You're A Wizard: 9: Harry and the Mouse

Disclaimer: All I own are the plot bunnies, and ownership there is actually shared with my co-writers. Other copyrights are, of course, owned by their copyright holders, for details, see the A/N at the end. I make no claims to them.

Author's Note: My co-writer, sandyrah, sassyfrass, or sassyfrass_kerr, depending on the site, and I decided that we wanted to write a bunch of one-shots about how Harry COULD have been introduced to the Wizarding World, by other characters besides Hagrid. The only stipulation was that each one shot had to include the line: You're a wizard, Harry!

This chapter was submitted by a guest author, Galadriadhar, who happens to be the son of DukeBrymin. Go read Galadriadhar's stories, they're pretty good. DukeBrymin betaed this for him.


Harry and the Mouse


"Come along, Harry," Petunia called. "We don't want to miss Mickey!"

The six-year-old kid was staring at a window display with Stitch, Beast, and Maximus battling Ursula, Hades, and Maleficent. It was an epic scene, but at his aunt's call, Harry abandoned the chaotic display and hurried after her. As he ran to catch up, Harry's eyes roamed over the landscape. Disneyland was a child's fantasy. The bright colors, cheerful music, and happy workers built an atmosphere of wonder. Harry basked in the beauty of it all.

Harry and Petunia arrived at a small pavilion. They joined a line that snaked out of the shelter, and quickly found the reason for the crowd: Mickey Mouse. The mouse was wearing a scarlet robe with gold trim. On his head was a blue pointed hat with silver stars.

After a while, Harry and Petunia were finally able to meet Mickey. Harry felt a bit nervous, but walked up to the mouse anyway.

"Are... are you a real wizard?" Harry whispered.

Mickey smiled. "Of course I am, Harry." Harry's jaw dropped.

"You are... You knew my name!"

Mickey laughed lightly at Harry's astonishment. "That's what wizards do, Harry. Watch this." Mickey put his hands together, rubbed them, then pulled them apart. In his right hand was a wand. Harry's eyes widened. Mickey waved the wand over Harry's shirt, and a pin appeared on it. The pin showed Mickey shooting a spell at Chernabog.

"If your eyes get any wider, they're going to fall out," Petunia remarked. "Did you want Mickey's autograph?" Harry nodded silently. He pulled off his backpack and rummaged in it, emerging with a blue book and a permanent marker.

Mickey took the book and marker, turned to a blank page, and began writing. A cast member approached Mickey and muttered in his ear. The mouse waved the cast member away, swished the marker across the paper, closed the book and handed the book and marker back to Harry. "See you later, Mickey!" Harry managed to say. Mickey nodded and followed the cast member off.

Anxious to see what Mickey's signature looked like, Harry rifled through the pages until he came to the one Mickey had signed. He carefully read what Mickey had written.

Dear Harry,

It was a pleasure meeting you. I'll see you later!

Mickey Mouse

PS: You're a wizard, Harry.

Harry quickly looked up at the leaving figure of Mickey. The mouse, seemingly feeling Harry's stare, glanced over his shoulder and winked.

The boy looked down at his pin. Mickey's face seemed to smile back at him. He tried repeating Mickey's hand motions. As he pulled his hands apart, a wand materialized in his right hand.

Harry wore a grin for the rest of the day.


A/N: Disneyland, of course, belongs to the multinational congolmerate Disney Inc. Or Disney, Ltd. Or whatever their official name is.