Prologue: The Powers that Be
The Powers that Be congratulated themselves; they had just watched Aragorn, son of Arathorn, become king after the death of Sauron.
"Well done," one of the lesser beings said. "Well done I say. Good job."
The others nodded. Sauron had just been a thorn in their side since the beginning, they would have interfered sooner but their laws prevented that, they had had to go the roundabout way of things by sending two Hobbits to do the work.
"Alright! Settle down! Settle down!" yelled the leader, a blue dragon. "Let's make sure everything is right in the history of Middle-Earth!" he said to the now silent assembly.
They all nodded fervently, they had made that mistake once and that had led to Sauron and the One Ring and did not plan to let something like that happen again. They all watched as the wall to their right hardened and the history of Middle-Earth played rapidly before their eyes.
"Wait!" yelled the second in command, a red lion. "Go back to the making of the Ring!"
The image did as told and the making of the One Ring played in normal time. In the background they saw a dragon, a black dragon with red blades.
"Anyone dreaming here?" asked the third in command, a black fox.
Everyone shook their heads.
"Looks like another unscheduled appearance from the End of the World association," the leader replied, his head in his claws. "Looks like another job for-"
"My team," a white tiger with red stripes said, laying a delicate paw on her chest. "It worked well enough last time."
"They weren't involved last time!"
"Well they would've if they were involved, but I will need to get a little permission to get some outside help."
"But we haven't agreed who's doing what!"
She fixed an icy glare on everyone in the room. "All in favour of my team not going?" she asked the group assembled. Only a few raised their hands. She nodded her head with approval. "So," she said. "I guess I win."
The tiger stood outside the chambers talking to wolf with similar markings. "Alright, what I want you to do is, go to this address and get this girl; she'll be the one to help the Free People's." The wolf nodded.
"Anything else?" it asked.
"No, but it is vital that she does not know what she is doing," the tiger said. "Oh, give her the ability to shift, but just to mammals, we don't want her to be too powerful."
The wolf nodded again and disappeared in a flash of white light.
"Show off!" the tiger snapped.
One of her attendants behind her spoke up. "You can talk," he muttered.
The tiger fixed it with a steely stare.
Sooooooooooooo? What do you think? Please review and I'll get the next chapter up! No flames please!! I welcome constructive criticisms and I will take them into consideration!!