couldn't cut it as a bat brat so you thought you could play my game? No style? No originality? I had 10 times the bravado you do when I was Red Hood. What makes you think you could even touch my level much less stand on it?'' He let out another roar of laughter, standing up from him.

Jason managed to sputter between blood and broken teeth, ''You know what really gets a laugh outta me?'' He nearly choked on his own blood.

Joker smugly tilted his head and smirked, ''What's that, I always love hearing a good joke.''

''If you find a raised up bitemark on your bi...'' he had to pause to spit out some of his blood on Joker causing another swing from the helmet, ''bitch's shoulder, would you ever guess it was from Batman himself?'' Jason laughed even with the broken bones and blood, '' Yeah the big bad bat boned 'your' woman and she ha ha let him, so much for being your heh heh loyal...'' Joker grabbed his cannister of Joker toxin and force fed the tube down Jason's throat turning the gas on.

He leaned in, his nose almost touching Jason's as he spat ''You're not going to die in a special way, you're going to die in the exact same way that any other poor shmuck that gets in my way does: with a big grin on your miserable face.'' He watched Jason choke and gag on the Joker toxin and he let out a spine chilling cackle before looking at the helmet with a wistful sigh, ''Y'know I really did wear this with a lot more style than you... kids today, no sense of style...'' Joker watched with interest as he struggled before the light left Jason's wide eyes. His body became increasingly whiter and the grin wrapped around the hose letting in the toxin took up nearly half of his whole face. Joker grinned almost as wide as Jason's corpse admiring how he looked now the struggle was over, ''Well, kid, it's been a gas but in the end I guess ya just choked, heh heh,'' he howled with laughter exalting in anothe of his 'works of art' and cleared his throat before pivoting on his heel.

''Harley...'' he stopped what he was saying when he noticed that only his overcoat remained in the spot where Harley was. Seeing a movement right out of the corner of his eye, he only saw the hem of a black cape. ''Could it actually be?'' He felt his fists shake and his grin drop as the possibilities ran through his mind.