Okay Guys, this is my first fan-fic, so tell me what you think! Constructive advice please!!

Forbidden Love: Liz finds herself falling for Kyle, but can she resist the temptation?

Disclaimer: I don't own Roswell the T.V. show, the characters, or anything even remotely related to either. If I did, well I wouldn't be writing stories would I? But I do hope to make a guest appearance on the show on day, sigh.


"Orders ready, table five!" Liz Parker shouted over the noisy chatter of the Crashdown Café to her best friend, and favorite co-worker Maria Delucca.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Just hold your horses," Maria called back, slightly frustrated. "I can only do about ten things at once Liz, after all, I only have three alien heads to work with here!"

Liz shot a playful grin back at Maria, and tried as hard as she could to stifle a giggle.

"You're not on mars anymore alien girl! Now get to it!" She shouted.

"Okay, okay, whatever you say bounty hunter," Maria teased back.

It was around 6:00pm Friday night and the Crashdown was far more packed then usual. A huge Alien Convention was in town that weekend and because of this, every single Alien fanatic in the entire country seemed to be descending on the Crashdown at that very moment. The scene was one of utter chaos. The only thing that kept Maria going was the thought of seeing her beloved, Alien-boyfriend Michael after work. Only three more grueling hours to go and her shift would be over. She already knew exactly what she was going to do when she got to Michaels apartment. Snuggle up to him really closely on the couch and fall asleep in his arms to the sound of one of their favorite horror movies, Scream. If only I could be there right now, Maria silently wished to herself. Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by Liz's voice.

"Hey! Alien Girl! What did I say about table five?" Liz called out over the noise, "Maria, hello? Earth to Maria?"

"Sorry, girlfriend. I guess I was waiting for Scottie to beam me up." She smiled, silently wondering exactly what it was she was doing before she succumbed to her lustful to daydream about Michael.

Liz was eager to see Max again too. She and him had planned to go for a stroll through the park later that night, after her shift ended. They wanted to be someplace where they could take in the clear-blue night and stare up at the stars in awe. Of course, it was a chilly evening, which meant that the two of them would probably end up using each other for warmth. Not that Liz minded at all.

As she wondered into the kitchen to pick up another order, she was startled as someone grabbed her around her waist from behind and started tickling her. Her instincts initially interpreted this presence as Max, but when she turned around to look up, she found herself staring into the eyes of the most gorgeous creature she had ever seen, and it wasn't Max. True, he had a lean, muscular body, but when he wrapped his arms around her for friendly embrace, she realized he was much stronger then Max. His muscles were firmer, with more definition then Maxes, and his hair was a bit longer too.

This person held her in his arms just a moment longer then a regular friend would. For that brief instant, a moment of weakness, she was taken aback by his memorizing good looks, warm smile, and his familiar scent. Max never wore cologne like that. In fact, in that moment, she forgot about Max entirely.

However, soon she got a hold of herself and returned to her senses. It was only her good friend Kyle Valenti. Good friend, but also former boyfriend. In the back of her mind she still had a little thing for him, at least she hoped it was just a little thing. There was defiantly still chemistry between the two of them. She felt it, and knew he did too.

Was he teasing her? But no, she was with Max now. She loved Max. But Kyle, she had to admit he was quite attractive, and a much better kisser. But that didn't matter. Max, Max, Max, I am with Max, she reminded herself.

"Kyle, what are you doing here?" She exclaimed, trying not to convey her inner turmoil. Kyle was just a friend, that's all, a friend. No need to get all worked up.

"Not much Liz, I was just stopping by to grab a bite to eat before I head off to work the late shift. You don't think you could slip my order in in front of everyone else's could ya? I'm running kind of late, and it's a mad house out there." He flashed her that killer smile of his, and she found herself stuttering a bit with her answer.

"S..ss..sure Kyle, I think I could help you with a little something. Oh, l..look, there just happens to be an extra space pod burger on the counter over here. This customer got really mad when I accidentally added to much mustard to his bun, some people are so picky you know?"

"Tell me about it." He was standing just a bit closer to her then usual, in fact, his face was so close to hers she could almost feel the warmth of his breath on her flushed cheeks. His lips looked so soft, so amazing. She could feel herself being drawn in closer to him. Just a few more inches and their faces would meet. Closer and closer they came.

Suddenly, Liz turned her head and broke off eye contact.. She fumbled for Kyle's burger, looking desperately for something, anything besides Kyle to occupy her hands with.

"W..w..would you like that to-go Kyle?" She asked, because I think there are some more take out bags out by the front counter. Maybe Maria could help you find them."

"Oh no Liz, don't worry, I'm fine without one. Besides, chances are I'll finish this before I even make it to my car!" Kyle betrayed absolutely nothing in his voice, no trace of nervousness, no trace of awkwardness, nothing. Either he didn't feel what Liz felt, or he was doing a really good job of being non-chalant about it. Liz was pretty sure it was the latter. Kyle just had this way with women. This air of confidence, enticement. It's what originally drew her to him; hopefully it wouldn't be her undoing now.

"Alright Kyle, I hope you enjoy your burger, but.. but I really need to get back to work, business is crazy right now." She smiled, trying not to make it look too obvious that she was falling victim to his charm. She could feel her palms start to sweat, as her heart begin to race wildly in her chest.

"No problem Liz, listen thanks for the snack, I owe you one!" With that, he gave her a warm squeeze on the shoulder, and turned to leave throught the back door of the kitchen.

Liz instincts begged her to call him back, ask him to stay a bit longer. She reached out and touched his arm before he could make it to the door. He turned, and looked at her. "Umm, I just forgot to tell you to have a good day.err, I mean night at work." she said, scrambling for some words to justify her behavior. "I know how much you hate the night shift." She smiled sheepishly.

"Thanks," Kyle replied, looking a bit confused at her odd behavior. "I guess I'll be seeing you then."

"Alright, bye!" Liz watched as Kyle turned and left the kitchen through the back door. There was something about him that left her almost breathless. It was like being in middle school all over again, she was getting all worked over nothing.

It was just Kyle. Just good ole, reliable Kyle. But maybe, just maybe he was something more. What would have happened if they had never broken up so long ago? How would her life have been different if she had stayed with Kyle? Would she be happier, would her life be less complicated?

True, she loved Max dearly, but she couldn't escape this strange attraction, it was as though Cupid had stuck her with a golden arrow. She just couldn't seem to get Kyle off her mind, those eyes, his body, that smile. There was defiantly Chemistry between them, and it was driving Liz absolutely crazy!