Disclaimer: I don't own any cartoons, TV shows, or any of that. I own this story!

This takes place after "The Marines" episode. Do Shake and Meatwad have a weird connection? What about that kiss, did they do that JUST to get out of AWOL? Find out now:

(One afternoon, Shake is sitting on his chair and he and Frylock were watching "Full House" reruns and drinking a beer.)

Shake: Why am I watching this gay crap?!

Frylock: Because you need to learn how to be a better individual and show respect towards others!

Shake: What the hell did I do?

Frylock: You don't remember pushing that old lady into busy traffic on Sunday?! I know you're not that damn stupid.

Shake:(suddenly remembers the incident) Yeah but...she was pushing 90! What I did WAS respectful; I put her out of her misery!

Frylock: Yeah, well your not exactly an angel either, Shake. Asshole or Ignoramus would describe you perfectly.

Shake:(startled): Excuse me, Frylock. I'm pretty sure that I'm the nicest person I know.(sees Meatwad walk in) Hey, piece of rotted garbage! Get me a beer and don't ask me for a tip this time!

Meatwad: Okay! (thinks) Oh damn. I needed money for my brain transplant. I guess I won't be the 'President of Mars".

Frylock: Well you keep telling yourself that, but don't move off that couch or else!(leaves)

Shake: Ah man, the one time I actually WANT to be off my ass!

(But Shake had to stay there. He didn't want to go through painful burns and possible death becuse he disobeyed Frylock.)

Meatwad: Here's your beer, sir.

Shake: Gracias.

(The two of them sit watching a "Full House" where DJ and Steve are kissing.)

Meatwad: Wow, I wish I could have that kind of action.

Shake: You already did, dur! Remember last March when we were in the Marines and we went through all that war?

Meatwad: Oh yeah! The two of us did AWOL and escaped to Canada! That was a hell of alot of action though, good times.

Shake: Yeah, they were.(sudden silence) Remember when we had to scare away the US military by making out?

Meatwad: Oh, I almost forgot about that. That was crazy.

(Shake then starts to think about that make-out session with his "sorta friend".)

Shake: I...I kinda liked doing that back there. It didn't just keep our asses safe. I felt something strange...

Meatwad: Did you see fireworks like I thought I saw ?


Meatwad: Yeah! I don't know why,... I think it's because... I never kissed anyone before you.

Shake: Yeah, I never had either, shockingly. That's why I make up stories of how I went to bed with 40 women at one time. Sometimes lying about certain things keeps you're identity safe, you know?

Meatwad: Yeah, I always knew that wasn't ever possible. I don't think you got anything down there.(laughs)

Shake: Yeah, keep laughing. I WILL sleep with 40 women someday, definately before you.

Meatwad: Yeah, I think we should forget that whole kissing thing go and pretend like it never happened.

Shake; Well, you can't let that something like that go. I probably won't forget it, EVER. Let's just be real heterosexual men and watch this crapload show.

Meatwad: I'm up for that.(thinking): I can't forget it either. Ahh Damnit, I think.

Shake:(looks at Meatwad) Hey,

Meatwad: Yeah?

Shake:(in a threatning voice) What was said earlier is to never be spoken of again or else, got that?

Meatwad: Loud and clear!

Shake: Good. Now go get me another beer.

Meatwad: Yes sir.

FIN. Tell me what you think of this weird love story. No flames, just good comments and/or advice if any is needed. :D Hoped you liked it!