Disclaimer: The Harry Potter Series and its contents and characters belong to J.K. Rowling and company. The name Trinity is what I have decided to name Draco's cousin, thanks to Frex for suggesting it. I would also like to thank everyone who reviewed. I didn't expect that much review, so thank you everyone!
spinning cup – Thank you for the motivation! I'm definitely going to continue.
Alia Lynn – You are such a great feedback! Thank you so much. Oh ad the professor thing? Fixed it just for you! Thanks again!
Anilucarddraculina – Thank you for reading! Thank you for the review as well.
SilverGreenBlackisSnakeAttack – I'm glad you're rooting for Trinity! Don't I get a cookie for effort?
Olympia – Thanks for reading! I'll go check out the site soon.
Family Mishap
Chapter 2
Despite previous and constant begging on both parties, the professors would not give up their stand. Professors' McGonagall and Sprout wanted to make sure that talking and whispering in class would reduce or halt altogether, so the opportunity to discipline students for the misfortune of some detention goers is an opportunity too good not to pass up. So here they are – all of them – sitting in an old, beat down classroom that looks like its been untouched since the castle was built.
The gang had been scattered all over the room so as not to cause any more than necessary trouble. Professor McGonagall sitting leisurely on the teacher's desk while marking scrolls. The room had been so silent that the only thing the students could hear is the constant scratching of quill on scroll. Hermione for one didn't mind being in detention, shockingly enough, since she gets to finish her homework without any idiotic interruptions.
She had been seated in the left back corner and a seat away from her right was Draco Malfoy, who she assumed must be fighting off his sleep due to constant slapping and pinching of the face. On the front row, vertical to Malfoy was Potter. Harry was best occupying his time by staring at the wall beside him trying to make out imaginary faces, chuckling quietly here and there when he discovers something relatively funny. Vertical to Hermione was Ron. And Ron being Ron unashamedly sat on his seat, tuned out everything and everyone and slept, while snoring. Really loud. Every time the red head would snore, either Hermione or Draco would roll their eyes in annoyance.
So far so good, Professor McGonagall thought as she continued, quite merrily to mark her scrolls. Not long after she had thought this to herself, she heard papers being crumpled and hitting something rather hard. She assumed it was a head. She looked up just in time for Ron to make a loud snort and look up with a dazed and confused expression on his face.
"Mr. Malfoy," Professor McGonagall cleared her throat. "Although Ronald's snoring was getting rather annoying, you have no right to hurt a fellow student." She said tartly. It vaguely reminds of Malfoy his old grandmother, eerily enough.
"It wasn't me professor." Draco defended himself groggily, and seriously enough it hadn't been him. If his eyes were bloodshot and elbows on the table propping his head up weren't any indication that he was telling the godforsaken truth then, I don't know what is.
"Then who-" McGonagall was interrupted before she could utter another word.
"It was me professor." Hermione raised her left hand, looking as though she had been caught with her hand in a cookie jar. "I don't know about the rest of you, but Ronald's snoring was making my ears hurt and I'm pretty sure if he didn't stop my ears would have bled by the end of detention."
Everybody, including Malfoy, looked at her like she was crazy. And she probably was. Malfoy raised an eyebrow and smirked. For once, Hermione did something rather out of character and it wasn't his fault, much to his dismay but to was rather nice to witness. He could tell that Granger had an inner Slytherin in her system just waiting to burst out. Professor McGonagall and Harry was speechless of course, the professor blinked twice and then nodded once. Ron however couldn't have cared less aside from the fact that he looked like the living dead and went back to his slumber.
So, Malfoy thought to himself, feeling a smirk forming in his lips. Its not an evil smirk mind you, it was a smirk that resembled somewhat of a smile. Granger does have a fun side. Although the paper ball was rather childish, if I do say so myself.
Author's Note: I apologize to everybody for the long wait! I don't actually have a reasonable excuse as to why I haven't updated the story, if you haven't noticed my work usually consists of oneshots and I'm not used to stories with chapters. I'm trying my best to fulfil your wishes. (Geez, I sound like an old fashioned genie.) Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the latest chapter. Don't worry, there's more to come. I once again apologize for the tardiness of this chapter. More fluffiness will ensue soon. Thank you.