Wow I feel weird for writing this. But can't you see Kaibaman being a arrogant prick and attempting something like this? Why Kaibaman? It's Kaiba with cool armor, long hair and only 800 attack points! Violet Hecate (the tv show version that I used) is a level seven 2500 attack point monster. From guess where? Yup, Yugioh Season Zero Episode 15. Now dosn't this just set itself up for hilarity? Mind you, written and betaed at 2 in the morning. I'm very sorry for that but I won't have the guts to post it when I'm all in my right mind.

Kaibaman swaggered over to the best bar in the Shadow Realm, actually it was the only bar in the Shadow Realm but let's not split hairs here, now being Kaibaman and having some of the arrogance he was fairly confident he could get any gal in the room. Which isn't really saying a lot when you think about it, but anyway at the time he had his eyes on one woman in particular, or Bandai Duel Monster as the case would be.

The Violet Hecate was stewing in her corner as per usual, drinking her girly drink as per usual. It was only her first one so as per usual she still had all her wits about her. And a big gold stick, was the big gold staff mentioned? Well she had one, it was about her height and had a strange gold swirl at the top.

She was a regular patron of the place, partly because there isn't a lot to do there and drinking helps pass the time, but mostly she never appeared after season zero and was mad about it.

Now Kaibaman fancied her for whatever reason. Possibly because she wasn't taken, and didn't look about either twelve or seventy. He had standards despite what everyone else thought! He's a good person...Duel Monster.... Shadow...thingy... really!

He slid over to the stool next to her with a suave grin,

"Are you a five star monster or high? Cause I'd sacrifice myself for you."

There was a pregnant pause as the Violet Hecate stared at him with a 'you've got to be kidding me' expression.

"Talk to the hand, " she sighed as she did the appropriate gesture.

"That clearly failed," he muttered as he moved over to the rest of his friends.

"It was a noble attempt,"Celtic Guardian sloshed through his mead.

"He's kidding that was pathetic dude,"

"Shut up Harpie's Brother," Kaibaman growled.

Two Hecate Drinks Later

"Do you have a Stop Defense up your sleeve cause I'm defenseless against you.."



Two more Hecate Drinks later.

"Have you been censored by 4kids because I can't see your..." He saw his mistake as soon as the fatal words had been said.


Moments later he limped over to his friends table with a pained expression ingrained in his face.

"Dude she's a level seven monster! Are you okay?"Harpies's brother stared at him with slight admiration.

"I'll go scotch and a ice pack," Celtic Guardian offered.

"Dude you better do that, he doesn't look so good."

One Slowly Sipped Hecate Drink Later.

Kaibaman sat next to her in one last ditch effort and smiled.

"Er..." He then remembered he had run out of pickup lines."Wanna go on date?"

She looked at him, now Violet Hecate at one, two or even three drinks is fairly sharp, even at four she's got some idea of what she's doing, at five she's fuzzy, but at 6? Well you get the picture.

"Wow you're really cute," She giggled out.

"Really?" He said incredulously. Violet Hecate nodded before slumping over and passing out on him. From across the room Harpie Boy and Celtic Guardian gaped.