Legal Disclaimer: I don't own Phantom

Legal Disclaimer: I don't own The Phantom of the Opera.

Notes: This is the first part to a very lovely series. Each piece is an interlude, and these are very special. You see, a good friend of min started a bit of a tradition between the two of us several years ago. Every once and a while, out of the blue while chatting she would give me a subject and tell me to write a little short interlude short based on it. For this one, which was the first, the subject was simple: An Erik/Christine shower scene. We are aware that showers didn't exist in the time of Phantom... so for the sake of this story, Erik invented it. He is a genius, after all...

These are extra special because they are being posted just as I wrote them into the chat window. They were made up entirely off of the top of my head, and all I've changed before posting is the paragraphing and any spelling/grammar mistakes. Joy!

The Amorous Series
Part One: The Shower

Erik came back to the underground home from the Rue Scribe after a long day of working with Jules on finances. He was eager to be back with his new bride, Christine Daae, prima donna of the Paris Opera.

He whistled a dark and haunting tune, the notes reverberating off of the stone walls as he moved through the labyrinthine passages to his front door. Quickly Erik pulled out his key, working it in the lock and letting himself inside his well-furnished home.

"Christine! Christine, my dear... I'm home!" When he received no reply, he moved further into the home, only to hear that new bathing invention he created being run. Ah...she's in the shower... He thought, a devious smile coming to his lips. I know just what to do...

Swiftly Erik moved through the house, shedding his hat, cloak and shoes on the way, until he reached the door of the Louis-Philippe room. Letting himself inside, he moved across the ivory carpet to the bathroom door. It was slightly ajar, and he slipped in silently, gliding across the floor and quickly removing the rest of his clothes.

He stood for a moment, watching Christine's shadow through the curtains hung around the tub, before he could restrain himself no longer, and he leapt in.

Christine's shriek of terror must have rung throughout the entire opera house. In fact, in the manager's office, Firmin and Andre looked up, then at each other, then shrugged and went back to work.

"Hello, my dear..." Erik purred into Christine's ear, holding her from behind, his arms wrapped around her waist. Christine slapped at him, turning from his embrace to face him.

"Just what were you thinking, sneaking up on me like that?" Erik only laughed, moving forward and pulling her against him once again.

"Ahh...I'm quite glad I came up with this little thing... it's much nicer than a bath…don't you think so?" Christine could only sigh, allowing herself to be held in his arms as she rested her head against his chest.

"I suppose..." she mumbled, still slightly cross.

Slowly Erik's lips grazed across her neck, and Christine gasped, tilting her head back and holding tight to his back so as not to tip over.

"Yes... this is very nice indeed..." He whispered against her skin, the warmth of his breath making her shiver. The moisture from the shower let his hands slide easily, and he moved them to her shoulders, squeezing gently and bidding Christine to open her eyes. She did so slowly, and looked up at him with curiosity.

"I love you..." He whispered, before bending to press his lips against hers. Christine kissed him back with a voracious passion, her hands moving up swiftly to tangle in his wet hair, holding his mouth to hers.

Erik gasped, clutching at her hips and pulling her body against his tightly, so not even air could get between them.

Just what I need after a long day's work... He thought with a smirk, and he gasped then when Christine's mouth slid lower, brushing over his neck and collar bones.

"Christine..?" He breathed, looking down at her in awe.

"What? Only you are allowed to ravish me? I don't think that quite fair, monsieur." She teased seductively, before resuming her prior activities. Erik could only tremble, reaching down to cup her face in his hands.

Christine's mouth slid lower, her tongue brushing against his stomach, and she grinned when he began to squirm, attempting to push her away.

"Oh...does that tickle, angel?" His reply was a few more laughs, as he took her hands in his, holding them lovingly. Christine smiled at him, before her mouth slid lower and lower...

"AHHHHHHH!" Erik screamed suddenly, and Christine gave her own shriek, as they both jumped from the tub, huddling together and glaring daggers at Erik's new invention.

"Ah yes..." Erik said sadly, teeth chattering, "It appears I must now work on keeping the hot water from running out..."

Christine's reply was a solemn, shivering nod.