Okay, I'm having major writer's block and I can't think of a new chapter, so this is the same chapter in Percy's POV.

Disclaimer: I don't own PJO, Rick Riordan does!

"C'mon, hurry!" I said, drumming my fingers on the counter while staring at the clock, Annabeth was coming over today and I was more excited than I'd like to admit.

"You seem rather eager." My mom said, looking smug.

"No, I just wa--, never mind." I trailed off. The truth is, I really am excited, but my mom probably shouldn't know that.

"Well alrighty, I'm going to head down to the airport to pick up Annabeth, you want to come?" My mom said getting up from the couch.

I knew I'd look too happy when I saw Annabeth in the car, I'd better just see when she gets here.

"Uh, no thanks I'll wait here." I thought aloud.

"Hmm… okay," My mom said and walked over to the door. "See you soon."

"Yeah, I'll do it." I replied, oblivious to what she asked me, I was busy trying hard not to be nervous.

Once the door was shut I got changed, I suddenly wanted to look better and I wondered why.

"Now what?" I murmured, I couldn't think of anything to do.

And then I heard the unmistakable sound of my car's engine drive down our street.

"Uh…" I ran in circles trying to think of something to do, if I waited outside for her I'd look too eager, if I just sat in my room I'd look like I didn't care if she was here or not.

"Oh forget it!" I thought aloud, I'm going to wait outside my apartment door, after all I am eager.

I stepped outside the door and tried to remember how to breathe. Why was I so nervous?

And then I saw her—golden hair and all—staring at me in disbelief; I'm sure I was doing the same thing, was I really getting so much taller than Annabeth?

"Hey," I said doing everything I could to not sound so happy.

"Hi!" She said it looked like she was holding her breath or something.

I cocked my head inside and said "Uh, c'mon in?" It was more of a statement than a question but my brain still wasn't functioning.

"Okay," Annabeth said, looking more shy than shocked now.

I walked past the kitchen and my bedroom to the guest room.

"Uh, here's your room, you can unpack and stuff." I opened the door for her.

"Sure, um, can I get some water?" Annabeth was really acting quiet.

And then I had an idea to maybe break the thick layer of ice. "Yeah," I said mischievously, "be right back."

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed an empty water glass and moved back to the guest room.

Annabeth stared at me for a second so I said "wait for it." And then I felt a pull in my gut and the cup filled with water.

"Show off." Annabeth said rolling her eyes.

"You know you liked it." I said smugly.

She pushed past me into her room and murmured something I didn't hear.

"Hey Percy, can you come here?" It was my mom in the living room.

"Yeah?" I asked as I walked over there.

"I think you should ask Annabeth out to dinner." Her suggestion caught me by surprise.

"YOU MEAN LIKE A DATE?!" I said really too loud, I hoped Annabeth didn't hear.

"Well if you want it to be a date, or it could be two kids just eating dinner."

"Thanks for the suggestion, but no way!" I didn't want anything to get weird for me and Annabeth and they might if I asked her out.

"Fine, I'll ask her for you." My mom said, looking just peachy about her idea.

"What? No, that'd just be creepy!" What the Hades was my mom thinking?!

"Yeah it's a good idea!" She retorted a little less calmly.

"No, it's really not, it'd be too weird." Why couldn't she just drop the subject?

"Why don't you just simply ask her to dinner? I really wouldn't be that weird it's just Annabeth." My mom said again, it's like she was trying to make things hard on me.

"C'mon Percy, you know you like Annabeth."

I didn't say no to that, I mean I'd be lying if I said no but I didn't want things to be strange with us.

"Fine, if you'll leave me alone I'll ask her!" I finally gave in, wanting this to be the last of the subject.

"Oh, hi," Annabeth said walking in, she looked rather happy.

Oh gods! Did she hear any of that?!

"Uh, hey," I said skeptically, did she hear that?

My mom glared at me, "fine!" I muttered, "Annabeth, uh, do you want to go get dinner?" I said quickly.

"What?" She said cocking her head at me.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw my mom stifle a giggle.

"Okay, where?" I replied happily, I am pretty sure Percy just asked me out.

"There's an Italian place down the block?" I said questioningly.

"Sure, sounds good, I'd better go change then." I sighed with relief when she walked down the hall.

"See was that so bad?" My mom seemed so thrilled.

"Goodbye!" I grumbled and walked away.

Annabeth walked into the kitchen where I was standing and I suddenly wished that I'd changed too.

"Ready to go?" she asked me with a smile.

"Uh, yeah just a sec," I thought that I should probably get on better clothes too.

Then the doorbell rang, "Uh, can you get that?" I asked looking at her.

"Okay, sure." She walked to the door.

"Thanks." Was all I said as I excused myself to my room.

While I was in there I looked around frantically for an appropriate outfit. That shirt's supposed to be in the wash. Annabeth sees me that all the time! You get the idea.

I finally found a clean shirt that looked nice enough and moved to the kitchen.

"Who was that?" I asked I couldn't hear who was at the door.

Annabeth suddenly looked nervous, "Uh, someone trying to sell flood insurance, I told him this apartment would never get flooded." She said, almost looking guilty.

I laughed a little. "Yeah that's true, now I'm ready." I said, well at least as long as the gods were ruling.

"Alright then, let's go." Annabeth said opening the door.


Dinner was great except for the fact that she wouldn't let me pay, and I probably looked like a fool when we went out for ice cream later.

When we got home Annabeth said she was tired and I agreed that I was too so we both went to our rooms.

I wasn't really tired I just wanted to get away from my mom so she wouldn't make me tell her every microscopic detail of the night.

I stayed up really late, I felt like I had too much on my mind to get any sleep, but eventually I drifted to sleep.

In my dream I was staring at someone who looked a lot like Annabeth; but that would be weird, why would I be dreaming of Annabeth? And then suddenly I felt a draft.

I sat bolt right up in bed, reaching under my pillow for Riptide. "Huh, what," I said searching the room. "Oh, it's just you." I was relieved when I saw Annabeth, not some monster.

"What?" Why wouldn't Annabeth make eye contact with me? "Oh gods!" I wasn't wearing a t-shirt to bed.

"Uh, your mom said to get ready; I'll be in the kitchen." She said turning towards the door.

"No, that's okay, see all done." I said once I'd pulled on the closest shirt.

"Nice," she laughed

"Huh?" I said looking down again; my shirt was inside out and backwards. "Oh whatever, my clothes look better like this.

"Well your mom said to pack, see ya in a few." Annabeth said and left my room.

I flopped down on my bed and sighed, I new I was the exact color of a rose.

Okay well like I said, major writers block, so PLEASE-- I can't stress that enough—PLEASE give me ideas for a new chapter! Sorry Chloe, I couldn't think of a new chapter yet because you didn't help me! Read and Review!
