I was feeling better from my latest illness. After a week of high fevers, chest pains and fading I and out of consciousness, I was glad to just be in a moderately weak state. Thank God Neville took care of me. He was by my side the entire time, reminding me of everything. My memory was pretty bad, seeing how once I didn't know he was my husband. Being sick for so long, I had no idea what day it was.
"Neville hun, what day is it today." I asked in a scratchy voice.
"It's Friday" he said. I got I sharp pain in my head, realizing the date. Biff Atlas was coming here today! I started to breath heavily, shaking uncontrollably, as though I was having a heart attack.
"Neville, Neville, honey Neville," I couldn't stop speaking.
"What is it? Lydia dear calm down!" Neville took me into his arms, holding tight until I stopped moving. "Lydia, just tell me what's wrong."
"Biff is coming today, I'm in no condition to see him or show him around. Can you or some of the girls just take him, show where his room is, make him feel welcome," I said in an airy voice, trying to grasp my breath with every word I said.
"Alright, Lydia, I'll go get Melody and Petunia. I'll let them take Biff around the mansion." His kissed me softly, and left to fetch the girls. Unfortunately, it was a big mistake leaving me alone. Two minutes after Neville left, Vincent Van Gore came to my door. He stood there, glanced at me, and my heart pounded with fear. He came to my side.
"Are you felling well?" He asked, as though everything was fine.
"You just stay away from me." I said angrily. "You're the reason I'm sick."
"Sick with what, my dear?"
"Don't call me your dear! I'm sick with fear because of you!" I shouted, gasping for air as pain settled in my chest.
"What is it you fear most? Your true feelings for me?" he asked sleazily.
"No, I fear how you will have your way with me. I would never betray Neville, so that only leaves you with one option ." I said sternly. Vincent gave me an angry look.
"You think I'm that low that I would physically force you to love me! " He gave me an evil glare. He face softened quickly, and looked at me with such sensitive eyes.
"Miss Lydia. You and I both know we had something. We were almost together. Do you remember? You felt the same desires as I. Remember how you begged me to hold you closer, harder, tighter…" As he kept whispering such things in my ear, I used what strength I had left to repress all thoughts and flashbacks. My efforts failed me. Lust was sparking in my heart. I did unfortunately remember, every detail of our passionate moment.
"Lydia" He whispered, "I would never do anything by force, I am a patient man. One day, you will have strong, uncontrollable feelings for me, and we will be together in a night of pure love and ecstasy. Until then, my dear." My eyes fluttered, heat rose in my face as he walked out the room. I felt light headed, slowly losing consciousness. The last thing I saw was Neville rushing into the room, screaming my name. Without a word, I blacked out.
Biff was due at the house around three o'clock. Neville managed to assemble a small team to look after him for the afternoon. Of these people were Melody, Petunia, Sir Weston, and Nana.
"Alright, we don't know what this Biff guy is like. Just welcome the bastard with open arms." Nana said stiffly. She glanced over to Petunia. "Girl, I said open arms!" Petunia slowly uncrossed her arms.
"This Biff guy is probably a string bean. Ten bucks says he gets killed by Henry and Orville within the week." Petunia snickered at her own little joke.
"He being Lydia's sister's son makes him sound a little whippy. Twenty bucks says Henry and Orville make him cry." Nana proclaimed.
"Now ladies, we promised Lydia we wouldn't criticize her nephew until we got to know him." Melody reminded them of their manners. Soon after her statement, the doorbell rang.
"That must be him." Sir Weston headed toward the door, and opened it. There stood a frail young woman, with a pale face.
"This is Lydia's house, right……." said Monica, a bit nervous.
"Indeed it is, come on in." Sir Weston gestured Monica in. She looked back.
"Come in Biff, don't be shy." she spoke with a happy tone. Instantly, he appeared. Biff was not a string bean nor a whimp. Biff had a perfect six pack, tight muscles, and a rounded ass. Melody and Petunia started at Biff, eyes wide, mouths agape.
"Hello there," he said in his masculine voice. The two girls took in heavy breathes.
"……So, Biff. I'm Sir Weston, and this is your grandmother, Nana."
"Hello Nana, my your looking lovely today." Biff kindly complimented.
"O my, what a gentlemen." Nana blushed.
"And this fine young lady is miss Melody."
"Hello there,"
"Your gorgeous" she said out lout in an airy tone. All but Biff snickered. She turned a bright red as she hid her face behind her hands.
"Excuse Melody, she sometimes says her thoughts out loud." Petunia said in a snotty tone. "Please, let me show you around the mansion." she grabbed Biff, close, and dragged him down the hall.
"I don't think you'll be seeing him for a while." stated Sir Weston.
"So Biff, you must obviously workout a lot." Petunia tried to start a conversation, Melody trailing behind.
"Yes, I do. I've gotten into the habit of working out much more often over the past few months. You see, I found that punching a bag, or lifting weights works up a sweat, and really calms me down. It's the way I work off my rage."
"Oh, that's soooo interesting." Petunia said in a flirty tone. "How old are you by the way?" randomly changing the subject
"Eighteen" Biff said confused. When she realized that he was much to young for her, and stared at Melody.
"Well then….." she quickly let go off his arms. "This is your room." The three stepped inside a small room. He glanced around at the maroon walls with the fluffy bed and small bathroom.
"I can deal with this," he said. "If you ladies don't mind, I want to say goodbye to my mother and settle in."
"Um, I don't know if this helps, but there is a gym two hallways down from here." Melody quickly added.
"That actually helps a lot. Thank you." with a smile on his face, he left the room and headed down the hall.
"Honey, I've got to teach you how to talk to a man."
"I'm sorry, he's just so handsome….." she gave a large sigh.
"Don't worry honey, I'll teach you everything I know, but not now." The two rushed down the hall to the lobby, where they found Biff hug his mom as the two exchanged a sorrowful farewell.
"Be good, I'll call every week." Monica said with tears in her eyes.
"I'll be good mom , I promise." She kissed her son on the cheek, and slowly walked out the front door.
"If you ever need anything, our door is always open." Sir Weston shouted after her. She glanced back.
"Thank you." She slowly turned around, and finally left.