A.N. Thank you to everyone who stuck through this story! I'd especially like to thank Gia, VeryWildWitch, Tadariada, SEEKER-2000. Once again I'd like to thank everyone who read this story! After I finish this story (which is, like, now) I'm not going to make a sequel, but I'm going to focus all of my energy on Harry Potter and the Dueling Master-Alternate Version. I don't know if I'm going to do two stories at once (actually 3, because Define_normal was working on HPTD). But there's always a chance. * wink*

Once again, thank you, and please review!!!!!


Sirius clapped as Dumbledore stepped down from the podium, from giving a speech to the seventh year students. All of the graduating students sat in the front two or three rows of chairs. The families of the graduating students sat behind them. Sirius had announced to the world that he was in fact alive right after Harry went back to school after the attack in his fifth year.

A few seats away from Sirius sat Lucius Malfoy, who had never been convicted of being a Death Eater. His wife was sitting on the other side of him. Sirius remembered when they had gone to Hogwarts. Narcissa was a year below him, and he had gone out with her in his sixth year. He winced at the thought.

The sound of clapping jolted Sirius out of his thoughts. The students were going to get their certificates for graduating from Hogwarts. Hanna Abbot had already gone across. Everyone clapped politely as Vincent Crabbe walked across, even though he had just barely passed, and that was probably because Draco Malfoy had helped him, and he had probably cheated off of Hermione. There were a few more students and then-

"Hermione Granger."

Beaming from ear to ear, Hermione stood up from her seat and walked up to the podium, shaking all of the teacher's hands, and getting her certificate and for having perfect grades throughout her Hogwarts schooling.

When Neville Longbottem went across the stage he tripped on his robes and fell down, and when he got back to his feet, he looked a little nervous about shaking Snape's hand. He managed to get back to his seat without falling again.

Sirius watched as Draco Malfoy walked across the stage, a smirk planted on his face. He "accidentally" forgot to shake several teachers' hands, such as Lupin's and Hagrid's. Snape actually smiled as he shook Draco's hand, and mumbled something to him as well.

Just a few more people and then-

"Harry Potter."

There was an enormous amount of clapping when his name was called, and he was grinning as he walked across the stage as well. Many of the teachers whispered something to Potter as they shook hands, including Snape, although he said it with a rather disgusted sneer on his face. When Harry reached the end of the line he raised the rolled up certificate in the air, and this caused more people to clap and cheer. Sirius' hands were getting sore.

It was only a few more people until Ron's name was called.

"Ron Weasley."

His face nearly matched his hair as he walked across the podium. Sirius was sitting next to the whole Weasley family, who all stood up and started clapping for their son. Fred and George, who now owned the second largest Joke Shops in England, cheered loudly for their little brother as he shook hands with his teachers.

"Be sure to wash your hands after you shake Snape's!" Fred bellowed. Mrs. Weasley shushed him and made everyone sit down.

The last person went to get his certificate and then Professor Dumbledore stood to speak again.

"Another year is finished, and frankly I am quite pleased with how these students turned out. The past seven years had many troubles and these students handled them very well," Dumbledore's eyes flickered over to where Harry was sitting. "Congratulations to the class of-"

The rest of the words were drowned out because the students had started cheering and hugging and jumping around. Dumbledore gave up as the students started to look for their parents. Sirius and the Weasleys all stood up to see if they could find Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Sirius spotted them first, standing with their fellow Gryffindor 7th years. Hermione and a few of the other girls were bawling, while the boys seemed to be rather enjoying themselves, except for Neville. He was crying too. Sirius walked up behind his godson and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Congrats," he said, grinning. "So, you finally made it."

"Yep," Harry replied, smiling back. "I'm pretty glad that I lived… through Potions."

Sirius chuckled and clapped Harry on the back. "Let's go see the teachers."

Harry groaned and said, "I've seen them almost every day for the past seven school years, I don't want to see them know that I don't have to!"

Sirius raised his eyebrow and dragged Harry along.

First they visited Remus, who was with his girlfriend, Kelsey. He congratulated Harry again, and then turned to talk to Sirius, or rather, tease Sirius. The two of them remained friends until their dying day, even though Remus died about twenty years before Sirius, due to the fact he was a werewolf. Sirius visited his grave every week, just to talk.

Two weeks after Harry's graduation, Remus asked Kelsey to marry him. She said yes. They didn't have any children, due to the fact that it was illegal for a werewolf to reproduce. Besides, Remus had enough children to watch out for at Hogwarts, where he worked until he was 98.

Then they visited Professor Dumbledore. He shook Harry's hand and winked at him, saying that Harry's parents would've been so proud. Professor Dumbledore died three years later, while putting on his socks one morning. His funeral was the biggest funeral in the Wizarding World history.

Professor McGonnogal was visited next. She gave one of her rare smiles, and then yelled at someone for goofing off. Probably the Weasley twins…

She took Dumbledore's place after he died, but still remained the Transfiguration Professor. The school soon became the leading school for Transfiguration.

They didn't bother going to visit Professor Snape. He was glaring at them from where he stood, talking with Lucius Malfoy.

Severus Snape quit his teaching job five years later. He took a job at the Ministry, working with Potions. Unluckily for him, he was just two offices away from Neville Longbottom, in the Herbology department.

Hagrid pulled Harry into a bone-crunching hug, when they visited him. He had tears rolling into his tangled beard as he said how proud he was and that Harry had to visit him over the summer.

Hagrid eventually found his mother, living in a Giant Colony. He later married Madame Maxime, but still kept his job as the Care of Magical Creatures teacher and Gamekeeper. Madame Maxime kept her job at Beauxbatons. They didn't have any children.

They didn't visit Professor Trelawney either, even though she was staring at Harry vigorously and trying to will him to come over. A few months after Harry left, Professor Trelawney was admitted to St. Mungo's Hospital, for insanity.

After they visited all of the teachers that they wanted to visit, Harry felt himself being pulled into a hug by Mrs. Weasley.

"Congratulations Harry, dear," She said. Then she pulled out of the hug and looked at Harry from arm's length. "You've grown up so much. You're going to come visit us often, right?"

"Of course Mrs. Weasley, and thank you for everything."

"It was nothing dear, you've been like another son to me."

She hugged Harry one more time and let him go join his friends.

Hermione had calmed down a bit. She wasn't wailing anymore. She pulled both Harry and Ron into a hug, and kissed them both on their cheeks. Ron grinned at Harry when they pulled out of the hug.

"I'm-I'm going to m-m-miss you two so much!" She sobbed, hugging them again.

"We'll still see each other!" Ron exclaimed. "Honestly, we'll do together a lot this summer. Mum will insist upon it."

"Don't worry Hermione," Harry whispered. "Everything will be fine."

Hermione sniffled and wiped her eyes.

They did do a lot of things together. The Weasleys held a Post-Hogwarts Party for that year.

("Hmmmph," Fred said. "She never did anything like that for us!") And when they weren't at their own houses they were together. Ron and Hermione spent a lot of time at Harry and Sirius' house too, going for barbecues and playing Quidditch out back.

Hermione eventually went to work for the Ministry, and soon became the New Minister's assistant. You see, when Harry was 25, Cornelius Fudge retired. The New Minsiter was Percy Weasley. She eventually married Ron, and they had 5 children.

Sirius never married, although he did have a series of relationships that never lasted long. He took back his old job as an Auror, and worked there until he was 108. After he retired he spent most of his time spoiling his great-great-Godchildren. He died when he was 142, and was surrounded by his friends and family (Harry and his family).

Harry lived with Sirius for 2 more years, moving out when he turned twenty. Although he didn't move that far, and lived just outside of Hogsmeade. He was offered a job to work as an Unforgiveable in the Ministry, but he turned it down to play Professional Quidditch. He met his future wife on the team. They had two children, a boy named James and a girl named Lily. Ron was named Godfather and Hermione was Godmother. Harry died on Halloween when he was 151. Exactly 150 years after his parents made the sacrifice to keep him alive.

A.N. Thank you so much to everyone. This is it! *sniff * I just get so sentimental sometimes. *goes off sobbing * Thank you to everyone who reviewed, and I hope that you've enjoyed this story as much as I have. Now, go review, and then read Harry Potter and the Dueling Master, and the Alternate Version of it!!!! NOW!!!! *evil cackle * Luv yas!
