I've been writing TF2 for an entire year HOLY CRAP.

Anyway like last year, on November, I worked on a novel instead of writing TF2. Problem is that last year I had a whole bunch of stories to upload. This time I have no stories to upload. So there is NO TEE EFF TWO AT ALL for this month. Or any month; I'm trying to really finish this novel and at least attempt to publish it.

So here is my goodbye stuff for now. The first one is a Drabble (a REAL drabble, look it up on Wiki), and therefore is 100 words long. I dunno I actually wanted it to be longer but never got around to it.

The other one is a truu storii with a fellow player and I.


"What in tarnation were you darn fools doin'?" BLU's Engineer growled. BLU's Scout and Spy stood in front of the Texan, looking rather sheepish in their rags. They were cut up, bruised, and bleeding by each others' hands. Scout glared at Spy, and then looked back at their engineer, whose arms were crossed; he was not in the mood for stupidity.

Before Scout could say anything about Spy's unwanted mentions of Scout's mother, Spy suddenly took a large puff from his cigarette, adjusted his tie, and smirked devilishly (handsome, of course). "Male bonding."

Scout kicked the European in the shin.


Charlett took the tiny bit of time on defense to take a breath. There were few Heavies she trusted with her safety when she was a Medic, and Virgin Bride was one of them. He stood at the ready as the two waited in ambush for any would be attackers to attempt to steal the point. They would make sure that didn't happen.

The little Medic suddenly was hit with an idea. They weren't really busy, and she really wondered. "Hey, Virgin?"

"Sup?" he asked, turning slightly towards her, just to show that he actually was listening; his eyes were still on the point.

"Why are you 'Virgin Bride'? I mean, anyone with that idea is pretty freaking awesome, but still."

Virgin Bride shrugged. "I wanted to name myself after a mythical creature. You know, like a unicorn or griffon?"

Charlett blinked. "I guess…?"

"But everyone names themselves those things, so I decided on this."

Charlett nodded slowly. "Ohhhkay… and so you gave up on naming yourself after a mythical creature?"

Virgin Bride turned and smirked at the medic, and after a moment the woman's eyes suddenly widened in realization. She then double face-palmed. Hard.

Virgin Bride chuckled as he turned back to watching the point.


I told Virgin Bride I was going to be a mythical creature come my wedding. I have a feeling he was facepalming back. Regardless, ENDING.

If you do like my stuff and don't care if it's TF2 or not (HAH LOL YA RITE) then I will be updating an old story I wrote a few years back for another fandom whose fans scare me but the games themselves are FFFFFFFFF YES. Best part is that the characters are very similar to TF2 chars in that there is a paragraph bio, no personality, and plenty of molding involved. So you really don't need to play the games to read the story. Which means READ IT.

So yes, I'm working on my actual book. People keep saying my stories are great, and if they really are, then my original ones should be worth money, right? Right. So therefore no more fun until the story is at least in its rough draft stages. AWWWYEAHHH.

See you around the bend~

Much Love: