Anemone: RRRAAWG!!
Dokuro: Anemone, shut up. Right, I'm SORRY!! I'm sorry I took so long for the update, but I, to be honest, totally forgot about updating this story and focused on writing it. And now I've almost finished the next chapter too!!
Gaara: Why do you hate me?
Anemone: *Gasp* I would NEVER hate you!
Dokuro: For Christ sake!! On with the story!
Itachi: Disclaimer-Naruto is owned by Kishimo-
Sasuke: Anyone else got a problem?!
It was 5 in the morning when Neji called
"What?!" Sasuke shouted angrily
"It's Naruto…"
"He's at my house, he's drunk and passed out…" Sasuke winced, putting his head in his hands, "it looks like he got drugged at some club…" His eyes widened, "I saw him there, completely out of it and brought him-"
"Are you at your house?"
"Are you at your house?!"
"Yes. Yes, why?"
"What drug?"
"I think it might have been a date rape drug, possibly gamma hydroxybutyric acid or ketamine hydrochloride …some guy was making out with him but he was totally zoned out, he was in the red silk room (a room in the club that was for sex). I stopped him just before he fucked Naruto, the poor blonde was already naked. I cant tell if he was raped or not…if so he must have-well, I don't see anything…" Sasuke's fists clenched in anger. It was his fault. The Uchiha jumped in the car, speeding down the motor way.
"I'll be there in a second."
"Sasuke, you live North West side of Tokyo, I live South East there's-" Car tires screeched outside and the raven was already stalking round the house to find Naruto.
"In the living room." Neji sighed. Great. Sasuke on a good day was pissed. Now he was REALLY pissed. Sasuke walked in and saw Naruto lying on the sofa, unconscious.
"Naruto…wake up…its time to go home…wake up Naruto…" He pulled the blonde onto his lap and tapped his cheek lightly.
"Sasuke, I think your missing the point."
"What point?!" He snapped angrily.
"You are getting clouded by Lust. Don't. Ignore it. You want the 3million don't you?"
"Then don't care for your opponent." Sasuke looked down at the peaceful blonde. For some reason he looked so vulnerable.
"Right…Don't care for your opponent." He let Naruto's head fall back onto the sofa. Silent tears seeped out of the corner of the tanned boy's eyes.
Neji smirked at the raven in the kitchen
"I see where you're going…gosh you're smooth."
"Well…what's your plan?" Oh fuck…make up something quick just to shut him up.
"Oh, right." Sasuke was always good at thinking on his feet, "by getting Naruto to trust me…and love me, then kick it right out under his feet and get the full satisfaction of the money, and see my enemy fall as hard as possible." He winced inside. How could he say that…
"That's my boy!"
Tenten gazed at her friend sadly. As soon as she had heard what happened, she rushed him to hospital, surprised that Sasuke hadn't already. Normally the original Uchiha was protective over Naruto, fussed if there was only a little thing that had gone wrong.
But now, when his husbands been drugged and possibly raped, he does nothing but speaks about it as though it was trivial. Like it didn't matter to him.
Something had changed and she didn't like it. She was sitting by the kitsune's bed when he woke. He coughed for about 5mins before taking a sip of water. He lay back down and curled into a tight ball. Tears began to stream down his cheeks and she could hear him quietly crying.
"Naruto…It's okay…you're okay now." She whispered.
"No…No it isn't…" he choked out a sob, "…wh-where's Sasuk-ke?" He hiccuped, looking at the empty chair beside him.
"Oh…he…had to go on a meeting…" She glanced away for a second.
"…Liar…" He whispered then shut his eyes. His hand drifted to his left hand, touching the wedding ring that Gaara had given him. He still hadn't taken it off after he replaced the crappy one Sasuke had given him.
"I'm sorry…"
"It's okay…" He spoke softly, "I just want this over with…I only…want to be at peace." He drifted to sleep.
It had been a week since Naruto was discharged. He was back at the Uchiha flat and currently sitting at the dinning room table, cutting vegetables. He hadn't spoken, smiled or even looked at the other Uchiha. He felt disgusted that his "husband" would do that…cheat on him like that, then not even visit, once, to see him when he had spent a week in hospital…
He didn't sleep in the bed or the sofa, but piled up duvets in the bath. He left before Sasuke woke up and got back after the raven had fallen asleep. Finally it was their forth councillors meeting.
Naruto arrived a little late, chest heaving, cheeks flushed. He smiled slightly and sat down as far from Sasuke as possible. Tsunade took note of this and continued.
"How are you two doing?"
"Fine." Sasuke's quick reply.
"No…we're not fine…I…I don't want to do this any more…" He sighed, tears threatening to spill over his cheeks. The big breasted woman frowned, jotting down a few more things.
"Why is that, bra-I meant, Naruto-kun?"
"Because…I always…always try and be someone else's idea of perfect… I did it with Gaara…I extorted myself so I could fit his exact mould and I still didn't feel good enough…"
"You cant let go, can you?" Sasuke snapped rudely.
"What do you mean by that, commitment phoebe?"
"You cant even take the ring off. Its painful how obvious that you still love him, how do you think I feel? Married to a man who's in love with another?"
"At least I don't go fucking everyone else behind my back…and I don't love Gaara any more…" He whispered the last bit, pathetically.
"Yes you do. You cant even get rid of the ring!"
"Well I'm sorry that the one you brought me was from a vending machine in Las Vegas!" He ripped the large blue diamond one off and threw it at Sasuke's face. It hit his chest and fell weakly on his lap. The diamond seemed to loose its colour. "And you know what, Uchiha. Since you seem to love fucking around so much, why don't you propose to one of the sluts you shag!?" He shouted, throwing the dice golden ring, that he had ripped off a chain that he had on his neck, at the stunned Sasuke.
The raven looked down feebly. They were both wet. He looked up again and saw tears streaming down the blonde's face.
"Has…Sasuke cheated on you…?"
"Yes. But I don't care. He can do whatever the fuck he wants." He sat back down on another sofa and brought his legs to his chest.
"I didn't cheat on you Naruto. I wouldn't cheat on you."
"Oh, so you were just randomly making out with a prostitute then?"
"I…I thought you were with someone…inside our room…because I heard you giggling…and I was…" He muttered the last bit.
"You were what, Sasuke?" She asked curiously.
"Jealous. I was jealous." He snapped before crossing his arms in a huff.
"Jealous? You're ridiculous. I would never cheat on someone, loved or not" He hissed, "but you know what, I don't care who you sleep with. Just…don't talk to me until the hearing." He stood up and grabbed his coat, running out of the room.
Sasuke watched him go and slouched back onto the sofa, covering his face with his hands.
"You…screwed up again Sasuke…"
"I know…"
"I…I cant help it. it's not fair…that…I meet someone who I like…I lose my virginity too and I feel closer to any person I ever have and…all I do is fuck it up…"
"Sasuke…it's okay…what made you go to a…strip club anyway?"
"M-my 'friend'…Neji…he wanted to go…"
"Hmm…this Neji fella…seems strange. Well anyway, don't worry about it. Go back and see how he's doing, hai? And don't screw it up again." She rolled her eyes and threw the Uchiha out (not literally).
He walked back home in the rain. Sasuke unlocked the door and walked in but frowned when he saw no beautiful blond lying on the bed. He looked around.
"Naruto?" He called out, "Naruto? you home?" The raven glanced around until his ears pricked, a soft sob reached his ears. He ran to the bathroom and saw the small blond curled in a ball, crying his precious heart out. "Naruto!" He walked to the kitsune's side and hugged him tightly, "Naruto, what's wrong?"
"G-g-go…go aw-away…" He whimpered.
"Naruto…I'm so sorry…" The pale boy buried his nose in the golden locks, "I never cheated on you…"
"I wouldn't…you're the only person I have ever been attracted to…and…Neji said something…and…he…I'm sorry…" He crouched down and pulled the shivering blond against his chest, "please don't cry…"
"So-sorry…" He wiped away the tears and glanced up with glazed eyes.
"Don't apologies…" Sasuke's cool, minty breath whispered against Naruto's lips.
"Because you didn't do anything wrong…" Their faces were drawing closer.
"I did…" He pushed his face into the black locks of hair.
"You…said…I still love Gaara…" He mumbled against his ear, as though it was urgent. Sasuke could smell the alcohol on his lips. "Why…why weren't you there when I was drugged?" He whimpered, "I was scared…and you weren't there…" Sasuke felt his shoulder wet with tears. He tightened his hug. "All I wanted was you there to hug me…I was so alone…"
"I'm so sorry…"
"The doctor said I might have been raped and I didn't have you there to tell me it was okay…why…why weren't you there, Sasuke? "
"I…Neji…he…told me I shouldn't…"
"Shouldn't what?"
"Care for you…"
"Dobe…" By now Sasuke was lying on top of the blonde, Naruto's back pressed to the cold hard bathroom floor. The raven gazed down at his husband. He leant down so their faces were millimetres apart.
"What are we doing?"
"Falling." His pressed his cold, thin lips to the warm plump ones. They immediately wrapped their arms around each other, lips meshing together. Naruto arched against the muscular chest as Sasuke kneaded his ass. The raven smirked at the mewl that he got from the panting blond.
He began to kiss down the tanned neck, gently nipping it, when Naruto's hands shot to his shirt buttons, undoing them while the seme unzipped their trousers, grinding their hips together. They were desperate to feel each other again, to brush one bit of your body against another persons…to wake up in the one you love's embrace...
The raven stuck three digits in the blonds hot mouth, biting back a groan as he sucked and licked them, covering them with saliva, before he ripped his hand away, pressing his fingers into Naruto, watching as he moaned and twisted at the feeling of being stretched.
Pearls of precum slid down the Uchiha's engorged penis,
"God…Sasuke…" He whispered, pressing up against his husband. The raven kissed him, ripping off his clothes and positioning his throbbing member at the tight ass.
"Hai." Sasuke thrust forward. Naruto arched off the floor, screaming in both pain and pleasure. He had forgotten how massive Sasuke was. He was so pissed the last time he couldn't remember.
They continued their sloppy love making until they came, fireworks exploding inside them, eyes washing out all with white. "Ho-how…the… fuck…ar-are you so good…?" The blonde rolled over, lying on top of the other Uchiha.
"Because…I don't know…you're the first person…by the way."
"First person what?"
"You…you took my virginity…"
"…" Naruto looked up at him. Their eyes suddenly widened. They pushed away from each other and gasped.
"What did we just do!?"
"Ha-had sex…"
"Let's…just not talk about this…"
"Th-that was good though…"
"Since we've already...One...One more time wouldn't hurt, right…?"
"Nooo…" Sasuke pounced on the squealing blonde, who giggled and laughed as his husband ravaged him. It turns out that more then one time wouldn't hurt either. And it also turns out it did a bit of good.
In the morning, both boys were beaming. Naruto had cooked them both breakfast and since it was Saturday they both had the day off. The raven had noted that the blonde was particularly happy today, even if he did have a slight limp.
"So what are we doing today?"
"Well…you're going to be living here for a while, so lets unpack these boxes."
"Okay…I have a lot though…so bare with me." Naruto smiled softly. He was wearing a fluffy dressing gown that was too big for him so it hung off his shoulder to reveal smooth tanned skin. Sasuke smiled back and leant over the table, giving him a quick kiss before standing up and taking the plates away.
They spent half the day unpacking countless boxes of clothes, pictures and random objects. While the raven was skimming through photo's he saw something that was in a golden frame. It was a picture of a Light house. It was beautiful. He could see Naruto at the bottom of it, standing next to the massive red and white tower, holding his hat on because of the wind whipping around him.
"That's such a beautiful place…Up in the isle of Fox." His sweet voice was right next to the pale ear, making him jump. Though of course, the great Uchiha would never admit that.
"You look so cute there." Sasuke pointed to the small him.
"Shut up. It's a lovely little Light house…We should go there some time."
"Yeah…That sounds nice."
"Anyway, let's get packing." Suddenly the Uchiha noticed something. He grabbed the slim tanned wrist of his left hand and pulled it closer, for inspection. Naruto tumbled onto his lap and gave a half hearted glare, "Teme!"
"You're…wearing the ring…The one I gave you…"
"Yeah…" The kitsune looked down, blushing. Sasuke smiled and kissed his cheek before moving lower to his lips, melding them against the plump ones of his koi. Naruto moaned, tangling his finger's in the black hair and pulling him closer.
The raven crawled over the table and pushed the blonde back, straddling his hips and grinding against him.
"Oh. Dear. God." They both broke away quickly, gasping loudly. Sasuke shot up and Naruto jumped, quickly pulling the other Uchiha's hand out of his boxers and tried to look innocent. There, in the door way, stood Neji. "What the hell were you two doing?!" He shrieked in dismay.
"U-um…" Naruto looked down, cheeks flushed.
"Nothing that concerns you, Neji." Sasuke growled, remembering what Tsunade had said. Every time something went wrong, Neji was the cause.
"Nothing that concerns- listen Sasuke, I am trying to get your head straight. All this little slut is trying to do- He just wants the money! And that's all you want, remember what you told me?!"
"Wh…what?" Naruto frowned. Uh-oh…everything was heading down hill, all the smiles, kisses, hug's, the love…
Sasuke's POV
"Tell him what you told me!"
"Shut up Neji."
"Go on, repeat it."
"Just shut the fuck up Neji! I love-"
"He said 'by getting Naruto to trust me…and love me, then kick it right out under his feet and get the full satisfaction of the money, and see my enemy fall as hard as possible.' So, still want to fuck him, Naruto?" The azure eyes gazed at me with something worse then hate. Utter disappointment.
"Naruto, no, I said that to shut him-"
"…I don't care, Sasuke." I felt my heart stab. I had just got everything perfect…Just got them in a place where we might not have had to get a divorce at all…We might have been able to stay together forever… "I just…I don't care." He stood up and walked out, leaving me heart broken. I rounded on my 'friend'.
"How. Fucking. Dare. You." I bit out harshly.
"Hey, I was only doing you a favour."
"You BASTARD!" I screamed, slamming my fist into his cheek. He stumbled back and braced himself against the counter.
"What the fuck, man?!"
"Stay out of my life Neji." I snarled and turned, sprinting out of the house, after the love my life.
Anemone: Okay, so, now that Itachi's in hospital, what did everyone think?
Dokuro: Hmm...
Itachi: Has that law suit gone through on Sasuke?
Anemone: I'm afraid, since Naruto's hokage, he cancled it.
Dokuro: I'm sorry, just rest.
Itachi:...But...but...Whose gunna do the strip tease?!?!
Anemone: Well...(plays dirty music)
Dokuro: NO!!! (Destroys player)
Shikamaru: Okay, so...I guess I'm forced to, being the most sexiest person...(sigh)...troublesome.
Kiba: Uh-uh!! I got the beastality side down!
Shikamaru: You're a moron.
Kiba: SHUT UP!
Anemone: SO we've decided. You people have a choice of Kiba, (disabled) Itachi, Shikamaru, Neji and Shino.