The resounding boom of cavern after cavern collapsing would echo in Weyrleader S'grall's mind for Turns, the fear and shock of that disastrous day eating at his confidence and control.

His first thought- that it had been a freak accident- disappeared when the reports came in of the Weyrs affected and the small nook of the Lower Caverns that had collapsed as well. The explosions had begun on the top row of the dragon weyrs, taking out three smaller weyrs at once. The other three targeted had been interspersed, several rows and sections apart. It took little calculation to discern whose weyrs they were.

Two riders were dead and another nine injured. All but one dragon had escaped, flying between as their weyrs exploded around them. Green Dyath had stayed in her weyr, kreeling as she tried to save her rider, M'kai, from the landslide of rock and stone dust that entrapped and killed them both. T'yrion, brown Sisefeth's rider, had been crushed by sheets of rock as the collapse of M'kai's weyr next to him had shattered the rock wall between them. Sisefeth had gone between and had not returned.

Firestone smoke and rock dust filled the air around the gaping holes in the mountain that was Benden Weyr. S'grall, on Rigenth's bronze back, surveyed the Weyr. Sadness and anger roiled inside the Weyrleader as he tried to calm himself, knowing rational thought would be more needed at the moment than fiery anger.

Three strange men had been apprehended by dragons as they tried to escape the Weyr, the scent of an explosive variety of firestone lingering heavily to their clothes and skin. They spoke in a north Benden dialect and seemed to be workmen set to the horrendous task of attacking a Weyr. The source of the attack was not them, rather a far-off Holder or Craftman with money enough to pay men for a job that would likely end with their death. One man had been found dead near T'yrion and M'kai's collapsed weyrs, his head torn from his shoulders by strong dragon teeth. It could not be ascertained whether brown Sisefeth or green Dyath had killed him in a last brave attempt to avenge their riders.

Though I do not wish to taste human flesh, I would do the same for you, Rigenth told S'grall.

Biheth says that the meeting begins soon, his dragon said, Galla is upset.

S'grall nodded and asked Rigenth to descend. He dismounted when they reached the ledge outside of Biheth's weyr and made his way to the Weyrwoman's quarters. The injured riders were being cared for and it was time to uncover as much as they could about this act of terror.

The three weyrwomen glanced up when S'grall came in.


Galla had already sent a request to the Healer Hall for help. Several groggy healers had returned a-dragonback. After their meeting, she, her junior Weyrwomen and the Weyrleader had gone to see to the riders affected by the explosions. S'grall, ever sympathetic, knew it was barely morning at Fort and had apologized to the tired healers. Galla had given them a curt thanks, her mind whirling too much for pleasantries.

The nine injured riders were assembled in the infirmary as their wounds were attended to. Favanna had upon entering gone to see the woman greenrider, Ghaliyah, and Darali had gone to each rider in turn, checking bandages and asking questions. Galla sat in a chair and put her head in her hands.

Two riders dead, nine injured. Six weyrs targeted, all collapsing, and two reactionary cave-ins. A dragon dead, caught amidst rubble and stone sheets. One Bitran dead, five injured.

Galla looked up. She had duties to her riders. Her own feelings would have to wait.

Darali was soothing the dark skinned man, M'jid as he cried against her shoulder. She petted his hair as his body shook. Galla could not make sense of what he was saying but she knew from her healer training and experience that there were many levels of shock. M'jid would likely need more than physical healing.

A brownrider, V'bid, M'jid's wingmate, sported a stiff splint around his leg. It had broken along both lower bones. That would take months to heal, Galla thought, grimacing inwardly. Bronzerider H'mrit, their Wingleader, moaned from his cot. Rapidly reddening bandages covered rough, heavily bleeding gashes along his side. His dragon, Liretath, crooned from outside. Bluerider S'traz lay on a low cot, his chest bandaged from navel to underarm

Favanna was checking the wrappings on the short greenrider's left wrist, though Ghaliyah snarled at her quite a bit, saying that she was fine and did not need to be coddled for a sprained wrist. Favanna gave Ghaliyah a meaning look and the greenrider quieted, letting Alibith's rider do as she would. Galla remembered then that Favanna had been in Ghaliyah's weyr during the explosion. The Weyrwoman's respect for the queenrider increased greatly. Galla doubted she would have been so ready to take charge if she had almost had tons of rock crush her to death.

Greenrider K'leel was out of his cot and leaning against the stone wall, his eyes unfocused as he talked with Pirveth. His shirt was ripped along the front, revealing shallow, half-healed cuts and his pants were stained with blood but he seemed otherwise fine. T'yib, blue Fiyaleth's rider, had his face buried in S'haiyl's neck, his arms wrapped around green Hamseth's rider. They really did make a pretty pair, Galla thought, remembering an old rumor about them, even with the red-stained bandages on S'haiyl's eyebrow and arm.

Buthaynah, a woman of the Lower Caverns, sat along the wall talking to no one Galla could see. Her lips moved rapidly and her eyes were distant. A long scratch spread from her cheek to her chin but the woman took no notice of it. Headwoman Renni entered the room and sat down next to Buthaynah, taking the woman's hands in her own.

Galla would have to send a rider to every Hold in their territory. The attackers had taken orders and payment from an unknown source, meaning the source could be anywhere in the outlying areas surrounding the Weyr. The patterns of attack and the testimony of the men captured would be more than enough to try any holder. It would not take long to find the voice of dissent that wished six Bitran riders dead. Galla hoped to Faranth that they would find the perpetrators before there was a chance to attack the Weyr again. The Weyr had no defenses against human attack.