A/N : I realize this is a very sensitive subjects, especially for teenagers still in high school. As one of those teenagers, I just wanted to adress everyone with this story, just as they did on the show. I never went through anything like that, which I am very gratefull for. I tried to make it as realistic as possible, but I know not everything probably fits. All my information from this story mostly came from movies, articles and news reports. I am not trying to offen anyone, I am just trying to show that this could happen anywhere. With that said, I do hope you enjoy this.

God Bless The Child

Chapter 1

Children are supposed to live happy and full lives. They're supposed to feel safe, not scared to death. They're supposed to get through high school without getting killed. What happened that school is no longer a safe haven but a death trap ? God, please bless our children...


The phone rang, pulling her from her deep sleep. She groaned as she opened her eyes, searching for her cell phone. She finally saw it on the ground. She picked it up, thanks to caller-ID, she saw it was Peyton.

"Hello ?" She asked, still half asleep as she sat straight up in her bed.

"Get your skinny but out of that bed and get dressed. I'll pick you up in 30 minutes." Peyton said, Brooke sighed, hung up the phone and stepped out of bed.

Another day of school, Brooke loved school, but she hated getting up so early each day. If Peyton wouldn't call her out of bed every day, she'd probably get in school late every day.


She gave him a kiss on the lips, waking him up.

"Hmm, something smells nice." Nathan said as he returned his wife's kiss with one of his one. It was their morning ritual ever since they got married 6 months ago. Haley would cook breakfast and wake Nathan up every morning. In exchange for that, Nathan sometimes attempted to cook dinner at night, but almost always needed Haley's help.

"What's cooking ?" He asked as he pulled Haley closer to him.

"Eggs with bacon and pancakes." Haley said before kissing him again. When she pulled away she slapped him on the chest and told him to get dressed.

"Breakfast's almost ready." She said as she walked back to the kitchen counter, Nathan watched Haley as she walked away. And when I say watched, he checked out her but.


"Get up sleepy head! Breakfast is almost ready!" Karen Roe yelled for her son Lucas Scott to wake up. Lucas opened his eyes, let out a big yawn, before stepping out of bed and getting dressed.

He stepped into the kitchen and sat down at the table as he smelled something really good.

"That smells great." Lucas said as his mom gave him a plate of something he didn't recognize.

"If I tell you, you're not gonna eat it. But I promisse, it's not poison." She joked as she grabbed a plate for herself and sat down across Lucas. Lucas carefully took a bite of the food on his plate.

"Hmm, this is really good." He said as he quickly took more bites.

"Really, really good." He said with his mouth still filled with food.

"I'm glad you like it. So, do you have any plans for tonight ?" Karen asked, so she would not be worried if her son didn't come home right away after school.

"I'm going to the movies after school with Brooke and Peyton. Some chick flick they wanna see. I won't be home late, since it's a school night." Lucas replied, Karen smiled.

"What ?" Lucas asked when he saw the smug look on his mother's face.

"Nothing. I was just wondering, have you figured out already which one it is that you have a crush on ?" Karen asked, smiling.

"What ? God, I don't have a crush on either of them. We're just good friends, that's all. Jeez, you really know nothing of my love life. Remember when you always used to say Haley and I would get married someday ?" Lucas said, raising his eyebrow at his mother.

"That was different, you and Haley were, are best friends. I was just joking back then. Now I'm serious." Karen said, she loved to pribe into Lucas's life, especially when it came to dating.

"Well, you're wrong. The only feelings I have for them are like I have for Haley. Friendship, brotherly feelings. That's all, they're like my sisters." Lucas said, before eating the rest of his breakfast and trying to convince him that all the feelings he has for them were indeed those of a brother.


"God, P. Sawyer, you drive like a maniac." Brooke said after Peyton had parked her car at school. Peyton laughed.

"You say that every morning. At least I still have my drivers license." Peyton said as she smirked.

"Oh, that stupid judge was so wrong to revoce my license for a year. I swear, I'll be so glad when I can drive my own car again." Brooke said, crossing her arms, looking angry as she thought of the judge who took her license because she had 10 speeding tickets. 10! Like that was much.

"Well, untill then, you'll have to settle with me as your personal driver." Peyton said as she got out of the car. Brooke followed her lead.

"Two months. Just two more months and I'm free of you and your stupid as car." Brooke growled as she and Peyton headed towards the school;


As Nathan and Haley pulled up at the school on his motorcycle, they saw Brooke and Peyton walking towards the school.

"Hey Brooke! Peyton! Wait up!" Haley yelled as soon as she took of her helmet. Peyton and Brooke looked around, saw Nathan and Haley stepping of the bike and coming towards them while holding hands.

"What's up ?" Brooke asked after she and Peyton had greeted both Nathan and Haley.

"We're having a little get together at our place this this saturday. Just some close friends, you guys are coming, right ?" Haley asked, Peyton and Brooke smiled and said they'd love to come.

"Awsome, ask Lucas too, if ya see him." Nathan said, Peyton shook her head.

"No need, he's coming this way." Peyton said as she saw Lucas coming up to them. It was such a coïncidence that they would all arrive at practically the same time.

"Hey guys, what's up ?" Lucas asked as he was greeted by the gang and was then told about the party.

"Sounds sweet, count me in." Lucas said, high-fiving Nathan. Nathan was Lucas's half brother. Same father, different mother. Lucas was just a few months older then Nathan. You've all heard the story.

"You guys are such morrons." Brooke laughed as she saw how Lucas and Nathan interacted.

They all headed inside to their classes, Lucas and Nathan had first period Gym, while Haley and Peyton had drama class and Brooke, much against her will, had Math as her first class.


Haley and Peyton entered their drama class and took their seats next to each other. They were laughing, talking about silly things that actually had no meaning at all. When the teacher entered the class room, they stopped laughing and payed attention to her.

"Good morning class. Today, I want us to do a little one on one roleplaying game. So, I want you guys to pair up. Once you've found your partner, raise your hand and I'll be there to give you your assignment." The teacher explained.

The whole class stood up and started to look for a partner, except for Haley and Peyton, they just pushed their seats together and raised their hands. They always worked together, they loved acting silly together.

"Good, we have a pair. Here's your assignment, just do the best you can." The teacher said as she gave them a sheat of paper and walked away.

"Looks like fun." Peyton said as she looked at the assignment, which said they had to take turns playing a mother or father role to their partner as they played the child.

"Looks easy. I'm practically the parent at home anyways." Haley smiled as she thought about Nathan and how childesh he could be sometimes.

"Miss ? I don't have a partner." A short girl with brown hair, named Abby Brown, said, raising her hand.

"That's odd. This is an even class. Let's see who's missing." The teacher said as she looked at her sheat with all the names of everyone in the class.

"Hmm, has anyone seen Ronny David today ?" The teacher asked as she could not see him anywhere, which was odd, because he had a perfect attendance record.

As she looked around the class, she noticed that a lot of the students didn't know who she was talking about, and the ones who did, such as Abby and Haley just shook their heads, they had not seen him that day.


Lucas and Nathan were playing one on one basketball, since Coach Whitey gave Gym to all the classes and was the coach of their basketball team, he always let them practice their game, which they loved doing.

Suddenly, Coach Whitey noticed someone missing and blew his whistle.

"Casey Stark ? Casey Stark ?! Anyone seen Casey Stark ?" Coach Whitey called out, he got annoyed when he saw his class asking around who Casey Stark was.

"Casey Stark! A tiny girl, can't play sports for the life of her!" Coach Whitey explained, now students of his class started to nod, as they now knew who he was talking about.

Lucas and Nathan resumed their game after Whitey had finished asking for that girl. They didn't really notice anyone from their gym class, since they usually played one on one.


Brooke sat in her Math class, she was starting to drift to sleep when the voice of her teacher brought her back to the present.

"Miss Davis." The teacher said as he was now standing before her.

"Hmm ?" She said as she lifted her hand from her head, seeing her teacher stand before her. She was lucky he was a pretty nice guy and didn't get mad quickly.

"Have you seen Angela Lewis or Tony Lance ?" The teacher asked her, Brooke was glad he was just asking her a question, but she had no idea who he was talking about.

"Who ?" she asked, the teacher sighed.

"The people who sit before you. They're here more then you are. You don't know who I'm talking about ?" He asked, Brooke shook her head.

"Never heard of them. Maybe they're a bunch of loosers, I mean, if I've never even heard of them, they gotta be." Brooke said, the teacher shook his head, filled something in on his papers and resumed his class. By which Brooke started to drift of again.


No one thought anything unusual about an absent student, but what they did not know what that there were 5 boys and 3 girls absent in total. All boys and girls who were pretty unnoticed by everyone around them.


The first bell was only 10 minutes away, Brooke saw when she looked at the clock on her cell phone. It was still long, but at least most of the class was over.

She was gonna put her books away when she saw the class door open. She thought she recognized the girl, but she didn't know who she was, the teacher however did.

"Miss. Lewis, nice of you to show up. Even if the class is almost over. I'll have to write you a note." He said, but froze when he saw what was coming.

Angela was holding a fully automatic weapon in her hands. She lifted it up, pulled the trigger and shot the teacher right in the head. Practically blowing his brains out.

Everyone in the entire class started to scream and run trough the class. Which only made them an easier target, since the only way out, was blocked by the girl shooting everyone.

Brooke hid under her desk, praying she would not be the next one to fall to the ground. She could hardly comprehend what was happening around her. Shot fired, sounding just like firecrackers. Student, young, innocent people, falling to the ground. Some were her friends, some she didn't recognize.

She could hardly breath, she just prayed for it to stop. For the screams and the shots and the sounds of falling bodies to just stop. This was high school, a safe place, this wasn't supposed to happen. Not to them, not to her.


As Angel Lewis had opened fire in her math class, her 7 companions had opened fire too, all in different areas of the school.

Lucas and Nathan hadn't seen the gun untill it fired for the first time, a student hit the ground. There was so much blood and confusion that they never saw who it was. The screams surrounding them deafened their hearing.

All the people in the gym headed towards the exit, which was ungaurded since the person shooting had come from the locker room. Lucas and Nathan ran for their lives, they were in the middle of the pack students, about 20, maybe 30 of them running for the doors, when suddenly, the windows of the doors shattered into a million pieces as yet another student fell to the ground.

They didn't know if the student who fell was dead or just injured, all they could think about was to turn around as they saw the second shooter intering the gym. Nathan pulled at Lucas, noticing he was staring at the doors and the shooter. Lucas snapped out of it and followed Nathan.

The two shooters walked towards the center of the gym, trying to surround the pack of fleeing students. Some escaped, ran past the shooter as he was firing more shots. Lucas and Nathan were umong the lucky ones. They ran out of the back door, which lead to the hallways as they could still hear screams and shots coming from the gym.

Lucas stopped, yet again, he had to help them, he couldn't just let them die, but Nathan grabbed his arms as he was about to head back.

"There's nothing you can do man, you'd only get yourself killed." Nathan said, looking firmy inside Lucas's eyes. Lucas could tell Nathan was scared to death, he was too.

"We gotta find Haley, Peyton and Brooke." Nathan said, putting his own life before that of his friends. He knew that there was still hope for them if they weren't trapped, it wasn't like in the gym, where they were trapped like animals. Lucas nodded and they started running, shouting out the names of their loved ones.


There were two doors in Haley and Peyton's drama class. The door by which they entered, and the back door, which led to the class next to them which held all the accesories they sometimes used.

The shooter, male or female, they didn't know, had come from the back door. Haley was joking around with Peyton, pretending to be her mother and punishing her for not cleaning her room when they heard the first shot.

Stunned, they turned around to see a shocking sight. The girl named Abby Brown looked down at her stomach, her hands shaking, tears falling down her face, before she slowly fell to the ground.

Panic broke out in the class room, everyone head for the door. Haley and Peyton, who were the closest to it, were the first ones out. They headed down the hallway, running against people coming from all sides, knowing that there were more shooters. They also knew that the ones in the back of their class weren't so lucky.

They could hear screams and gunshots all around them, they had no idea where to head to. All Peyton could think of was Brooke, hoping that she was safe, that she wasn't hurt, lying on the floor, bleeding to death somewhere. Haley could only think about Nathan and how she hadn't had time enough with him yet. She also thought about Lucas and Brooke, her friends, she prayed they were safe.

They grabbed each others hand so they wouldn't get lost in the crowd and continued running, where to ? They had no idea.


Brooke was still hiding under her desk, trying to escape from the rain of bullets, when she saw the shooters feet walking past her.

This was her chance, she needed to take a run for it or she was dead. She crawled from underneath her desk, just as she stood up, she heard an awfull scream, which pierced through all her thought and she just froze.

She heard a gunshot, bringing her back to reality. She was about 10 steps from the door, she started running without looking back when she felt something pinch her arms. But she was so filled with pure adrenaline that she hardly felt it. She just kept running untill she was out of the classroom.

Once she left the classroom, she joined a horde of students trying to escape the sounds of guns getting fired all around them.


Principal Turner rushed into the administrations office as soon as he had heard the shots and screams.

He grabbed the speaker phone and spoke into it.

"Code Red. Code Red. This is not a drill. All students must head to a designated lockdown area or exit the school emmediately. I repeat, this is a Code Red." He said before turning the speaker back of and adressing the school secretary.

"Call 911, tell them we have a Code Red, possibly multiple shooters." Principal turned said to her, she was about to nod, when she froze and her face turned into one that was filled with fear.

Turner turned around to see he was facing a young girl, between the age of 16 and 18, holding an automatic weapon in her hands. She didn't smile, she didn't say anything.

She had sprinkles of blood all over her face and clothes, but she didn't seem to care. She raised her gun at her principal.

He wanted to say something, speak some reason into her, but he couldn't, he simply couldn't speak or do anything at all.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, she pulled the trigger, the bullet was fired from her gun. It hit Turner right in his face, killing him emmediately, causing him to fall to the ground.

The secretary screamed her longues out when she saw Turner hit the ground. She was about to turn around and run when she felt something his her in the back. Causing her to fall down.

She was still breathing, she could feel the pain so badly, but she tried to hold on. She hoped that the girl who shot her would think she was dead and just turn around. But sadly for her, the girl wasn't so stupid.

She walked behind the desk, aimed her gun at the middle-aged secretary's head and pulled the trigger. She never even saw it coming, and now she was dead.


The school itself didn't even need to call the pollice anymore. They had already received severall calls of freaked out students who had reached the outside of the school and who had just kept running untill they were far enough from the school to be safe.

Not many students had made it out, they were with about 12, maybe 13 students who were standing together by the side of the rode, some bleeding, some just scared. They waited for the pollice to reach them.

It only took the pollice 7 minutes to reach the small group of students after they had called the pollice. One cop car stopped where the students were standing, the other cars, about 7 of them, raced towards the school.

The two cops in the car that had stopped, stepped out and walked towards the students. As they took everything in them, they saw one girl was sitting on the ground, holding presure on a wound on her leg, she had been shot. Another boy was bleeding on his arm, not too badly, he had probably been grazed by a bullet.

The others appeared to be unharmed, exept for the fact that they all looked to be in shock.

"The ambulance will be here in a few minutes." The female officer said to her partner after she had informed about it. He nodded.

"Can anyone tell us what happened ?" The male officer asked, one boy, who had been pacing the whole time since they arrived stood still and faced them.

"It happened so fast. I heard a shot, and suddenly they were everywhere. There was so much blood and everyone was screaming and trying to run. I... I lost my girlfriend. I think she was shot. I... I need to go back, find her." the boy said before he started to walk towards the direction of the school, but the female officer stopped him.

"We can't let you go back in there, it's too dangerous, I'm sorry." She said, the boy looked dismayed, he sat down on the ground, places his head in his hands and started crying.

In the distance, they could heard the sillences of the ambulances coming closer. The male officer looked at the few students that had escaped. He swallowed, he had never seen such a horrible sight. He knew the world could be a cruel place, but he had never expected something like this to happen. It was just all wrong.


A/N : So, that was the first chapter, I hope you liked it and I hope you tell me what you think.