Authors Note: Omg!! I put an authors note!! :D happy happy joy joy! Anyways... basic: (1).No flames if you don't like! Be nice! (2).I do not own Luffy or Zoro or any of the characters!! (3).I don't own One Piece... : That is all...


Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Vivi: 16

Robin: 26

Ace: 18

Dark Secret

Chapter 1: New place

Luffy's POV

New school, new house, new town was the only thing on my mind. I blankly stared at my ceiling, while laying on my comfortable bed. 'I still cant figure out why we have to wear these stupid uniforms!' I turned my side and curled slightly. 'It don't make sense… Why do we have to? It's just a outfit!' My mind was scattered. Soon they were shattered by my older brother's voice.

"Were going to be late!" Ace stood at my doorway. I sat up and turned the way I heard his voice. Shirt half way buttoned, tie not tied, belt not fully buckled, and shoes untied.

"Ace…!" I whined.

"Yes you have to wear a tie too! Now come on Luffy! Were going to be late on the first day!" He soon stormed down the hall. I slowly got up and dressed myself.

First day of a new was always the worst day of your life. My last school was like that. Karakul High. The worst school I have been too, so far… I walked into that school and everyone gave me death stares! It was unbearable. It felt like they were throwing daggers at me for their enjoyment. I shivered at the thought. As soon as I heard we were getting out of that hell hole I was happy.

I soon sidetracked from my thoughts when I smelled food. I quickly put my pants on and grabbed my shirt. I scurried across the floor through the dining room into the kitchen was attached. Ace had fixed himself up more. His shoes were tied now, shirt buttoned up, but his tie wasn't on all the way. He ran his fingers through his hair, as if he was combing it.

"Good morning Luffy!" He smiled at me. I grinned back.

I slithered my way to the food sitting on the counter. Eggs, bacon, and toast, with a tea cup sitting to the side. I automatically dug in. I finished within seconds. My face strayed up to see Ace was finished also.

"Ready?" He questioned as he put the dishes in the sink.

I nodded. I sprung from the stool and made my way to the door, picking up my bag.

"Don't forget this." I turned to see he was holding out the blue and white stripped tie. My smile disappeared.

"Do I have to?" I pouted, giving puppy eyes. Knowing that was his weakness, but didn't work this time. He nodded.

"Yes, you have to." He set the tie around my neck. I scowled at it being around my neck. Ace shooed me out the door. "Lets go!" My expression totally changed. I spun around smiling widely.

"YUP! Lets go!" I quickly ran down the porch stairs onto the trail leading away from our house.

I soon slowed down, making sure Ace caught up with me. When he did I just walked big steps, making a game out of it. Don't know how it was a game but it was fun making big, long steps. Seeing how wide I could make them. I hummed 'Feel Good Inc.' He has been listening to that for awhile now. Well actually I did until I had to come to school today. My mind strayed off into how school was going to be today. I looked at my arm. 'Oh shit!' I quickly covered my arm with my sleeve.

"Something wrong?" I looked to my side, slightly looking up. Ace's face was curious. I smiled my happy fake smile.

"Nothings wrong!" I quickly went back to humming and stretching my legs.

Without further or do, we appeared at the school. It was like any other, except in white bricks instead of red bricks. I soon scanned the area, noticing a tall, skinny boy smoking a cigarette on the outsides of the gates. I made my over to him.

"What ya doin'?" I got a closer look at him. Blond hair, curls at the end of his eyebrows, and his hair was sort of in his face. His eyes slightly opened noticing me. He puffed.

"Smokin', what it look like?" He took in another breath. Savoring the taste, then slowly breathing out. "You must be one of those new kids… right?"

"Yup!" I smiled.

"Luffy!" I turned to see Ace walking up to my side. "I'm sorry! If he bothered you!" He bowed politely.

"Ah, no problem… So your names Luffy?" The blond pointed at me with the hand that was holding his cigarette.

"Yup! Monkey D. Luffy! What's yours?" I tilted my head to react… like I always do.

"Sanji…" My eyes blinked. I giggled. He looked at me. I was smiling.

"That's a nice name! So different!" Ace looked at me, dumbfounded.

"Yours is different too." Sanji's eyebrows furrowed, as if I insulted him. I realized.

"I wasn't insulting you!" I giggled a little more.

"Hey! Shitty cook!" A deep toned voice came from the other side of Sanji. A green haired, tall, muscular guy with a wooden walked over by us. "Still smoking those cancer in a stick?!" He walked up beside Sanji, then looked at me. "Who's he?"

"This is Luffy… and…" Sanji stuttered at the last part.


Zoro's POV

I looked Luffy up and down with my eyes. Taking in his features. 'Brown hair and eyes, a scar under his left eye and a… straw hat? Why is he wearing a straw hat?' I threw that thought to the side and examined him more. 'He was thin and kind of looked… No wait! What am I thinking?' I shook my head.

"So… Luffy" Pointing at the little boy. "And Ace?" I pointed at the older man.

"Are you brothers or something?" Sanji asked out of the blue.

"Yea, this is my little brother." Ace stated.

"You guys resemble each other." Ace and Luffy looked at each other and slightly blushed. Luffy turned and pouted, but still blushed. Ace checked his watch.

"Were going to be late!" Ace quickly grabbed Luffy's wrist. "Come on, Luffy! We still have to fill in registration forms!" Luffy was holding his hat with the opposite hand.

"See you later!!" He let go of his hat waved to us.

"They seem like good people." Sanji spoke, but puffed.

"Yea," I stared as the two brothers entered the building.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

'First hour is the worst. It was always the start of hell. Everyday seemed like it. I can't ever get away with taking naps.' My thoughts were cut off by Luffy entering the room. He gave a smile.

"Welcome! You must be our new student! I'm Nico Robin, your history teacher." Nico-sensei was always like that. So happy and kind. She walked up to him and stuck her hand out. He nodded and shook her hand. "Please introduce yourself." She smiled and glided her hand across the room.

"Hi! My name is Monkey D. Luffy!" He grinned big. "I moved here from…" He paused. "Hong Kong!" He grinned and scratched the back of his head. I looked around the room, noticing that no one really believed him.

"Well, nice to have you in my class, Luffy-kun!" She smiled. "Please go sit by Zoro-kun." I flinched.

"Zoro?" He looked around the room. 'That's right I didn't even tell him my name this morning.' Nico-sensei pointed a finger to the back of the room. Pointing at me. "Oh! Zoro!" He walked down the walkway smiling. He sat next to me.

"Please share a book with Zoro-kun until we get you one." Luffy nodded. "Now open your books to page sixty-three."

"So…" I turned to face Luffy.

"So… what?" We kept our voices down to a minimum.

"Why did you call Sanji-kun shitty cook?" Obviously Sanji heard he was giving a dark aura off.

"That's what he calls him when their about to fight." We both looked to person in front of us. It was Nami.

"Oh!" Luffy was amazed.

"Hi I'm Nami! And that's Vivi." She pointed at Vivi, which she had blue long hair, she waved. "And this is Usopp." She pointed to the other side of her. He waved too. I grunted.

"Nami-chan? Would you like to share with the class?"

"No, Nico-sensei." Nami shook her head and lowered it. "Sorry."

"Its okay!" Nico-sensei smiled. "Just pay attention more." She went on about the war. I yawned.

"Sleepy?" I slit an eye open looking at Luffy.

"Ah," I yawned once more. "I didn't have enough time to sleep last night." I grunted.

"Why?" I fully opened my eyes now and looked at him. I was about to speak but he interrupted me. "Is it homework? Or do you workout or something?" He had a questionable face.

"I practice after school everyday."

"What kind of workout? Like sport related or just feel like it?" I was quiet and looked at him. 'What I want to say is what is with the questions?'

"I do kendo. I'm the champion, you know?" He looked at me with astonishment.

"I want to watch Zoro sometime!" His hands were together, as if he was begging.

"Sure…" I sat up straight and put my hands behind my head.

'What a weird guy…' I thought. I slightly turned and looked at him. He was talking to Nami, who got in trouble again.

-- --

Ha! Another Zoro X Luffy Story!! Im going school style!! And those people are waiting for sequel! Just wait a little longer! The idea hasn't exactly come together yet! But, besides that! Hope you enjoy this story!

NO FLAMES!! R&R... nicely, like my momma always said, "If you don't something nice to say/type, Don't say/type anything at all!!" I love my mommy!