A/N I thought about the idea of doing a story like this at midnight, and spent the whole night scribbling about ten chapters down on paper. The chapters will all be very short, very simple, and all will be based around a chat-up line (most of which I found on the internet). They're at various points in seventh year, and each chapter follows on from the previous, which is supposed to have taken place a couple of days earlier. Confused yet? I'm not good at explaining my stories :) Oh, and good news (good if you actually like this, that is) for people who read my other stories and know what a terrible updater I am - I've written a million of the chapters by now, so the next chapter will be up in record time. Anyway, this is longer than the actual chapter now, so...hope you enjoy.
I'm sitting with Alice in armchairs by the fire in the common room when Potter walks over. He stops in front of me and stares for a moment.
"Oh, Lily…you're so beautiful, you give the sun a reason to shine," he says in a mock-earnest voice, a hand clasped over his chest.
I look out of the window and laugh. "Potter. Take a look outside."
He peers through the nearest window and curses to himself. "Well…each one of those raindrops represent a tear I've cried for you?"
Really. What else can you do but laugh?
"Go away, Potter. Just go away."
He sighs and stomps up the stairs to his dormitory.
"Ooh – harsh," says Alice, though she's giggling as she watches him go.
"He could've looked out the window before trying out that ridiculous line. How stupid can you get?"
"Remember, this is James Potter we're talking about."