Written for the NFA "baby makes three" challenge initiated by Kandonkuuson: take two characters and give them a baby. He complained there were no Tiva entries so I gave him this one - drabble fluff.

Be careful what you wish for

"Tony, How are we going to afford her," Ziva whispered."

"It's a bit late to worry about that now," Tony laughed lightly with nervous excitement.

"I can't believe some people do this on one income. We can hardly manage on two."

"They aren't federal government employees," Tony noted ruefully.

Ziva sighed. "She's so beautiful."

"That she is."

"And she's really ours?"

"All ours."

"How are we going to work this Tony?"

"We need to talk to the Director. I'll do mornings, you can have afternoons and we'll take her alternate weekends."

"Sounds fair."

"Now let's show her off."

Ziva smiled excitedly. "I can't wait for the others to see our baby."

Tony and Ziva left the showroom together in their brand new sports car: a red Ferrari, just like Magnum.