Reviews for I Hate Everything About You
Marqueef chapter 8 . 8/7/2018
Wait, so when is the next chapter?
adkisson123 chapter 1 . 7/21/2018
man this got me wrapped up thinking of all the possible ways it could go and I really wish you would come back and update this story
We need more chapter 7 . 1/8/2017
Yes, please, please, please update. But don't make her choose the Joker. She deserves so much better and your Batman is awesome!
CrewSoulReaper chapter 8 . 12/31/2016
Please update this! I just binged it and it was a very fun read that felt in character. I also liked how the lazarus pit was used to explain why jason was so much more fucked up than usual. Also, it might only be me but for some reason the idea that the joker actually does care for harley in his own demented way appeals to me. Like idk i know he treats her horribly but since hes got so many problems im intrigued by the idea that in his messed up little world he truly does care about her. Causw that would lead to the joker confronting batman over harley and her having to choose between them. Althou im definitely in the minority if i say that id be interested if she chose joker over batman, or even neither. Batsy really has been not especially appealing in this fic. He likes her so he kidnaps her and manipulates her by using his alternate identity. Even though hes the good guy, i dont see him in that good of a light yknow?
Nooo chapter 8 . 9/16/2016
Jason! He can't die. He the peanut butter to my jelly, sun to my sky!
AntiSocialBookWorm chapter 8 . 5/16/2016
It's been two years, when are you gonna update?! You can't just leave off with this many cliffhangers and then not update for two years! What does the Joker do now that he know Harley slept with Batman? Does Harley leave him for good (please God)? What is Bruce gonna do when he finds out Jason raped Harley? And is Jason gonna keep going after Harley? Are Bruce and harley gonna get together? How do the other Robins take it?
You know, I usually hate stories where Jason Todd is made out to be this awful villain, when in actuality he's more of an anti hero. He does what he thinks needs to be done to stop crime, which includes killing criminals and he lashes out in anger, but he's not a rapist. I can't see him ever doing something like this, it just seems to cross the line from vigilante to criminal. So, I like how you made it clear here that Jason's been in the Lazarus Pit twice and is basically out of his mind. It shows this isn't something he would normally do.
anirix27 chapter 8 . 2/11/2016
Update please I NEED to know what happens next does Harley leave joker for good? Does joker kill her and then resume his murderous game? Or does she end up with good old bats?
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 8 . 1/17/2016
The Phantom of Skyrim chapter 8 . 12/27/2015
Well, this was an interesting story to say the least. Batman and Harley was always one of those crack pairings I liked reading, and you kept them reasonably in character.
Unfortunately, Jason Todd was butchered personality-wise. While he will not hesitate to kill, Todd is not a rapist. My logic is that if he does that, he'd be no better than the scum he kills, and thus he'd probably kill himself for the sake of his own code.
But other than the sour note of the rape, the story was all around pretty good. So kudos to you.
Guest chapter 8 . 12/25/2015
Can you please finish this story its an amazing story
Creedio chapter 8 . 9/7/2015
Please, continue! It's awesome.
Smiling Lemon chapter 8 . 8/31/2015
Oh jokers jealous and I hate it when the main girl gets raped. But it's still fun to read either way. So yeah hope to see more!
Smiling Lemon chapter 8 . 8/28/2015
Please update this is a lot of Damn fun!
Guest chapter 8 . 8/3/2015
I know it's been like a year since you posted, but I for one would love to know what happens next. Totally drawn in to this story! Please continue
stefaniSofelia chapter 8 . 7/29/2015
Pls continue or make a sequel or something:(
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