Moving to Forks

Chapter 1

Bella POV

"I don't know way were moving, mommy. Phoenix is better then wet, Forks. Gosh, I don't like this!" I was whining. I knew my mommy wasn't paying any attention to me, she was too busy putting things in boxes.

"This place has too many memories, sweetie. We can't stay her anymore," My mommy said when she finally looked up from the box she was holding.

"Why not! All my friends are here, mommy! I'll miss them," I started to cry as she entered the hallway to put the rest of the boxes downstairs. She never listened to me. Even after Charlie left.

"You have to understand, honey. You know your father died here. I can't handle living in this house anymore. Please try to see things from my point of view! Now stop being such a brat and come and help me organize these boxes." Mom said and then turned around too look at all the boxes on the floor. She knew I didn't like it when anyone called me brat.

I knew my daddy died last week, but I don't know why mommy felt bad. Daddy was mean and always hit her, I don't know why she could still love him after doing all the things he did. I never liked him and he never liked me either.

"I hate you mommy," I muttered as I escaped to my room.

I heard mommy drop the box she was holding and started running after me. "Isabella Marie Swan! Don't say that to you mother! You understand me! Isabella!" My mommy yelled from the other side of the my locked bedroom door. As soon as I heard her storm off, I ran to my closet, since everything else was already packed and ready for tomorrow. I cried until I finally fell asleep later that night.

When I did finally fall asleep, I had a dream.

I was with mommy and we were sitting in the living room watching "Sharkboy and Lavagirl." It was my favorite movie, and the best character was Taylor Lautner, he was cute.

When it got to the part were Mr. Electricidad goes to Max' school, there was loud thumping on the front door. Mommy told me to go to my room and lock myself in it until she came. I did what mommy said and went to my room. A few minutes later I heard daddy yelling at my mom, then I heard noises like someone clapping. I wanted to see what was happening so I opened my bedroom door. I saw mommy holding on to the side of the kitchen table, then daddy hit mommy on the head with a bottle and she fell to the floor and didn't move. I wanted to scream and help mommy, but she told me to stay in my room. I locked the door again and crawled to the corner and started to cry, that's when daddy heard me. My door started to shake when daddy started to punch it.

"Get out here you little brat!" Was all he said before the door came crashing down. Daddy came into my room and stood in front of me,"You answer me when I'm talking to you! You hear, brat?!" He started to get closer and closer and then he took me out of my room, pulling my hair, and threw me down on the floor and started kicking and yelling at me. He started to yell cusses at me and how I was no good like mommy.

Then I realized it wasn't a dream or a nightmare, this did happen before he died. This was my life with Charlie as my dad.

Then the nightmare was gone. "Hey, Bella? Are you okay? Open the door, please." My moms voice was filled with concern and worry. Realizing that I was crying, I rubbed my eyed and walked out of the closet. I opened the door to my room and was pulled into a tight hug. "You were screaming and crying, did you have another nightmare?"

I always told mom that my dreams were about nothing, monsters, vampires, things that were made up, mommy always worries to much. I didn't want to make mommy more sad. She already had her own problems to think about.

About an hour later I took a shower and got dresses, since I wasn't going to meet anyone in Forks, Washington, I didn't need to dress up.

After my calming shower, I put on black baggy jeans, with a white under shirt that had tattoo designs in the sleeves. I put on my favorite t-shirt with "Mayday Parade" printed on the front and the concert days on the back, and to top it all off I wore my best black high-top Converse. But before I left my room I put my long bouncy brown hair in a pony-tail and hidden in a white American Eagle cap.

"Are you ready, the moving van is outside? We have to go now."Mommy greeted me when i came out of my room.

"Yeah, I'm coming. Let me get my jacket." I grabbed it and my I-pod, and DS Lite from the kitchen counter and walked to the taxi that was taking us to the airport.

It as a four-hour flight from Phoenix to Seattle, another hour in a small plane up to Port Angeles, and then an hour drive back down to Forks.

The plane ride didn't bother me. Actually, I did pretty well for my first trip on a plane. Renee, my mommy, didn't have the money to take us to places traveling on a plane.

I fell asleep along the way to Port Angeles and dreamt about Charlie ruining our lives.


Daddy came home from work early one day and started to tippie-toes his way to were mommy was. She was down-stairs doing the laundry when dad came through the front door, "Be quiet, you little brat, and I would hit you," I gasped at the thought of Charlie hitting my with his belt again, so I kept my mouth shut, but my ear listening to everything. I heard mommy coming up the stairs, then a loud CRASH! sound. I jumped up and ran to mommy who was at the bottom of the stairs, I didn't know what to do so I stood in front of her, she had red water coming from her head.

"Don't touch her! You hear!" Dad said as he walked down the steps, taking his time,"I'm gonna to call the station and tell them your poor excuse of a mother fell down the stairs. Go along with the story, if you mess up mommy is going to have another accident, OK?" Charlie said the last part sweetly and took out his cellphone. All I could do was nod my head up and down. I would do anything to keep mama safe.

----End Flashback/Dream----

"We're here. Bella, wake up," I mom tugged on my shirt sleeve.

I opened my eyes only to be blinded with the light coming from the window, "Huh? What? Where are we?" I asked confused, looking around.

"We just landed in Port Angeles, silly. We need to get off the plane and grab our luggage. Come on," my mommy helped me up and steered me out the plane because I was still drowsy from the sleep. We waited for our bags to come around in the spiny thing, and grabbed a cart to put them on. We rented a car and went to our new house in Forks.

An hour later mommy stopped the car in front of a small house. Its was a grey-ish color with white around the edges, and there was a little porch in the front so i can play on. I liked the house, it was perfect.(picture on profile)

"So, do you like it, sweetie?" Mommy asked looking out my window at the pretty house, "Because if you don't we can always pick another house..." my mom started, but stopped when she realized that I was crying a little, "Oh, Bella. Is the house that bad?"

"No, mommy. Its the most beautiful house in the whole wide wolrd!" I said when I stopped crying.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Lets take a look inside!" Mommy said excited, that I liked the house.

I wonder what new adventures are waiting for me here?