Author's Notes: Once upon a time, there was a girl who suddenly found herself with time on her hands and no desire to play video games. So instead of being lazy and watching Netflix all night, she decided to go back and work on fics that had been sitting dormant for years. Productive use of her time? I think so. Who knows, if I can keep cranking chapters out at the rate I'm going, I may get this sucker finished sooner rather than later!

On a second note, I believe I've been labeling my last three chapters 6. But we're back on track now with Chapter 9!

Disclaimer: Final Fantasy is not mine, etc.

The Promise

Chapter 9: The Land of Eternal Rain

Thoroughly wet and tired, the trio of Freya, Vivi and Dagger collapsed into the small tent they had managed to set up moments earlier. From the lower gates of Lindblum, they had braved the dank and dark corridors of Gizamaluke's Grotto, pushing past the black mages that had been sent to slow any who would seek passage through into Burmecia.

Even as she huddled close to the small fire that Vivi had constructed in the center of the tent, Dagger kept her eyes on the young mage. He had been fighting his own kind and she could see the strain it had put on him. What would it be like to have to kill one of your own? When they reached Burmecia, would she have to find that out for herself when she came face to face with Alexandrian soldiers? Would they be willing to attack her? She hunched lower over the fire, so close she could feel the heat splashing over her pale skin, warming the cold limbs.

"Careful. Don't want to set yourself on fire," Freya warned idly as she rummaged through their pack of food. In the week it had taken to cross into Burmecian lands, her admiration for the Alexandrian Princess had only grown. She never complained of the elements or the long distances they traveled. But perhaps the time she had spent traveling with Blank had already gotten her over that phase. The older woman's head shook absently. Blank. He had been a good man. A real shame that he had met such an unfortunate end. She had met both him and Zidane a few years back in Treno. She was still searching for… Her thoughts moved away from that line of thinking before the tears had a chance to come. They had been a very unlikely pair, Zidane and Blank, but they had certainly complemented each other's strengths. Dagger had told her that Zidane stood petrified in the Evil Forest and she wondered if there would ever be a day that he would be free.

"How much further to Burmecia?" Vivi asked quietly from his corner. His floppy hat had been soaked through and the miserable little mage kept readjusting it, trying to find some sort of shape in it.

Freya paused to think before sighing. "I would say we have another few days of hard travel. But if we hug the mountain walls, we might be able to find some better shelter against the rain."

"But shouldn't the rain pass on soon enough?" Dagger queried, looking up from the flames. The traveling had aged her youthful face, never taking away from her breathtaking beauty but instead adding an agelessness that could hardly be described. The journey had given her a maturity far beyond her years.

"We're known as the Kingdom of Eternal Rain for a reason, Dagger," Freya replied kindly. "It always rains in this region. It's more rare to find a day of sunshine than not. Best get used to it now."

Though she sighed, Dagger nodded and turned her attention back to the fires. If only some of her magic could push away the rain, even for a day. It had been so long since she had felt dry and warm. Even in the tent at night, there was a moisture that clung to everyone, dampening their spirits.


Even after another long day of travel, Freya felt uneasy as they took to a shallow cave in the mountainside. She couldn't explain what was bothering her, only that it felt as though someone had been following in their path. Though she had only picked up on it in the past few hours, she was certain that they had been following them since at least the Grotto, perhaps even longer than that. All that it told her was that they were dealing with a professional. What concerned her the most was the uncertainty whether they were friend or foe.

As Dagger worked with Vivi to make the small cave somewhat habitable with a warm fire and a hot meal, Freya stood at the entrance, her tall, lithe figure highlighted by the occasional flashes of lightning.

"Dagger, Vivi, you two stay here," Freya finally decided. "Something is bothering me and I want to double back and make sure nothing is following us. I should be back in the next few hours."

"Freya, we've been traveling all day," Dagger protested. "You must be exhausted. You'll do no one any good if you work yourself into the ground."

Her smile was grim. "I've spent too many years working like that, Dagger," Freya replied. "I know the feeling and I know how to work through it. Don't concern yourself with me. I'll manage." Without another word, she disappeared into the grim darkness.

Vivi roused and shook his head. "Should we follow her?" he asked.

Dagger thought on it before shaking her head. "No. We should stay here and wait. We'll do nothing but get in her way if we try to go with her. Remember, we're both still fairly new to this." But it didn't stop her from sighing. Blank, I wish you were still with me, she thought desperately to herself.

They waited in silence, counting the minutes as it rolled through an hour and then two. Yet Freya did not return. The pair picked at their dinner, too on edge to eat the meal, even though they had been starving only a short time prior. When it had been over three hours, Dagger rose, anxiety written across her face. "We shouldn't have let her go," she whispered.

"Maybe she just found something and really wants to check it out before coming back," Vivi reassured. "Or she's not certain which is our cave so it's taking her longer to get back because of that. Don't worry, Dagger. She'll come back." He could see Dagger's anxieties rising further and further. She still carried the scars of Blank's death close to her heart.

Another flash of lightning illuminated a figure approaching the mouth of the cave and it reassured both of them until they took note that the frame was not that of Freya. With a cry of alarm, Vivi jumped to his feet, a fire spell kindling on his fingertips. He would fight to the end to protect Dagger.

Dagger was just as swift to her feet, bringing her racket to hand and holding it in a defensive position. It was a dark figure, shrouded by the heavy weight of a black cloak. She couldn't see a face and it immediately made her fear that it was yet another creature sent by her mother to retrieve her.

"Stay back!" Vivi cried. "Come no closer or we'll attack."

"That hardly seems the nicest way to greet an old traveling companion," the voice replied. It was a merry tenor, full of laughter and pleasures. A pale hand threw back the hood, revealing soft blond hair and mischievous blue eyes.

Words caught in Dagger's throat as she stared at the man standing before her. He was a shade under Blank's height but she still remembered his firm physique as just as impressive as Blank's. And those eyes. Those eyes pierced her to her soul, demanding recognition and attention. Once upon a time, she had thought those eyes the most beautiful thing she had ever seen and felt her heart race under their gaze. But that was before she had fallen captive to the quiet strength from the earth in a solitary brown eye as it gazed down at her protectively.

"Zidane…" was all Dagger could utter.

Vivi was in equal shock. He had barely thought of the blond thief since they had come out above the Ice Cavern. True, Blank and Dagger had gone through the motions to procure the Supersoft but he'd never really envisioned him rushing out to join their party now. In the privacy of his own thoughts, the mage wasn't entirely certain he liked the idea of the Tantalus member being here.

His grin faded slightly as he looked between Dagger and Vivi. "I would have thought that you guys would have been happier to see me! We were making quite the group before we got separated in the Evil Forest." He looked around. "Where's Rusty? And good old Blank?"

Dagger wanted to rush into explanations of what had befallen them, to show just how much things had changed since a harmless flirtation in the Alexandrian palace hallways had taken place. But when she tried, all she could do was burst into tears. Covering her face with her hands, she shook her head, sobs rocking her body.

"Dagger!" Vivi immediately moved over to comfort his companion, shooting Zidane a dark look. "We've had it rough since the Forest," he said as gruffly as anyone had ever heard him speak before. "We lost both Steiner and Blank though we think Steiner is still alive and captive in Alexandria." He paused before continuing. "It's been rough on Dagger."

Zidane chewed over that information as he let it sink in that his old comrade and friend was dead. "I should have been there," he said quietly. "I should have been with you guys from the beginning. Maybe it could have kept Blank alive and everyone else safe." He shook his head. "The Fates didn't look kindly on us, I guess." Hesitantly, he moved further into the cave, shaking off the cloak and ready to offer his comfort when he felt a prick on his throat.

"A step further and you'll die," Freya warned coldly.

His Adam's apple rubbed against the cold blade – a rather uncomfortable feeling. From the corner of his eye he could see features cast in shadow, a red coat darkened by rain and a wicked looking spear. "I don't mean any of you any harm," he said, lifting his hands clear from the daggers sheathed at his sides. "I've been trying to catch up to you guys for days, ever since I saw you leaving after the Festival of the Hunt." When there was no reply, he changed tactics. "Freya, it's Zidane. You know me. I wouldn't hurt them and I definitely wouldn't hurt you."

"The Zidane I knew wouldn't," Freya agreed reluctantly. "But it doesn't explain Dagger or the fact that you've been following us for days but never made your presence known. That doesn't speak of honesty and trust."

"No Freya, it's alright," Dagger said softly as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "Don't react badly on my behalf. It was because of Zidane that we ever made it to this point. He merely brought up old memories that I would rather not think on at the moment. But I don't think he's dangerous to us."

There was more hesitation before Freya lowered the spear and Zidane gave his neck a cursory rub just to prove a point. "I'm here to help, I swear to you all. Something's been pushing at me to find you guys since the minute I was released from that petrified hell I was stuck in." He turned and focused on Dagger. Even if Freya had the most experience and Vivi's black magic couldn't be ignored, he could see that this woman before him was the heart and soul of the group. More importantly, she was the unofficial leader. "We were meant to fight along side each other, Princess. I know this deep down. Every fiber of my being tells me that we are meant to be together. As a team. Please, trust me?"

Dagger looked away. She had once been a team with Vivi and Blank and she was certain that nothing could ever have broken them apart. She could put her life in their hands and know that she would be safe. But… that was gone now. And she was absolutely certain that Zidane would never be Blank but even before their journey had begun, all the way back in Alexandria, she had felt as though she could trust this man. And so she nodded. First such a subtle movement that no one could be certain that it wasn't just a natural movement of her body but then with more vigor. "Welcome to our team, Zidane."

That night he lay slightly apart from the rest of the group, hands tucked beneath his head. Despite Dagger's words, he was fairly certain that they didn't trust him. But that would take some time. He had been missing for the majority of her journey and hadn't had the chance to see what kind of woman she had become. Just from looking at her face, he knew that she was no longer the prim and proper princess that had asked him to kidnap her. And based on her short, almost rude answers, he was equally certain that there had been something going on between Blank and Dagger.

He silently chuckled to himself. Blank, you sly dog. I never knew you had it in you to take on such a beautiful girl. Zidane shook his head. Blank had been his friend and brother for as far back as he could remember and the idea that he was no longer in the world upset him. But if his friend had extended his protection and courage to the group, Zidane could do no less. It would just take a fair amount of time before they could come to accept him on the same terms that they had accepted Blank. Beyond the grave you're proving to be more of a pain in the ass than when you were alive, my friend, he silently grumbled.

Dagger lay still with her back pressed against the wall. Both Freya and Vivi slept in front of her, acting as a protection from the damp and cold as well as from their new team member. Her lips pressed together, confusion bearing down on her. She had once thought about Zidane in the darkness outside of the Evil Forest, wondering what life could have been like if he had only managed to survive. And now all of a sudden, here he was. But it wasn't the same. Slowly sitting up, she stepped over the still forms of her friends and went to the mouth of the cave. The rain had settled into a gentle mist, cool and refreshing against her face.

Far above her, she could make out a few of the stars between the heavy rain clouds still threatening to pour down more water. Taking in a deep breath, her eyes slipped shut as she turned her thoughts inward.

Is this what was meant to be? Dagger wondered silently.

She felt the ever comforting presence of Bahamut sliding forward to speak with her. There are infinite possibilities for what could be, little one. It could just as easily have been your Zidane who escaped the Evil Forest and Blank caught in a stony embrace.

But Blank did escape, Dagger replied. How can I just accept someone else in his place?

She could feel the great entity shift within her mind, wings rustling against the very edges of her thoughts. Can you wither away into nothingness grieving for a man who has left this world? Or will you embrace that a great tragedy has occurred and move on to honor his memory?

Dagger could feel the tears beginning for form again. How many times had she caught herself crying in her grief of late? Perhaps you are right…

You will be alright, child, Bahamut promised before his presence faded away once again.

Her arms wrapped tightly around herself as she took in a deep breath. "Blank…" she whispered into the night.

"You really cared about him, didn't you?" Zidane asked, joining her in the mouth of the cave, though careful to give her plenty of space. He leaned his lithe frame against the opposite wall, steady blue eyes focused on her. For once, his gaze was serious and troubled.

Dagger hesitated as her privacy was intruded but tried to offer a brief smile in greeting. "Blank taught me a lot when I was still so naïve and knew nothing of the outside world. If it hadn't been for him, I know I never would have made it to Lindblum."

Zidane's eyes dropped down. "I had promised you I would get you there safely but couldn't manage it." His tail shifted restlessly. "It was my fault that Blank got killed. If I hadn't left him to do it on his own, maybe we both would have been sitting in this cave right now."

Her head shook. "It wasn't your fault," she said earnestly. "Blank made his own choices and I can't belittle his memory by thinking otherwise." Dagger's hands linked together and she smiled slightly. "I did care about him. A lot. I don't think that there will ever be another man quite like him."

While it only seemed like yesterday for Zidane when he had last been flirting with the Alexandrian Princess and hoping to steal a kiss, he knew that it had been months since his petrified imprisonment. With a sigh, he shook his head. Perhaps if he had been able to travel with her from the beginning, things would have been different. And so he just smiled. "Princess, I know you have been through a lot recently and I want to be there for you. You have no reason to trust me but I promise you that I will be there to support and aid you whenever you need it." He reached out a hand, offering but not demanding it. "I promise to be your friend and never to leave so long as you want me around."

Dagger hesitated as she listened to Zidane but her lips finally curved upwards and she leaned forward to take the hand. "Thank you, Zidane," she whispered. "I know it will take time but I do want to trust you and I thank you for your friendship."

Even as they drifted into a companionable silence, their hands remained linked together as they stared up into the starry night. The clouds looked as though they would return soon with rain but for now, they could enjoy the peace and tranquility that the clear night offered.