Unfortunately, no, this is not an update but a note to explain where my stories stand and what I'm planning to do with them. I'll cut right to the chase:

I'm done writing about the Gakuen Alice fandom and I have been for a very long time.

I don't enjoy writing about Natsume and Mikan anymore, and as all of my GA fanfictions are centered around these two, it's very hard to continue them. I know I've made promises in the past about continuing and finishing The Beat of Love and A Bittersweet Pleasure, but I can't. I tried—I really did—but the love I once had for these fanfictions is gone. This means that, as of now, The Beat of Love and A Bittersweet Pleasure are officially discontinued. I sincerely apologize to those who are still very interested in either of the stories and who have been waiting for an update for God knows how long. If I could continue writing them, I would but I just can't. I hope you all understand my decision.

That being said, I've also got some good news.

I've been in a rut these past couple of months and been struggling to write. To get out of it, I decided to rewrite an old story that I still know most of the plot from. That story is The Beat of Love.

Even though I despise what I've done with the fanfic, I still very much enjoy the plot and its setting. This new version is quite close to its original fanfic counterpart, but now it has original characters, better storytelling, and better plot. It is the story I always wanted to write but never could due lack of experience.

For those who're interested and want to see the ending this fanfic will never have, you can find The Beat of Love on Wattpad. You can search the title or you can search for my username, Addiction_, to find it on my profile. I hope you'll enjoy this version as much as I do.

I am planning on doing the same thing with A Bittersweet Pleasure. I will post an author's note containing information as soon as it is posted on Wattpad.

If you have any questions, you can reach me through my Wattpad account or you can message me through here.

Much love,
