Wow it's been way too long and I appologize. This is likely the last chapter of the story, unless I get a decent idea for an epilogue.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hannah Montana. I begged and pleaded for it, but Disney said no.

Warning: Chapter contains cheesy Moliver. Proceed with caution :p

Miley's POV

I can't believe I just did that! I just slept walked all the way to Oliver's house, confessed my feelings for him, and to top it all off, I kissed him. There's no way that he doesn't hate me now; ok maybe he doesn't hate me, but things are going so awkward between us now. I can't believe I just ruined our friendship.

I continue to run home and when I reach my house, I see Lilly sitting on the porch with a huge grin on her face. Of course, Lilly promised to keep me awake and she conveniently forgot. She's almost as evil as my cousin Luanne.

"Hey Miley, I'm guessing by how fast you were running that you finally told Ollie the truth", she says, quite smugly might I add.

"Yeah, not only did I sleepwalk to his house and spilled my guts out to him, I kissed him!" I exclaim.

"Yay!" she exclaims while bouncing up and down and clapping.

"Lilly!" I exclaim back, probably sounding as whiny as I ever have.

"What? All you have to do now is talk to donut boy and then you have a new boyfriend for real", she says.

"Yeah right, like he likes me: Miley, his best friend the dork", I say.

"It's official, you are officially more clueless than Oliver!" she exclaims. "If you talk to him, he'll tell you that he loves you back, you two seal the deal with a kiss, and you live happily ever after".

Almost right after Lilly was finished, my cell phone rang with Oliver's special set ring tone. He sent me a text.

"We need to talk", it simply said.

"Is it Oliver?" asks Lilly. I just nod in response. She then leans over and reads it.

"I need to get to sleep", I respond. Pretty lame I know, but I couldn't think of anything else. I can just sense Lilly glaring at me.

"B4 school then?" he responds.

He's not going to let me off the hook is he? No he's going to be as stubborn as Lilly.

"My place or urs?" I ask.

"Our spot on the beach", he answers.

Our spot? Since when did Oliver and I have a spot on the beach? Every time we go, we are on a different spot.

"What spot?" I ask.

"Where u told me u were Hannah", he answers.

Oh that spot. Why would he want to talk to me there? Unless…no it can't be. Can it?

"So you should probably get to bed now", says Lilly interrupting my thought. "You probably don't want to look dead tired for Ollie."

"Yeah I guess you're right. If you don't see me at school tomorrow, you'll know why", I say.

"Yeah because you'll be too busy making out with Oliver to get to school", she says as she walks home.

"You and Hannah Montana will never be together!" I yell at Oliver.

"Why not?" he asks.

"Because…" I say as I take off my wig and sunglasses. "I'm Hannah Montana"

Let's face it Oliver, the girl you thought you loved is standing right, and the truth is…you don't love her", I say.

"You're right…" he says.


Sweet niblets, I really need to get an alarm clock with a radio or something. That dream I just had brings back memories. If only I saw the light back then and told Oliver how I felt or at the very least let him date Hannah, I wouldn't be in this mess. If things go badly this morning, this will be the second time he tells me he doesn't love me on that spot.

I spend extra time in the shower this morning and then I spend extra time on my hair and makeup. I have to do everything I can to make this work. I'm too nervous to eat breakfast so I just brush my teeth, say good morning to Daddy, grab my stuff, and head out the door.

On the way to the beach, thoughts keep popping into my head, some good and some bad. I try to ignore them both because I don't want the good thoughts to raise my hopes up too much, but I don't want the bad thoughts to convince me to turn around and run home. As painful as this talk may be, it's something Oliver and I have to do.

When I get to our spot, Oliver is already there waiting for me, sitting on one of the rocks. As I get closer I see that he is holding index cards. I hope they aren't full of lines designed to let Miley off easy.

"Hey Oliver", I say, almost inaudibly. However despite that, his head shot up like lightning.

"Hey Miles, I was worried you wouldn't come", he says.

Wow he looks extra cute today. His brown eyes especially look great today. Focus Miley! Focus!

"Listen Oliver, about last night…" I start.

"Wait. Here read this", he says handing me his stack of index cards. Ok so they weren't lines to let me off easy.

"You did what?" I read. Ok what did that have to do with anything?

"Opps, sorry. I must have messed up the order", he says sheepishly as he takes the cards from me and rearranges them.

"Here, now try it", he says as he hands them back to me.

"Because I'm Hannah Montana, me, Miley" I say in a very unsure voice. Ok that makes about as much sense as the previous one.

As my mind tried to comprehend everything, Oliver out of nowhere falls to the ground and looks like he's unconscious. What is this boy doing?

After a few moments, he gets back up.

"So you were Hannah in the limo when I was upside down?" he asks.

"Huh?" I ask.

"Read the next card", he then says.

"Yeah", I read.

"And backstage when I was hanging out of the window?" he asks.

"Yup", I read.

"And when I hid in your base drum and rode on your tour bus all the way to Phoenix?" he asks.

"You did what?" I read.

"Nothing", he says.

What is going…oh…is he re-enacting the time I told him that I was Hannah.

"How come you didn't tell me?" he asks.

I flip to the next card. Wow it's amazing, he remembers everything that was said that day and yet he can't remember a single homework assignment.

"I'm sorry, it's just that… I knew you were so in love with Hannah that I was afraid that maybe…you might", I read.

"Be in love with you", he finishes, just like in our previous conversation. "Do you think I am?"

I flip to the next card, although I really don't need to. That conversation has been replaying in my head a lot lately.

"You tell me. Have you ever pictured yourself with your friend Miley the dork?" I ask.

"You're not a dork".

"Oh come on what about the time…" I start.

"Actually I don't want to be reminded about the whole incident with the frog juice and parking lot, so just skip to the last card", he says.

I flip to the last card.

"Come on Oliver lets face it. The girl you thought you were in love with is standing right here and the truth is…" I read.

"I love her", he finishes.

"You…you…you…love me?" I ask, not sure whether I actually heard it correctly. At that point I had dropped the index cards and I was just gaping at him.

"Of course I do Miles. You're smart, beautiful, funny, an amazing singer, and just great to be around", he says.

Wow Lilly was right the whole time. Oliver does love me and I guess I really am oblivious. My head is spinning right now, but in a good way. Much better than the way it was spinning the past couple days.

"So was what you said last night true?" he asks, interrupting my thoughts.

"I'm not sure exactly what I said since I was sleepwalking, but I'm sure that every word was true. I do love you Oliver. I can't believe it took me so long to figure it out", I say.

Wow I just feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Oliver finally knows how I feel and I know that he feels the same way.

"So are we official now?" he asks.

I just responded by kissing him. Cliché? Probably, but I didn't care one bit. The kiss was absolutely perfect. It was soft, yet full of passion. When I pulled away, I could feel myself grinning from ear to ear. Oliver had the same look.

"Lilly alert", says Oliver.

I turn around and I see Lilly walking towards us with a dress in her hand. My dress, or at least formally my dress. It was hers now, fair and square because she won the bet. Of course she knew she won. She pretty much knew that she was going to win the day we made the bet. Normally I would be upset that she just went in by herself and took it, but right now, I could care less. She could take a pair of shoes to go with the dress for all I care at the moment (but don't tell her I said that).

Again sorry for the long wait for this chapter. I've had a couple personal things go on and for a while I couldn't write anything that wasn't depressing (both in subject matter and quality) and that really isn't good for that this type of story. However, I think my creativity is finally returning so hopefully I can get going with my other stories as well as make more. I must say though, that it feels so good to be back.

As I mentioned at the top, this is likely it for this story. An epilogue is possible, but unlikely at this point. As far as a sequal goes, I'm still trying to think up of something, but I might just leave it as is and simply think up of another Moliver idea.

Thanks for everyone who reviewed, favorited, and/or alerted this story. Please let me know what you think as well as any ideas for an epilogue/sequal.