Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters. Also, I have no involvement with Koi Cosplay.
Tribute/ Dedications: This is a tribute to Koi Cosplay in general, but mostly to AntiquityDreams and DemonicGaara.
Naruto had grinned at Sasuke, no hint of worry on his face when he had spoken of the idea. He had been so confident, so sure that this was going to be alright and that they would be fine, that the law, the stupid proposal that stated that they weren't as good as everyone else, would not pass - there would be enough people that theirs would be the side that won out on top.
Naruto had practically dragged Sasuke from bed, much too early for the polls to even be open and they had been some of the first to vote, and then Naruto had taken Sasuke to a theme park for the rest of the day. He had called it a preemptive celebration, though with shorter words, and Sasuke hadn't questioned for more than a few brief moments that there was a reason to celebrate.
Surely, surely, they couldn't be wrong about this. Hell, everywhere they had looked over the past few days, San Francisco was alive with "No on 8" supporters. There was no need to worry. Sasuke allowed himself to be dragged through what he would have considered punishment on a good day, not daring to worry, because, really, who could when they saw that smug little smile on Naruto's face?
They got back late too late to catch the news, and since Naruto had been asleep an hour before they reached home, Sasuke hadn't dared turn on the radio for fear of waking his blonde husband. When they reached home, it was too late for anything but commercials on the radio and infomercials on the television.
Waking Naruto up to get him inside was no problem, but getting him back to sleep was insufferable. The blond was ecstatic, and Sasuke finally gave up on dealing with him in favor of a cup of coffee and a single half-hour advertisement before the news.
Naruto sat on the couch beside him, gripping his hand. As the annoying theme and the slightly less annoying opening to the early morning news came on, Naruto grinned one more time, his smile bright. Bringing Sasuke's hand to his mouth, he kissed the ring in a sappy show of affection that made Sasuke snort into his coffee, nearly burning himself as his mouth stretched into a tiny half-smile behind the mug.
"This is it, Sasuke," Naruto whispered, though in his excitement, it sounded louder than a normal whisper should be. "Wait for it."
After a few long seconds of waiting, the only sound was the loud crack of a coffee mug shattering against the floor and Sasuke's loud expletive. Naruto didn't make a sound, in silent mourning for a dream.
Sasuke sat with his hand still in Naruto's grip, both of them ignoring the white-knuckled grasp they had on each other's palms.
It was only a little while longer until Sasuke growled out another curse and then spoke through gritted teeth, hissing venom. "We'll fight this, dammit."
This turned out... well… not the way I'd planned, but I hope that you're happy with it.