May's Pov
" What to do? What to do? " I muttered to myself. I was roaming around the pool. I felt weird. Since I was looking at the ground, walking really slow. I was standing near the waterfall, looking at the beautiful reflection. I still felt lonely...
It hurts, knowing that Paul locked me out. I actually thought he actually cared about me at first! He's worse than Drew! Stupid Paul! He never cared about me anyways! I don't think he could even love a potato! I thought, furiously crossing my arms. With my face of the color of crimson, due to my immense anger.
I felt a tap on my back. " Huh? " I muttered nervously. Turning around, I see a sliver hair boy, with ruby like eyes, with his orange trunks.
" Your May Sapphire right? " He asked.
" U..Uh. Yeah. " I muttered.
" It's me. Brendan. " He stated.
I looked at him long and hard. Who was he? I pondered to myself. I didn't want to sound rude, saying I don't know who he is. I got to admit though, he does somewhat look familiar. He seems pretty friendly, and the name Brendan does seem pretty familiar. I bit my lip, trying to figure out my next move. Trying to think of my next words, that would be spoken out of my mouth. Then it hit me.
" Oh! Your Brendan Birch! " I gasped.
He smiled. " Of course. It's been awhile, May. "
" By the way, sapphire is my middle name. " I giggled.
" Oh. My mistake. " The silver hair boy laughed.
" Remember? We used to hang out, when we were kids. " Brendan smiled.
I smiled back at him. " Of course. It's so nice to see you again. "
" Why are you here alone? " Brendan gave me a concern look.
I paused. Sighing, I sat down on a bench. " It's a long story..." I muttered, with my ooze of depression in my gentle voice. He sat next to me. " Come on. You can tell me. " He gave me a reassuring smile. He paused. " Oh! I'm really sorry May! I have to go! U-Uh, tell me later okay? " He spat out nervously, running the other direction.
I was about to sob. Why... Why does this happen to me? Why am I always alone?! Why am I always on my own cloud?! Why can't I have my normal life back! I want to be noticed again... Even, if someone notice's me... It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter anymore! I feel locked in a cage, waiting to come out! This is like a bad night mare! Except, this is reality, May! I can't keep it together any longer... It hurts to much.. Everything hurts.. I can't take these tears anymore! I don't want to be lonely! Even if Drew talks to me, he only does it for like two minutes and he leaves! I'm just a stupid cry baby, that's a burden to everyone! Oh, why today? At this stupid pool? Is this some kind of test?! I was sobbing on the bench, hugging my knees. Thoughts like that filled my head.
Allowing my head to peek up. I saw Drew and Dawn in the water laughing. I winced as I put my head back down. Myself felt my heart skip a beat, along with immense pain. I don't want to do this anymore... Why am I in this curse?! Myself thought. I bit my lip crying, trying to cry silently. I didn't want anyone to hear me. Since, if someone sees me crying, they just leave anyways.
" Oh Drew! You got something on your cheek! " The blue hair girl stated.
Dawn brushed her lips on Drew's cheek, I looked up. My heart shattered... Eyes trembled... Hope breaking... Sobs came...
I could hear myself cry. Suddenly, I felt something... I felt an embrace...
I slowly looked up. Seeing the purple hair boy hugging me, with that dark shadow over his eyes. I trembled in fear, with a slight blush of crimson on my face.
I got up as I panicked. You could see sobs all over my face. He looked at me with a serious expression.
" T..Thank you... Paul. " I cried, sprinting pass him into the girls locker room, crying my sapphire eyes out.
" Happy Birthday..." Paul whispered, biting his lip.
Drew saw May run into the locker room.
" No! " Drew screamed.
The emerald hair boy got out of the pool and wanted to run to me.
Paul pushed him back. " Idiot! I told you this was not a good idea! Now, she's leaving! Apologize, once she's calmed down! " Paul hissed at the emerald hair boy. His lime eyes trembled.
I tighten my green bandanna. I was in my emerald version outfit. I sighed out of the pool and I started to walk home.... On my two feet. In the cold darkness that surrounded me.
Omg! This is such a sad chapter!! T-T I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time. To be honest, I forgot what I was gonna put for this chapter! XD This is one of the few last chapters. This story is almost over. PLEASE REVIEW. I'm going to only update, if I get reviews. Okay, thank you, you guys. ^-^