Disclaimer: I do not own Warriors.
Note: Only TC's allegiances will be listed, sorry.
Âme Empoisonnée
LEADER BLUESTAR—blue-gray she-cat, tinged with silver around her muzzle.
DEPUTY REDTAIL—small tortoiseshell tom with a distinctive ginger tail.
apprentice, dustpaw
MEDICINE CAT SPOTTEDLEAF—beautiful dark tortoiseshell she-cat with a distinctive dappled coat.
WARRIORS LIONHEART—magnificent golden tabby tom with thick fur like a lion's mane.
apprentice, graypaw
TIGERCLAW—big dark brown tabby tom with unusually long front claws.
apprentice, ravenpaw
WHITESTORM—big white tom.
apprentice, sandpaw
DARKSTRIPE—sleek black-and-gray tabby tom.
LONGTAIL—pale tabby tom with dark black stripes.
RUNNINGWIND—swift tabby tom.
WILLOWPELT—very pale gray she-cat with unusual blue eyes.
MOUSEFUR—small dusky brown she-cat.
APPRENTICES DUSTPAW—dark brown tabby tom.
GRAYPAW—long-haired solid gray tom.
RAVENPAW—small, skinny black tom with a tiny white dash on his chest, and white-tipped tail.
SANDPAW—pale ginger she-cat.
QUEENS FROSTFUR—beautiful white coat and blue eyes.
BRINDLEFACE—pretty tabby.
GOLDENFLOWER—pale ginger coat.
SPECKLETAIL—pale tabby, and the oldest nursery queen.
ELDERS HALFTAIL—big dark brown tabby tom with part of his tail missing.
SMALLEAR—gray tom with very small ears. The oldest tom in ThunderClan.
PATCHPELT—small black-and-white tom.
ONE-EYE—pale gray she-cat, the oldest cat in ThunderClan. Virtually blind and deaf.
DAPPLETAIL—once-pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with a lovely dappled coat.
The stars twinkled in the dark night sky. A soft wind blew across the moorland. Two figures padded through the tall grass below the broad sky.
"Evil is never far," one whispered. This one was leaning on the other's shoulder, dried blood splotching most of their flank. "Often it is too close." The cat made a strangled noise, and leaned more heavily on its companion.
"And this time is no different." The other cat, larger than the first, shook off the injured cat. The cat fell to the ground with a cry of anger and hurt. "You were a fool to believe that Tigerclaw ended your life, Brambleberry. I did everything. I planned the whole attack on RiverClan. I planned that idiot's death. I planned your demise."
"That idiot," rasped Brambleberry, "is my leader!" She struggled to get up, but the other cat pinned her down with a large striped paw. Brambleberry hissed, her black fur bristling.
"Huh! Your leader. Some leader he is. And don't even try to get up, you weak excuse for a medicine cat." His voice was scornful. The huge tabby put a claw against her throat, now exposed to him. "I wish leaders only had one life. Then Crookedstar would've been out of the way a long time ago." He sighed wistfully.
"Mudfur will recognize your scent on my body," Brambleberry snarled. "So will Crookedstar. They'll attack your bloody stupid Clan and kill every one of your so-called warriors." The speckled she-cat's eyes glittered triumphantly.
The tom snorted. "Very likely." He drew his paw back, giving the RiverClan medicine cat a glimmer of hope for one second, before he brought it down again and pierced Brambleberry's throat, killing her.
The tabby looked around the moorland slowly. "Guess I better leave Brambleberry here, so it'll look like WindClan killed her." He shoved the body away with a hind paw, then strode confidently off toward the roaring sound of the Thunderpath. When he reached it, he paused for a second, glancing back at the great plain behind him.
"Right," he said, to the world in general. "Brokenstar's here, and he's going to rule this damned place."