They say most of your brain shuts down in cryosleep. All but the primitive side...the animal side. No wonder I'm still awake. Transporting me with civilian Sounded like -plus. Heard an Arab voice, some hoodoo holy on his way to New Mecca. But what route? What route? Smelled a woman. Sweat, boots, tool belt, leather, Prospector type. Free settlers. And they only take the back roads. And here's my real problem: Mr. Johns, blue-eyed devil. Planning on taking me back to slam....only this time he picked a ghost lane. A long time between stops. A long time for something to go wrong.
"I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves and this is how it goes" I sang while skipping down the streets in full costume.
"There all missing out" I said walking up to the next house bag swinging; I rang the doorbell bouncing on my hills.
"Trick or treat" I said when the door opened a women stood holding a bowl of candy while she scrutinized my appearance.
"Aren't you a little old to be trick or treatin?" she asked
"I am but my inner child just begs to be let out on Halloween" I said smiling she nodded putting candy in by bag, looking at my eyes she noticed my contacts she gasped. Smirking I pulled down my goggles to cover the milky silver contacts.
"Thankies" I hopped off the porch and walked down back towards my house my knife tapping against my leg, and my throwing knives clanging in my small backpack. I giggled the look on her face was great I thought. I walked into my house to see my sister talking with her boyfriend.
"I can't believe you wore that" she said looking at my clothing. I looked down at my clothing my yellow biohazard shirt stared back at me I looked at my black jacket it had an angel wing patch on the left arm my green shorts with my fifteen inch knife strapped to my right leg two army belts hanging off my hips, my shirt was pulled up slightly to reveal a fake x tattoo, my goggles were pulled around my neck.
"I didn't know you were going out as a hooker for Halloween" I said pointing at her short jean skirt. Her face turned red I laughed running up the stairs and locking myself in my room. Setting down my bag I emptied my backpack onto the bed. I grabbed some flash lights and shoved them into my bag pulling out some clip on lights and threw them in with a bottle of water and night pants.
*Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me You don't know how you took it You just know what you got* I ran over to my phone grabbing it I flipped it open.
"Serial killer hotline you name um we maim um" I said I heard laughter on the other end
"Well her name is Kim" she began.
"Ok that's enough im still coming over I'll be over in a moment" I said hanging up. I slowly opened the door peeking out my backpack strapped to me.
"Coast is clear it seems the pink beast is gone" I said creeping out I tip-toed down the stairs peeking around every corner.
"Got you!" someone said I turned to see my sister, I squeaked she swung at me I ducked rolling around her in a summersault and swung open the door dived out. I ran down the street and ran over to the side of my friends house and started climbing the bricks that stuck out climbing onto the roof, I came up to the window and saw her facing away from me I slid through the window and came up behind her pouncing on her she squealed.
"Don't move" I said threatening her.
"Oh no please don't kill me im so young" she said between giggles I laughed letting her go she smiled I sat on her bed.
"Nice get up" she said motioning to the clothing.
"Thanks sweet cheeks" I said boredly. We sat in silence for a moment.
"Got the good stuff Megs" I said she smirked evilly.
"Oh yeah" getting up she pulled out a pitch black squealed she laughed putting it in.
"let me finish your henna" she said grabbing her brush and henna paint I nodded pulling off my jacket then rolling up the back of my shirt to reveal henna angel wings I laid down and she started to paint, she was quickly done with her 'art'.
"Wow that was quick" I said.
"That's what they all say give it a couple minutes and it will be dry" she said putting away her utensils I smiled pressing play on the DVD buttons. I smiled as the movie started, my smile quickly dropped as my phone rang.
*Oh my god you guys, I totally had more that 300 calories That was so not sexy, no Good one, can I borrow that?* my phone rang signaling my sister.
"Yes" I said
"Get home now" she said into the phone.
"Why?" I asked annoyed.
"Mom called and said you have to come home and dads ticked" she said I could tell she had a snooty look on her face.
"Sure" I hung up the phone. Grabbing the DVD case I hugged it.
"I'll see you soon Riddick" I said sadly.
"Dad" she said I nodded.
"I turned eighteen last month and im still treated like a kid" I said putting on my jacket and grabbing my backpack, slipping out the window.
"Maybe if you didn't still go out on Halloween or sleep with a stuffed animal" she said leaning out the window.
"ha ha ha" I said smiling sarcastically, I hopped off landing on the ground I waved to Megan and started my trek home I was two blocks away I heard something behind me I turned my head quickly I swung around, to see glowing eyes then darkness. I woke up surrounded by bright lights.
"Oww!! My eyes my head oh" I said groaning I slowly opened my eyes to see blinding white and a girl wait a girl I thought she was tall with black hair her eyes were violet and she wore a flowing black dress.
"Who are you?" I asked completely confused.
"Im kiso" she said her voice echoing off the walls.
"What am I doing her kiso?" I asked again she smiled
"Take a guess" she said I rolled my eyes.
"Im here to eat pickles till I die" I said nonchalantly.
"Obviously not you're here to enter a new world" she said quietly.
"My second guess after the one millionth" I said sarcastically.
"You will be sent into pitch black, you must watch over jack and Riddick they must live and show Riddick a new meaning" she said in an ordering tone I nodded.
"What new meaning?" I asked confused.
"It will reveal itself in time" she said I rolled my eyes in annoyance.
"You will have certain abilities and your eyes shall be changed you will have these certain abilities only in this world not in your own world, understood?" she asked raising an eyebrow. I nodded.
"Yeppers" I said happily she nodded, snapping her fingers I fell and fell and fell.
"Ahhhhhhhh!!" I screamed just before hitting the ground.
"Ow my eyes it burns us my back my eyes ow goggles" I said pulling up my goggles I covered my eyes opening them I saw purple I sat up groaning. I flopped back down in realization of pain.
"Why from the sky I hate heights" I babbled on rolling onto my stomach coming face to face with a skeleton, freezing up I stood slowly.
"Ok bone yard I can deal" I said I heard a click behind me.
"Hands up" someone said I sighed in annoyance, raising my hands I slowly turned around to see johns, I tilted my head to the side in a animal like matter he slowly loosened his grip on the gun.
"Who are you?" he asked.
"K...Angel" I said remembering my henna wings.
"Were you from the crash?" he asked by now three other people were over by us, I looked at them the kid was trying to get closer.
"No not this one I crashed a day ago saw you guys come down thought I'd investigate" I said switching my weight.
"Why are you here?" A white balding guy asked I rolled my head in his direction.
"im here to eat gumdrops" I said smiling, the kid laughed I smirked.
"Alright" he said putting down his gun.
"Just so you know I don't trust you" he said I shrugged
"I don't trust you either buddy" I said dropping my hands. He walked away the kid ran over to me.
"What's your name?" he asked.
"Angel you?" I asked smiling and holding out my head.
"Jack" he said I smiled as he shook my hand; I noticed they were out of earshot.
"Nice to meet you Audrey" I said making her gasp.
"It's alright secrets safe with me" I said letting go of her hand.
"Shall we" I said skipping away she ran after me. We made it to the ship in a matter of moments. I sat down in the shade slipping my goggles down I rubbed my eyes then pulled them back on, jack sat down next to me I looked over smiling.
"Want to play eye-spy?" I asked holding my hands together like Mr. Burns.
"What's that?" she asked curious.
"Well you have to guess what I spy like I spy something black" I said.
"Ummm shadow" I shook my head "your belt" she said happily I nodded yes.
"Okay your turn" I said she started looking around.
"Jack get over here" I saw johns yell.
"dang" jack said.
"It's alright see you later and maybe we can terrorize him later" I said smirking evilly" I laughed an evil laugh as she ran off I stopped when shazzah came into view. She sat down next to me I saw her arm its had a nasty gash.
"I could clean that for you" I said taking a sip from my water bottle.
"No thanks" she said I looked at her.
"Really you'll want that cleaned" I stood walking into the ship, the first thing I thought was holy munchkin pie and cheesiness I saw Riddick sitting there chained up.
"sudoroso encadenado mis sueños se han hecho realidad" .( sweaty chained my dreams have come true) I said titling my head Riddick raised an eyebrow I stood straight and continued walking.
"ángel malo no cortar bien el alcohol en marcha" ( no bad angel alcohol cut alright back on track) I said pulling out a bottle of vodka from a box I walked by again staring longer then I should have he chuckled I scurried out tearing a piece of cloth I opened the vodka and poured it on the strip.
"it's going to sting but it will help" I said wiping the cut I poured some down her arm making her cringe I cleaned it wrapping a bandage around it she smiled at me, getting up she left I walked back in looking at Riddick .
"Hey angel!" I turned running out the door to see jack.
"Come on" she grabbed my hand and dragged me into the ship through a different entrance I fallowed quietly.
"They're going to talk to him" she whispered I smiled my fav part. Fry walks in me and jack sit patiently as she talked to him the thing that drew my attention was her asking to see his eyes. I saw her walking closer I leaned in interested and excited. He lunged forward as soon as she was in range his eyes opening I gasped, tearing off my goggles and leaning further in jack hopped down.
"Where in the mur-her can I get eyes like that?" she asked Riddick turned his attention to her.
"Got to kill a few people" he said smirking.
"Ok I can do it" she said excited, I slid down slowly im actually stealth im never stealth so cool I thought getting over the coolness quickly.
"Then you got to get sent to a slam where they say you'll never see day-light again" Riddick said.
"Dig up a doctor pay him twenty menthol cools to do a surgical shine job on your eyeballs" he said his eyes never left fry.
"So you can see who's sneaking up on you in the dark" she said smiling I slid behind her.
"Exactly" he said back.
"Leave" fry said angry I put my hand on jacks shoulder making her jump.
"Go on I'll be out in a sec" I said leaning in she saw my eyes smiling she nodded running out.
"Cute kid" he said smiling I snorted fry looked at me with a warning glare I raised my hands in defense keeping my eyes in the shadows.
"Did I kill some people yeah… did I kill zeke no... You got the wrong killer" he said sitting my smile dropped I couldn't see his eyes.
"We looked he's not in the hole" she said frustrated.
"Look deeper" he said I smiled as she left, I grabbed the alcohol and some cloth slowly walking towards him his head shot up his eyes opening. I opened my eyes slowly he stared at me I poured the alcohol on it I brought it up to his face.
"well hi" I said waving his left eyebrow lifted he didn't move so I started to clean his wounds and hummed while cleaning the wounds his eyes never left me I finished his face was cleaned I tossed the bandages, I stood leaving just to run into johns, he walked up to Riddick and they started to negotiate I didn't pay attention. Till Riddick walked by me I looked up to see him johns fallowed I watched them walk out I stood frozen for a moment before I ran out my arms flailing.
"You'll pull the sled" he said to Riddick who turned to it and began to strap the ropes then johns turned to me.
"You help" he said I scrunched my nose.
"Why?" I asked.
"I could have killed you back there for all we now you're an escaped convict" he said I stood.
"Yes oh great one" I said bowing as I walked over to Riddick I looked at the sled.
"If this is over seventy pounds im going to kill him" I said grabbing a tassel Riddick looked at me oddly.
"What?" I asked "something on my face?" I asked wiping my face. He grabbed the other one and we were off.
"Were off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of oz were off" I sang quietly I knew he could hear me, jack ran back.
"Angel need anything?" she asked, I shook my head.
"Jack get back here!" fry yelled she grumbled and ran back I laughed shaking my head.
"Seems we got a fan" I said to Riddick he grunted, I shook my head, we walked in silence for what seemed like hours the Paris guy dropped his vodka it rolled down toward us reaching us Riddick picked it up before baldy.
"Paris p. oglivia antiques dealer antrapanuer" he said holding out his hand while we were stopped I pulled off my jacket and throwing it on the sled with my backpack taking out my water I took a long drink I walked over with the bottle johns had taken my weapons so Riddick couldn't get them.
"Richard escaped convict murder" he said shaking his hand then downing the drink walking over I laughed.
"Angel" I said shaking Paris's hand, Riddick tossed the bottle I held out the water to him he took it and took a long drink I took it back taking a sip and tossing it on the sled, I rolled my shoulders Paris walked away I giggled.
"Riddick nice name" I said pulling up on the rope.
"Guessing they told you all about" he said as we continued walking.
"Didn't need to, im angel eighteen I fell from the sky bruised up my back got blinded I hate the color pink, and like my men tall and smart, my favorite weapon is my throwing knives, I hate the dark, and I really want to kill johns right know" I said almost slipping, Riddick laughed.
"Like you already" he said I smiled.
angel: hope you liked it please rate and comment and whoever does gets a cookie a really big cookie.