but I believe in whatever you do;
change - taylor swift


There were times Riza didn't know what they would do. They could negotiate and they could fight and they could kill, but no matter how many soldiers they killed and no matter how many hearts they destroyed when they killed those soldiers, these soldiers were simply dispensible to the higher ups. It wasn't like one life, or even a hundred thousand lives, of soldiers mattered to the homunculus. The homunculus were simply playing these human to carry out their will.

It was unfair and unjust how she and Roy and the rest of them had to carry this great burden on their shoulders alone. She was not that selfless and you could not ask her to be. She didn't enjoy killing, she never had, never would. How the world could simply ask her to shoot and kill to make her do exactly what it asked, she could not comprehend.

But as Roy crashed his lips onto hers, pressing her roughly against the backdoor of their little hideout, she realized that it didn't matter if the entire universe asked her to do its bidding. She was a selfish person, this she knew, because the only reason she was bearing this burden was to keep the eyes of this man her and only her.

and I believe in you, although you never asked me to;
you're still you - josh groban
