Don't Tell Me Because It Hurts
Alternate Title: Hush
(Duck Dodgers) Commander X-2, delaying the inevitable but unwanted answer, takes a moment to wonder how it came to this and if the ends justify the means as far as love is concerned.

Oooh. My. This is awkward. A new fandom for me, and I don't even know what to say to it except the obligatory "this is my first story for this fandom so don't pull any punches" and "CommanderD beta-read this for me so here's a shout-out". I am a complete social reject when it comes to these things.
So I'd better get on with it before you get a restraining order.

Disclaimer: The characters in this story, including Commander X-2 AKA Marvin the Martian (from whose point of view I am attempting to write), do not belong to me. Then, in a sense do they belong to anyone? Or are they their own entities, copyrighted by themselves as constructs of good, evil and somewhere in between? Or do they maybe just all belong to Space Angel? Yeah, I'll shut up now.

She hopes I don't mind.
She actually asked me if I mind.
She's just torn my heart out from my chest and she asks me if I mind!!

OK, that was admittedly an extreme reaction. Calm down, Marvin. Take it down a notch.
Who am I kidding? I can't take it down a notch. If anything, I need to be MORE reactive. After all, this isn't exactly a normal situation.

How in the Martian nether-region is him - and her - together - that way - normal?

It's incomprehensible. It doesn't happen.
Yet it's happening right now. I see it right before my eyes - well, technically my mind's eye, predicting what probably happened - him pledging 'allegiance' to the Martian rule, proclaiming love for her, she returning it, they coming up here to tell me.
The allegiance is a heist, I can feel it. Sadly, the love is apparently not. He's never looked so serious before, nor she more captivated, as they wait for my response, hoping for my "not minding", waiting to get the hell out of here so they can discuss a union of hearts and souls and maybe even galaxies...

A union that was supposed to be mine for the taking.

What's that you say?
What am I talking about?
It wasn't obvious to you either? My constant playing up to her, trying to impress her with my admittedly underhand schemes? My insistence of protecting her and being her number one protégé? My refusal to tame the passion in the seat of the theatre during that whole talent show fiasco?

It wasn't subtle. Far from it, even. I practically wrote it in neon letters.
Which only makes this...dare I say it, this betrayal hurt all the more.

They're still waiting for my response, confused about my reluctance to answer a simple "not minding" query. She, the golden one, looks at me with a combination of pity and worry.
He, however, takes a different approach. Brief glances at her, then back to little pithy me. He tries to stare me out, searching eagerly for a crack in the armor.
Analyzing me.

He knows. I'm sure of it. He knows of my feelings. That's why he's doing it, really; not to hand over the love he festers (or so he claims), but to overrule my own. Make it worthless, emotionless, amateur in comparison.
He wants to beat me again. As he does every eon on a regular basis. As if putting me down in physicality, speed and ...physicality wasn't enough, he now comes to wreck me emotionally?

Is my life just meant to be completely broken by him?
Is that it?

The worst part of all of this is, I can't even say any of this. No matter how much I wish it.
I want to say yes I mind, I mind more than you think I do. I want to push him aside, make my own emotions clearer than they already are, if that's possible. I want to plead that she reconsider, stop her from making a horrible mistake; I want to finally kiss her, make her feel wanted the way I want her; I want to do this, do that, I want to, I want to... to... to...

There is so much I want to. Nay, need to.

But I can't to.
No, wait, that made no sense, let me rephrase that - But I can't do a thing. I have to obey my duty to the empire, remain silent, bite my tongue and say no, of course I don't mind, and I'm very pleased for you, the words trying and failing to disguise the tinge of pain and...almost bitterness.
My heart hurts, but my head must remain resolute on this.

I have no choice.

Still, I reconcile in the fact that even now I have a backup plan. It only takes one slip-up to show a monster's true colours. And when he does, which he undoubtedly will, I will be there with the metaphorical colour camera.
Yes. I will bide my time for now, perhaps even give him a chance. But if he so much as lays a hand on her the wrong way... he will pay.

After all, it is my duty. My duty to protect my queen.

My Queen.
My dear Queen Tyr'ahnee.
No one else's.

Back off, Duck Dodgers.