AN: This story has no particular order. The letters will jump throughout all seven books and be exchanged between random characters. Some thematically touch on the actual reason behind Christmas, but there will be some that are simply a light-hearted celebration of the holidays. This story was meant to be a twenty-five days of Christmas things, but I'm about eleven days behind. I do intend on there utlimately being twenty-five chapters released before December 25th, they just won't be day by day.
December 20, 1012
Dear Edmund,
I simply cannot believe you and Peter won't be home this Christmas. Susan and I will miss you both terribly. Those giants are utterly horrid to keep you from us, but be assured we will be thinking of you every moment. And don't worry; I've a present for you all the same. I suppose we'll just have to have a belated Christmas when you return. Then at least we can preserve our special tradition—whatever will you do without me to wake you bright and early on Christmas morning? I suppose I'll just wake Susan, but you know how she gets. Certainly not the same as my charming brother.
We've just received a fresh blanket of snow, and everything is positively lovely. The fireplaces are always lit, and it seems as if I'm never without a cup of hot chocolate. I'm sure you've had your fill of snow, though, being up North and all… It really is beautiful, Ed. You just have to remember that you didn't cause the snow. Try to think about snowball fights (though I'm not sure how happy a thought that can be—I always win!) and ice skating and the annual Winter Festival. We all know how much you despise this time of year. I can only imagine your utter joy at being at war in the snow, but do try and buck up. War or no, it's Christmas. Try extra hard to remember what exists behind the presents and festivities.
Susan and I love you very much, Edmund, and so does Peter (though I'm sure he's told you as much). Most importantly, Aslan loves you. Remember, spring always follows winter.
Merry Christmas, Edmund.
I love you.
Thoughts? Any requests or ideas?