A/N: Well, I've been working through the death from last spring and I'm finally ready to get back to it. I don't think it'll happen fast or often, but I will be updating. I hope that I will be able to really get back into writing sooner rather than later so that I may continue my stories. Sevy14 To those of you who have stayed with me, thank you. I really appreciate it, thank you. After Draco's visit, I didn't see Lucius for quite some time, days or weeks perhaps. The time stretched on and once again, I thought I'd never be free. Outside the birds danced and sang continuously, eventually, even their warm chirping made me long for some sort of distraction. I thought about Draco and if he was locked away too. If our impromptu chat had caused him to put back into his dungeon… Regardless of how I felt about him in the past, I worried that he too was corned in this beautifully garnished cage, longing to escape. Bemused I smiled, how Gryffindor of me to care about my enemy. As I lay in bed, pining for my dreams to come to me I secretly wished that he would come and tell me I was His Alone. The shame of that pang crushed me, but I yearned to hear those words. Thank you for reading. Hope you're doing well. -Sevy14 ***Also, can someone please tell me how to create spaces in between my paragraphs. I don't know how to do so with this new version of Doc. Manager. Thank you!