A/N: FIRST EVER SAYONARA ZETSUBOU SENSEI FIC COMING YOUR WAY! I feel so happy. xDD Slight FuuraxNozomu. I think they're so cute together. xDD THAT IS ALL.


He wasn't so sure why he'd chosen those exact words to express his feelings that time. But in that moment, they seemed like the appropriate words to say anyway.

As much as he'd hated to admit it, she was the least troublesome girl in his class, regardless the fact that she had often tried to save him by almost getting him killed. It was this irony that comforted him when they meet, and as his emerald eyes meet her own blue, the friction lessens.

They were completely opposite people; it was funny how a pessimist took solace in the arms of an optimist. She saw the sun and the blue skies, whereas he sees only the prominent storms that brew a few days away. She hears the songs of the birds, but he listens to the cawing of ravens. She smiles and tells him she cared for him with all her heart, that he shouldn't throw his life away, but all he understands is the sternness in her voice, the creases between her eyes, and interprets such as threats and insults.

So how, pray tell, could he have told her that he loved her, just because she chose to buy his reasonably dull books over colorful and best-selling others? She did not do so out of pity, he was sure- it was her innocence and curiosity that led her to that. So why did it affect him this much?

She did not even say anything in response; she stood as he embraced the whole of her torso, burying his teary eyes in the folds cascading down her abdomen.

"I love you!!!"

He did not pull away immediately either, so for a brief moment, reality crumbled and the impossible came true.

"I love you...!"

Time slowed, probably, for the fabric of his clothes fell around them gently, like petals drifting in the breeze. In the distance he had heard a gasp, obviously from Matoi, but that didn't matter. For a moment.


And then, just as suddenly, reality kicked in. The foolishness of his actions dawned upon him, and quickly had he scrambled to regain his composure, pointing an accusing finger at her face to bury his own mistake.

"Tha-that's how you worm your way into people's hearts, isn't it?!"

She was still smiling even if he wasn't anymore. She wasn't conscious of the consequences of her actions. That was why, of all his students, she was the least troublesome.

"Fuura Kafuka-san!"

Her name echoed in the depths of his mind, amongst countless others, settling itself upon the stack that often led him to despair.

Hers was the most recent, he figured- but also, hers was the last to be recalled.


Reviews won't hurt. I know they won't. X3