He ran across the wet grass, slipping and sliding as he went, rain pounding in his face. He could hear the men behind him, hear them running through the gate, following him. Alex's feet skidded as he tried to keep his balance on the wet sports ground. His heart was racing as he ran, beating so fast he thought it might burst through his chest. If he could only get to the other side of the field and reach the gate on the other side, then he might have a chance.

He burst out of the cover of the trees, streaking across the centre of the field, heading for the gate. He guessed that they'd have men positioned there but the least he could do was try.

Behind him, Alex heard one of the men yell something to another, but he couldn't hear what. They were still behind him though, and gaining fast, but if he could only get through the gate, Alex reckoned that he could ditch the men and get away. He looked up and saw the gate through the gloom, maybe twenty metres away, miraculously open.

Ten metres to go. His breath was coming in gasps, the rain blurring his vision, his heart thumping, fit to burst. The men were behind him, closing in, shadowing him. They were catching up. He pushed forward with all his might, feet thumping heavily on the muddy ground. He was going to make it!

Five metres. Four. Three. Two. Another man appeared, standing between the fence and the road on the other side. Alex crashed into him, forcing him to stumble backwards, off the pavement.

'Grab him!' one of the men behind him yelled.

Alex pulled away from the first man's grip and finished him with a hard kick in the stomach. The guy groaned, holding his waist, lying in the gutter. Alex didn't have time to feel sorry for him. He'd already whirled around to face the next man, punching him viscously in the nose. The guy reeled backwards but hit out at Alex, catching him in the ribs. Alex gritted his teeth and smashed his fist into the man's face, once, twice, three times. It didn't look good, but it was an instinctive move and now the guy was lying in the gutter with his friend..

The third man, the one with the gun had stayed back, watching the kid fight.

He was good. They had said he was good, and the third man hadn't doubted them. They also had said that he wasn't to be hurt. The third man reluctantly put the gun back to his belt. It was a shame. He hadn't used his gun nearly enough recently.

He stood, one hand on the fence, watching the boy tackle the first man, who'd just about regained his balance.

The third man stepped out from behind the fence. The street was still dark. It was still raining. The kid had his man in a chokehold. He allowed a faint smile to curl up his top lip. Very good.


Alex looked up from his hold around the man and saw the figure appearing through the gate.

'Rider. Let go of him.'

Alex stared at the third man. He seemed more dangerous that the first two. He held himself gracefully, balleticly even, and there was the small matter of the gun at his hip.

'Rider.' His voice was low, dangerous. 'Let him go.'

Alex released the man, who sat up slowly, massaging his neck. Alex's heart was thumping. His mouth was dry and with the adrenalin of the fight over, his hands were shaking slightly.

'Good,' said the third man silkily. 'Now we can talk. If you'll just come with me…'

Alex found his voice. 'Go with you? I don't think so…'

He broke off. The two other men had got up and were standing next to him. Suddenly, they seemed rather tall and very threatening. It was one thing fighting them separately by surprise, but now Alex was outnumbered and had lost his only advantage. His mind whirled but there was nothing he could do. They were going to kidnap him, and outside of his school, of all places.

'Come on, Alex,' the third man insisted. Alex didn't move.

'I'll scream,' he said.

'What?' asked the third man.

'If you make me go with you, I'll scream. They'll hear me at the school. They won't let you take me.'

The third man shook his head with a patronising look on his face that Alex didn't like the look of.

'Alex, Alex, Alex,' he said softly. 'Don't be so stupid. My men here could take you out in less than three seconds.

Alex gave the third man a look of disgust and opened his mouth to point out that he highly doubted it, as he'd already knocked both of them to the ground already, when he remembered the gun at the Third Man's hip and shut his mouth quite hurriedly.

The Third Man smiled, and for some reason it sent a shiver running down Alex's spine.

'Good,' he said. 'Now, Mr Rider, we really have to be going.'

Alex stared at him. 'I'm not going anywhere.'

The Third Man nodded at the two men. 'Wrong, Alex.'

They grabbed his arms. Alex tried to pull away, tried to struggle, but couldn't get free from their grip. They began dragging him down the road, towards a waiting black car. Alex tried not to panic but it didn't work.

Who were these people? Did they have Jack? How did they know who he was?

They'd reached the car by now, and the Third Man had opened the back door and yelled some orders to the driver. The man who was holding his right shoulder had relaxed his grip, and as Alex stepped off the curb, he ducked down and pulled away, slipping out of their grasps like an eel.

He was off sprinting down the road like a madman, almost crashing into a parking metre and splashing through a big puddle. He was soaked, bruised and his rib was hurting, but the main thing was that he was alive.

'After him!' yelled the Third Man and watched as the men ran off down the road, stumbling after the kid. He kicked out at the fence in anger, but only succeeding in knocking off the rain water that had collected on it and soaking himself.

It was ridiculous really, that he'd been given those two morons to help him get the boy. He'd told them that the men were no use, that they'd scare the kid off soon as he saw them but no. They'd told him that he was lucky to have back up.

Backup. He'd have been better off without the idiots. The Third Man gave an exasperated sigh, and opened the passenger door of the black car. It was no good. The men would never catch Rider now. He'd have to think of another way. There was always that guardian of his…. Jack…..

He got into the car and nodded at the driver. His bad mood had evaporated somewhat with the thought of revenge, and he pulled out a phone from his pocket and started texting furiously. The sleeve of his black shirt had rolled up slightly in the excitement of it all, and although he pulled it down quickly, a small scorpion tattoo could still be seen, just above his left wrist.