I walked toward the bathroom and slipped on the black was a little small, but it has been almost a year I think. Either way, I could NOT wear it.
"Um Lydia?" I yelled to her, zipping up the back of the dress.
"Ya Hon!" She opened the bathroom door and peeked inside. Ever heard of knocking?
"This dress, well I cant wear it."
"Why?" Her innocent blue eyes stared at me.
"Its...to small." it was a little.
"It looks fine to me! Here, let me help you with the zipper." I gave in and turned around. Right as she was zipping it up, I got the feeling in my stomach that started making its way up and eventualy... well, lets just say im glad i got to the toilet in time for it to come out.
"Ohmigosh! Rose, are you okay?!" Lydia gasped. No. No I was not.
"Yeah, i'm fne. Hey, can you pick out a different dress for me? Pretty please?"
Lydia groaned and stomped out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Then I panicked.
First of all, I couldn't go to the dance if i was sick. I honestly hope that didnt happen again because that would NOT be good.
Second, I hadn't had me period in 2 months.
Now how did I just reliaze that?
"Rose I found the perfect dress for you!" Came Lydia's voice from outside the door.
Ha ha i just realized. Sadly, this is the cliffiest part so far!!! But im going to keep writing cause im bored.
Well, Mine as well get in the dress so I can leave faster! I needed to talk to Lissa straight away.
Lydia opened the door and threw in a dress from my earlier years. You know how you have phases? One of mine was the dress-like-a-slut phase, which was the first year after we left the academy. this dress was strapless, silky red colored, that went down to a little over mid-thigh and clung tightly to my body. Hm, I must have like gained weight while I was gone, lost it, then gained it again or something because that dress fit.
I walked out of the bathroom and flipped open my cellphone, ready to call lissa.
"Rose, you look amazing!" Gasped Lydia. I shushed her and sat on my bed.
Ring! Ring! "Rose whats wrong?!" Yeah, I never actually called Lissa, considering I always knew where she was.
"Lissa get over here right now! I think I might be pregnant!"
Yeah Yeah all cliché and stuff whatever J Whenever I get to the dance theres gonna be action, so probably not next chapter but the one after that. I feel so bad I'll try and type fast! Umm I'll be gone the week after next week though so yeahh
Sorry if its crap 1. I wrote this from the top of my head. 2. I'm tired :( 3. I haven't written in 4ever! 4. I keep getting distracte- OMG A KITTY! KIT- DOGGY!