A/N: Heiii there! XD Well it has been a long, long time since my last update :) Sorry about that XD Well, anyway here it is! The second part of part two of chapter four (now that's a mouthful)! As usual there is an author's note at the end as well as review answers if you are looking for that :D Well anyway on with the story!
Disclaimer: Since I haven't updated this fic in so long (almost two or three months now!), I decided to do another one of these. HP is not mine and it belongs to the great JK Rowling! As an added plus for this chapter specifically, Wuthering Heights is not mine either; it belongs to the author Emily Bronte.
Chapter 4: Obey Me Part 2.2
the game
Before somebody else takes you out of the frame
puts your name to shame
Cover up your face
You can't run the
The pace is too fast
You Just won't last
love the way,I look at you
While taking pleasure in the awful
things you put me through
You take away, if I give in
life,my pride is broken
like to think you're never wrong
(You live what you've
You have to act like you're someone
(You live what
you've learned)
You want someone to hurt like you
(You live
what you've learned)
You want to share what you've been
(You live what you've learned)
Pts. of Authority-Linkin Park
Draco was making his way towards the Slytherin common room after classes to meet up with Pansy. He was exhausted and was happily wishing that she had wound up in the Hospital Wing for some reason. The whole day had been exhausting, not only had he caught Granger staring at him (much to his amusement) but he had a lot of homework to do. Apparently, Severus plus a bunch of hyperactive Gryffindors equal an extra Potions essay. He was willing to taunt Granger for the staring later on, but the Potions essay… not so much.
He muttered the password and found Pansy in the common room alone. He had no doubts that she had probably ushered all of the others away. She could be quite vicious if she wants to, and it was one of the things which he respected about her unlike her clinginess.
He cleared his throat to announce his presence and Pansy quickly spun around and gave him a flirtatious smile. Or what she thought to be one since Draco cringed at her as he sat down. Things have been a lot simpler when they had been just friends, the days before Lucius had announced his betrothal to her.
"Draaaaakie, where have you been all this time? I missed you," Pansy began with a pout.
Draco forced the bile down his throat (Pansy was pretty, but he hated when she did that) and composed a look of boredom on his face.
"Nowhere specifically;" he glanced at her, "We received a notice from the old geezer about what Granger and I will be doing tomorrow for detention," he continued casually; not planning to mention the second part of the punishment.
Pansy's eyes went murderous at the mention of Granger for a second.
"So, you will be spending a lot of time with that filthy Mudblood whore," she said in a sickly-sweet voice, probably the tone which she used to drive everyone out of the common room.
"Now, now, Pansy. No use getting your hands dirty," he drawled, as if unfazed about what she just said. He really had no idea why the idea of him spending time with Granger affected her much.
Pansy slid her arms around Draco's neck and rested her head on his shoulder.
"My poor Drakie-Poo…" she began before another murderous glare fixed itself on her flawless face, "If that filthy whore even dares to touch you, I'll make sure she'll regret it," she said in an icy tone, before giving Draco a kiss in his jaw and making her way to his ear.
And, unlike her other taunt before, Draco actually believed that she was capable of hurting Granger this time. What surprised him was the churning of something at the pit of this stomach. Protectiveness? Almost as if he dreaded Pansy from doing just that.
Hermione had been in the library for a few hours by now. Being Head Girl did come with its perks. Not only is she allowed to spend extra time at the library, but she can check out books from the Restricted Section anytime she wanted, something that she would use in order to help Harry with his quest to find the remaining Hoxcruxes.
She sighed happily while she stretched herself. It would almost be time for curfew, so there were a lot less students here and even some were already getting out. She had done all of her homework by now and decided to read to occupy her time. She had no intention to head to the head common room early and risk being seen by Malfoy. She preferred to extend that little meeting until tomorrow, when the potion will be made. A shiver ran down her spine at the thought of it.
She heard the faint rustling of robes and noticed that Madame Pince was ushering the remaining students out. She spotted Hermione at the table and nodded at her. Hermione already knew that this meant that she was in charge of locking up the library and getting the special note (found on Pince's desk) that would ensure her not to be punished from being up late at night. Hermione gave her a nod to signal that she understood before Madame Pince closed the door.
She then proceeded to look at the shelves for any books that may be of use to her. She was just about to look at the book titled "100 Spells and Symbols of Light and Black Magic", when she heard a faint rustling somewhere nearby. She turned around rather quickly, her reflexes grabbing her wand and extending her arm.
"Lumos," she muttered, as a light appeared at the end of her wand.
She strained her ears in hopes of hearing something else, but after a few minutes of complete silence, she relaxed her stance, but still decided to look around just to check. Moody's "constant vigilance" phrase was heard over and over in her head as she made her way across the library as quietly as she could. She checked almost every shelf and hall of books, and still nothing. She was a bit more relaxed, but then she heard the rustling coming from a particular set of shelves, one she hadn't checked yet. She held her breath while she counted to ten. It shouldn't be anything, Hermione, calm yourself down! She let out her breath, put a determined look on her face and pointed her want directly into the face of…of.....
Hermione looked confused when a girl with jet black hair and huge violet eyes stared back at her. She looked familiar… and she gave off a strange aura. The girl narrowed her eyes at Hermione and then they widened.
"Aren't you Hermione Granger, the Head Girl?" she asked; her voice strangely musical.
Hermione still didn't seem to place her. Just where did this girl come from? She was quite certain she was from her year… The girl extended her hand towards her and smiled softly, as if she knew something that Hermione didn't.
"It appears that I know your name, but you don't seem to know mine. Well, we haven't been properly presented yet," the girl said with a smirk, "I'm Caterina Peacewater, I've recently gotten in."
Hermione slowly remembered who she was, while she shook Peacewater's hand in a daze. She recalled that she recently had entered, the papers had been sent to the Heads. Her eyes and strange confidence to know just how people thought had been the school gossip for the first week, and Hermione tried to recall a special characteristic that she had but it kept escaping her. Then she remembered another characteristic.
She's a Slytherin.
She quickly tensed in the handshake and retracted her hand rather quickly. Then, seeming to just notice her reaction, she shot a glance at Caterina, who instead of angry seemed amused by it. Hermione inwardly cursed herself. She really shouldn't judge her just because she was from Slytherin. She forced a stern look to come upon her face as she muttered Nox under her breath. Now only the light of the moon illuminated them, and it sort of made Caterina seem… eerie and beautiful at the same time.
"You shouldn't be-" Hermione began.
"It is really dark in here," Caterina muttered.
Hermione sent her a look of annoyance and confusion. Caterina smiled at her and raised her hand towards the ceiling.
A wispy white light made her way from her hand towards the ceiling, lighting up the place where they stood, and Hermione remembered her "special characteristic".
The only girl who could master wand less magic to an extent that she wouldn't need a wand anymore and she had to be Slytherin. She sighed when she noticed that Caterina had sat down on a nearby table, and motioned for Hermione to do the same.
"You were saying," Caterina told her once she had sat down.
Hermione fixed the stern look on her face once more.
"You shouldn't be here; it's after curfew for students."
Caterina frowned a bit, but it seemed that she was more confused than angry.
"I thought that the library…"
Hermione saw some sort of comprehension in her eyes that she had been tricked, as well as a small flicker of fury. She composed herself rather quickly, though.
"Then, why are you here?" she asked Hermione.
"The Head Girl has special privileges, so I can stay in the library for a longer amount of time," she paused for a moment, "Why? Do you need a book of some sort?"
Caterina seemed a bit startled at the question, and Hermione wondered if somebody had at least tried to get to know her.
"Um… well… Not really," she began nervously. Hermione could spot a little pink tinge on her cheeks, before Caterina sighed.
"I guess I'll have detention then, won't I?"
Hermione studied her face for a moment. She did look as if she didn't mean to be off curfew and she is new to this school. It hadn't even been half the year, so she probably wasn't used to it. After this musings, Hermione gave a defeated sigh.
"It's alright. You are new to this school Miss Peacewater, so I could leave you off with just a war-"
Hermione shot a glance at her, a bit startled by her interruption, only to find her to have the ghost of a smile on her face.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"You may call me Caterina… Hermione," she answered with a hesitant smile, "and… thank you."
Hermione must've looked stunned because a hint of amusement passed through Pea- Caterina's eyes. But, then again, it was the first time that she had ever seen a Slytherin smile at her with no hint of malice in it. Maybe it was because of that, or because she was still overwhelmed by all of the things that she had been doing this year that she smiled back tentatively. After that, Caterina reached out and grabbed a book, probably the one that she was holding before Hermione had interrupted her. She shot another smile at her, more confident thanks to Hermione's reaction.
"Why did you decide to stay after curfew, Hermione?" she asked.
Her name rolled off her tongue as if she had been saying it all of her life, but it wasn't that what stopped Hermione from answering quickly. The truth was that she was researching dark magic in order to find more about the Hoxcruxes. By her calculations, there were still a few left to destroy, and the locket that Dumbledore and Harry had found at the beginning of 6th year was just the beginning of it. They had spent the whole summer going from place to place looking for them, even if they had succeeded in some points she still felt as if they were missing at least one or two. Maybe even three. But still, nice or not, Caterina was still a Slytherin. She flinched inwardly at how racist the comment sounded, but she was yet to be proven otherwise of the fact. She could not take the risk, especially from people who resided in that house, of knowing this specific piece of information.
Not that they were gloating about it in the common room, it was just pure instinct to do so. An annoying habit, she thought wryly, but, even as she decided to lie, she still felt a little guilty over the fact that this girl was opening up to her, however little, and she couldn't do the same for her. Somehow she trusted this Slytherin, but there was a gut feeling telling her to shut up. Scanning her up and down, it was almost as if she was placed in the house for the wrong reasons…
Hermione decided to show her the book that she had taken, seeing no danger in that. Caterina glanced at the book, but made no move to take it and nodded for her to continue. Hermione raised an eyebrow at her lazy reaction, but showed no displeasure to it.
"I'm researching some dark magic for an… extra credit essay for Professor Lupin," she finished quickly.
She wasn't comfortable lying, but this did seem realistic. She was always known for taking extra work into her hands and she was sure that Remus wouldn't mind telling Caterina that it had been his idea if she ever felt the need to ask him. She knew that they both wouldn't like it, but it was necessary in order to protect Harry. Caterina's eyes widened a bit, but she kept her façade set, as she extended her hand, her lazy posture dropped.
"May I see the book?"
Hermione did not mention the fact that she had offered the book to her before and hesitated for a brief second before handing her the book. She hadn't really seen any real danger in that. She almost thanked the fact that she had been always teased about how she researched almost every book that she could get her hands on. Well, if they weren't novels, those she could read peacefully. Caterina took the book gingerly from her hands and, by the way that she held it quite carefully but with a bit of practiced style, Hermione concluded that she was not a stranger to books.
Thank Merlin for that.
"You know," Caterina started, "if it is dark magic you want to research, then I happen to know a better book than this one," she said after she handed the book back to Hermione.
Hermione couldn't help the curious glance as Caterina handed her the book that she had been looking for earlier when she found her in the shelves. She took it from her carefully, and Caterina seemed to find it amusing that she turned it around in her hands almost as if it were a bomb waiting to explode. She read the title quickly, "A Brief History of Darkness", the subtitle read "Dark and Black Magic Spells Through the Ages". She couldn't seem to read the author's name, it was too faded away, but she wondered why she hadn't spotted this book before, it looked as if it would be of great help.
"It is not actually from the library," Caterina told her, guessing her thoughts.
Hermione didn't know why she shivered at the fact that she might have been doing just that.
"Then, whose is it? And why was it in the library?"
"The book is mine." Caterina answered her, and by looking at Hermione's reaction she continued, "It is one of the reasons why I'm here, actually. I accidentally left it in the morning; you see I didn't have such a good night's sleep. When I came back to pick it up in the afternoon, it wasn't there anymore. Someone must've picked it up and placed it on a shelf," she explained a bit sheepishly.
Hermione noticed Caterina's gaze on her and her eyes locked with her powerful violet ones. She somehow found herself unable to look away.
"I can lend it to you… if you want." Caterina finished quickly with a smile.
Hermione broke her glance to gaze at the book and shot her a thankful smile. She could really use the book…
"Only if it wouldn't be such a drag," she admitted, while taking the book from Caterina's extended hands, and, as usual, curiosity got the better of her, "How could you simply forget something like a book?"
Caterina cringed a little at the thought, but chuckled to Hermione's relief.
"I would just like to point out that this is actually not the first time that this has happened to me," she answered with a grimace, "The first time happened with a book titled "Wuthering Heights" by-"
"Emily Bronte," Hermione finished for her, whilst looking at her in shock, "I didn't know that you read Muggle books!"
"Well, I may be a Pureblood, but I do adore Muggle literature," she said with a traditional Slytherin smirk, making Hermione wonder if she was actually allowed to read Muggle literature.
"Well, now that is a first!" Hermione said with a smile, "I've never heard of a Pureblood actually knowing some literature, much less reading it!"
Caterina shrugged at her, "Well, you never know."
She really was unique; Hermione thought that it was probably the reason behind Parkinson's hateful stares at her direction. Or maybe it was not completely that.
"Well, now that we have gotten that earth shattering experience from our shoulders," Caterina said, eliciting a slight laughter from the Gryffindor, "I need to know your opinion," she stopped a little for a dramatic pause, "What did you think of Catherine Earnshaw, not the youngest but the mother, the original?"
"That's obvious," Hermione answered, "She was obviously too selfish in her decisions. If it weren't for her, Heathcliff might have never gotten so mad at the end!"
"Isn't that right?!" Caterina continued excitedly, "Almost everyone thinks that this whole problem is Heathcliff's fault!"
They both continued talking excitedly about the book and even recommending some others in the process. Hermione not only discovered that they had similar tastes, but they also had read almost all of the same books. It was only when she checked her watch that she noticed that it was already one in the morning. Caterina must have noticed her gaze and followed her lead when she started packing.
"Are you going to be all right returning by yourself," Hermione asked her once they were outside the library, "You don't have Head privileges."
"We aren't called sneaky Slytherins for nothing," Caterina answered with a smirk as they parted.
Hermione smiled back at her and waved goodbye as she headed towards the Head common room. This day had certainly ended strangely, or at least it sounded strange when it was put into words.
There was a slight chance that she may have befriended a Slytherin.
Part 1: Hermione's POV
I woke up the next day with my head pounding and what is sure to look like huge bags under my eyes. Apart from the fact that I had tucked in late because of my debating with Caterina at the library, I have also been having these weird dreams about Malfoy torturing me with a cane.
I wouldn't like to elaborate on that.
Either way, I dressed up quickly, or rather as quickly as I could with only half an eye open, and headed down towards breakfast in a really horrid mood. I even took a few points from some students along the way, hey, it is not my fault I'm not a morning person. In fact, I'm blaming Malfoy, he has shocked me by making me glance to his (slightly, you hear me slightly) handsome face.
I sat down and met Harry and Ron's surprised glances. I cradled my face in my hands. Please oh please don't you even think about asking-
"Woah, what happened to you? Got mauled by a hippogriff?" Ron asked.
But of course, why did I even hope. I mumbled something along the lines of "bloody nightmares" and "Malfoy" and "library", but both Harry and Ron understood and nodded.
"Well, you're going to have to wake yourself up, we have Transfiguration now with the Ravenclaws," Harry told me, as if I didn't know my schedule already.
It's too bad that McGonagall doesn't tolerate people sleeping in her class.
"I'm trying," I answered with a groan, while rubbing my eyes furiously.
"That reminds me, we have Quidditch tryouts tomorrow, don't we Harry?" asked Ron excitedly.
Even though I didn't see how the hell Transfiguration could possibly be related to something from that sodding sport, I thanked Ron, steering the conversation away from me.
"That's right. It's too bad that we get the pitch right after Slytherin, though," Harry said with a cringe.
Hmm, he probably would go early anyway, he loved to spy on who would be Malfoy's new team members. The bad news is that it brought me not so good memories from my dreams as I cradled my head in my hands once more.
"Ugh, you're right. Bloody ferret. Probably made Snape get that permission for him and to top it all off, he's captain too!" Ron said with a groan.
Ron would never admit it, but Malfoy did deserve that little position. He wasn't a bad flier, he was actually pretty good, but since he was always concentrating in beating Harry… Then again, why should I even be worrying about this! Better for us.
"You shouldn't worry about that," a voice said, interrupting my musings, "I bet Harry's gonna kick his arse anyway," Ginny finished as I glanced at her face while she sat down. Harry sent her a smile to which Ginny responded with a little blush. I watched the interaction with pride, until I saw Ron's reaction. He had turned away, while I gave a sigh. He never really changes does he?
"That reminds me, isn't today the day of your detention with the ferret?" Ginny asked me with raised eyebrows.
Ginny, I thank you for reminding me of that delightful event.
I groaned and rested my head in my hands once more. I seemed to be doing that quite often this morning. Ron and Harry sent me apologetic glances.
"Don't worry, Mione. We won't let that ferret touch you," Harry assured me while reaching over and patting my hand.
Ron nodded in agreement, while I gave them both appreciative glances. If only they knew what would really happen. They would probably Avada Kedavera Malfoy on the spot. Not that I complain.
The doors of the Great Hall chose to open in that instant, letting in a crowd of Slytherins. No doubt about it, Malfoy's crowd, although I didn't see Malfoy within them. I could make out the delicate silhouette of Caterina out of them and I met her glance. She sent me a smirk while I sent her a grin, something which was not lost by the watchful eyes of my friends, before she continued to make her way towards the Slytherin table.
"Who's that, Mione?" asked Ron, eyeing Caterina from top to bottom.
Honestly, if she weren't a Slytherin I would have concluded that he was checking her out. Both Harry and Ginny exchanged suspicious glances. Apparently, judging a Slytherin is basic instinct on a Gryffindor. I inwardly cursed my similar reaction to her yesterday. It really was unfair.
"Caterina Peacewater," I answered in a tone of voice which made their complaints stop before leaving their mouths.
That or maybe my glare made them stop too.
"Isn't that the new girl that just got in?" Ginny remarked before her eyes widened, "I heard that she doesn't use a wand!"
Ron looked at Ginny before looking at Caterina in amazement; it wasn't that what caught my eye, though. Harry looked as if that little fact made her more suspicious to him. Before I could carry out my thoughts about the look in his eye, Ron spoke.
"It would be nice to not worry about having to carry a wand all day long, think about all the things she doesn't have to worry about!" He concluded wistfully.
I gave a short grimace, remembering that Caterina had mentioned yesterday that it wasn't such a good thing. It was a shame that she hadn't elaborated on the subject.
"I don't know… There's something strange about her…" Harry began, but this time I managed to cut him off.
"Oh, don't start, Harry. She's really nice once you get to know her."
"Wait a minute, you have actually spoken to her?!" Ron asked in amazement.
I rolled my eyes at him, but before I could actually remark that it was the only way for us to share that glance, Harry interrupted me.
"Yeah, have you?" I could notice the edge in his voice that was probably what stopped my sarcastic remark from ever leaving my mouth.
"Yes I have, Ronald," I used a quipped tone of voice while I turned towards Harry, "She's really sweet and I can't imagine the sort of training that she had to go through in order to accomplish what she has! So don't. Get. Any. Ideas."
I have to say the death glare usually works, but Harry only slumped a bit. I could tell by the look in his face that the gears were turning on his head. I was about to put a stop to this when I heard the doors open once more. And who better to stroll in than my favorite ferret of all time.
The rest ignored him for once, the topic of Caterina still fresh on their minds, but I found that I couldn't just ignore him. I don't know why. He walked (actually "stride" is a better word; I don't think that a regular person could actually "walk" with such arrogance) towards his seat at the top of the Slytherin table, my eyes following all of his movements. I was sort of curious to his reaction to today's little "punishment". Then, as if feeling my gaze on him, he turned his bright silver eyes at mine. He had the audacity to smirk at me and to give me a slight wink before turning away. I bristled for a moment before turning away annoyed.
At least that proved that he wouldn't miss the little "meeting" for the world.
Part 2: Normal POV
Draco chuckled softly at Granger's reaction to his wink, or was it his smirk? Regardless of the fact, it had been amusing. She looked quite dreary this morning and he guessed that she was definitely not a morning person. Then again, he wasn't much of a morning person either. Granger had lightened up his mood today because he didn't have a very good night sleep. He blamed the pesky little Mudblood for it.
He ate breakfast and made his way to class all of this before Pansy could even begin questioning him about today. He caught Blaise's curious glance and raised eyebrow, but decided to ignore him either. As he made his way through the hallway, he found himself wondering how Granger might spend her day with the whole weight of what would happen this evening.
Not that he cared or anything.
The day passed by too quickly to his liking and he soon found himself inside the Potions classroom waiting for the arrival of both Severus and the Mudblood. He tapped his foot impatiently (patience has never been one of his good points) while he began to wonder what type of potion they will be brewing. The cauldron at the center of the classroom must mean something at least. He gave up on waiting at the desk and made his way towards Snape's desk. He was examining some of his notes when he heard the doors of the classroom open. He pretty much guessed who it was by the set of footsteps as the person closed the door.
She seemed startled when she spotted him, but regained her composure as she let a look of annoyance fix on her face. She instantly eyed him up and down, eyes widening a bit at the notes on his hand.
"What are you doing, Malfoy?"
Maybe it was the way that she said it, mistrustful, as if he was doing something wrong all of the time that got him in an annoyed mood already.
"What does it look like I'm doing, Granger?" he replied while rolling his eyes.
Granger huffed at his response and crossed her arms over her chest.
"It could have been anything."
He raised an eyebrow at her response. He wasn't good at resisting openings.
"Really, Granger," he began with a smirk, "What's going on inside that little mind of yours?" he finished while wagging his eyebrows suggestively.
To his delight she turned beet red at the comment and began to flush angrily at him.
"That's disgusting, Malfoy."
"Anytime, love," he replied with a smirk.
They both held their eyes, both too stubborn to let their gaze waver, until Hermione laid her eyes on the cauldron. Filled with curiosity, she stepped towards it, while Draco sighed and went over to the cauldron. He watched as Granger studied the cauldron and then glanced around. She was probably wondering what type of concoction they were going to brew.
"Granger, you know what they say: curiosity killed the cat," he smirked at the irony of it and even more when she turned to glare at him. She took a deep breath and seemed to force herself to calm down.
"Do you have any idea what we are supposed to make today?" she asked him, still glancing around as if hoping to find some sort of clue to it.
"Does it look as if I know?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
She turned around to look at him and waved her hands around, "Well he is your head of house."
"Well, I'm not his bloody babysitter," he snapped, annoyed that she persisted on the fact.
Hermione groaned in annoyance, rubbing a finger to her temple as if she was suddenly overcome with a strong headache.
"I'm not going to find out anything if I keep fighting with you," she turned to glare at him, "Besides, aren't you Slytherins supposed to be more acquainted with this type of torture?" she asked sarcastically.
She regarded him again and one look at Malfoy's face let her know that what she said was a mistake because he looked furious. She wondered if he even noticed that it was meant to be sarcastic.
"Granger, I can tell you that you don't know anything about real torture," he sneered.
Hermione decided not to elaborate on that fact and was about to retort when she heard a lazy voice coming from the door.
"Well, well, I leave you two alone for a moment and you already are about to hex each other."
Both whirled around to see the figure of Snape standing by the door. Hermione gave a step away from Malfoy, suddenly finding him too close for comfort. Snape rolled his eyes at the action and strolled along to his desk.
"It has been a long time since we have last used this method, and to two Heads nevertheless," he turned to regard their reactions, while Hermione gave a small flush of embarrassment, although Malfoy just looked impassive.
Snape looked from one to the other, "Quite frankly, it is not surprising that the Headmaster asked me to apply it to you two," he drawled.
He glared a little at Hermione, while she returned it. She didn't doubt the fact that he blamed her for the incident, but seeing the look of disappointment while he regarded Malfoy, she didn't think that he was off the hook either. He then turned around and began writing on the blackboard. Hermione tried to glance at what she was writing, but gave up when she couldn't make it past Snape's head.
"Excuse me, professor," Hermione began, although Snape made no move to acknowledge it, "What type of potion will we make?"
Much to her impatience, Snape didn't answer her until he finished writing a list of ingredients and instructions on the board and turned around to glare at her. She heard Malfoy stifle a laugh behind his hand, possibly because the glare that Snape sent her could scare away some first years.
"The name of the potion you are making is "Vernula Pro Infinitio", also known as the Vernula draught. The instructions for it are on the board. You already are familiar with the ingredients that you need and you already know where to find them." He waved his hand towards his cupboard.
Hermione and Draco scanned the ingredients. 3 drops of Wolfsbane, 4 newts, 5 rat hairs… What captivated Hermione's attention was the final ingredient: 5 drops of blood from the person who will be affected by the potion. She wrinkled her nose; that was not going to be pleasant. Snape observed them both for a moment before continuing.
"You will be making a weaker version of the draught because the real one is meant to work something like the famous Unforgivable Imperious curse. You are not allowed to argue in any way during the makings of the potion, or you will spend another detention, this time helping me cleaning and scrubbing every single classroom in Hogwarts," he turned to face one and then the other, "Begin."
Hermione scanned the ingredients once more and went to get them. Malfoy made no motion to follow her to the cupboard and she decided to take this as a form of truce since he didn't comment on anything.
He must've taken Snape's warning seriously then. She went to retrieve the ingredients while Malfoy began to cut and follow the instructions on the board. As they were making the potion, Hermione was forced to admit that he was as good as he said in this subject. She might best him in Transfiguration and the rest of the subjects, but he did stand out in both Potions and DADA. When they finished mixing and cutting the concoction became bright orange. Hermione noticed that there was only one ingredient left to add.
"Malfoy, give me your hand," she ordered while extending hers, not looking away from the potion.
"Wow, Granger, didn't know you were so desperate," he said with a raised eyebrow, but he surprisingly didn't make a motion to stop her as he laid his hand in hers.
Hermione looked a little surprised that he had conceded so easily and ignored the way that Malfoy's hand looked in comparison to hers. He was warm, she observed, as she was turning his palm up, something she did not expect. She picked up the knife and made a little cut on it, and turned his hand over the potion. She had to admit that she had expected him to be a bit more squeamish, and not so bored about the pain. She decided not to guess exactly what that meant. Once the drops of blood were put the potion turned a more clear shade of red, but it still looked orange, as Draco snatched his hand from hers. Snape observed all of this cautiously, and noted the fact that Draco didn't seem too bothered about the fact that his hands had just touched a Mudblood.
Draco then proceeded to repeat the process with Hermione. She, unlike him, winced when her palm was cut and she glared at him as he let the drops of blood pour into the potion. The potion now looked a bright red color, more blood-like, Draco noted with a hint of irony. Hermione went to look at Snape, but he was already making his way towards them. He was probably watching the whole time, Draco concluded. He simply nodded at it and made two glasses appear with a flick of his wand. Hermione thought that this probably meant that it was executed perfectly, not that Snape will ever admit it to her.
"Pour half the potion into one glass and half into the other. You must drink it all in order to receive the full effects of it. It will be enough, Miss Granger," he said at Hermione's raised eyebrow, before making his way towards his desk.
It took a great will not to make her roll her eyes as she carefully poured the potion into the two flasks, grabbing one when she finished. From the corner of her eye, she saw Malfoy grab one before she began to drink. The potion tasted funny and a strange tingling came over her when she finished, but as soon as it came, it went away. When she turned to look at the Slytherin, she found that he had had the same reaction.
"The potion will begin to work in the morning," Snape began while taking out something from his desk. It looked like an ancient cauldron, but smaller than the ones that they regularly used.
Draco saw that it was filled with a sort of murky liquid and he was sure he had seen it before. Granger let out a gasp of surprise, and he rolled his eyes at this. She probably already knew what the damned thing was.
"Is that-?"
"A Weeping Cauldron, Miss Granger," answered Snape while rolling his eyes, "It does not surprise me that you already knew about it. It holds characteristics similar to those of the Goblet of Fire, which you became acquainted with in fourth year."
Draco then remembered the thing, he had been trying to make Crabbe and Goyle pass the age line with the help of Blaise at the time. It had been somewhat funny.
"But I thought that they don't make any more of these," Hermione continued, still gazing at the object.
Snape looked bored at her comment, "This has been here since a long time ago, Miss Granger, and I'm surprised that you haven't already figured that out."
Granger looked befuddled for a moment before shooting a glare at Snape. Draco snickered a bit, amused at her reaction, only to find himself being the recipient of her glare once more. Snape then wrote something on two pieces of paper, before placing them inside the cauldron. This object started bubbling more and more, causing Draco and Hermione to take a step back, being too familiar with Neville's potions which tend to explode. They both were peering nervously at which name it would spit out.
Finally, a parchment came out of the cauldron with a small "pop" and fell neatly into Snape's hands. A flicker of amusement and happiness passed through his face quickly, causing Hermione's stomach to begin feeling funny, before he read the name of the person out loud. Based on his reaction, it could only be…
"Draco Malfoy."
Hermione could have sworn that time slowed down the minute he said those words.
A look of relief passed through Draco's face. He glanced towards Granger, who seemed to have a frozen look of shock plastered on her face. She was still gaping at Snape while he was recollecting his things.
"You both will clean up this classroom as your punishment, after that I expect you to go back to your common room," he said, giving an amused glance at Hermione's shocked face a brief nod to Draco before departing.
Draco now turned to regard Granger fully. He smirked and decided to snap her out of her reverie before something entered that mouth of hers.
"Well, well, what do you know? It is going to be me after all?" his face could not have looked happier.
Hermione would love to smack that smirk directly off his face.
"Scared are we, Granger?"
Hermione finally seemed to break out of her trance, while she turned to glare at Malfoy's smug face. Sure, give him the first bloody day!
"You wish, Malfoy. After all, why would I be scared of a coward like you?!" she snapped angrily.
She was astonished to see that Malfoy startled for a bit before she began heading towards the hallway. This was clearly a nightmare and she really hoped that she would wake up soon. Unfortunately, Malfoy wasn't done yet.
"I'm not a coward," he seethed while standing in front of her way, almost making her crash into him.
His smirk was now gone and his eyes were flashing angrily, but Hermione was too angry to think clearly for now. Snape must've compromised the cauldron…That was the reason why she didn't listen to her voice of reason telling her to back off of this discussion. She turned up to look him in the eye, ignoring the icy glaze that it had.
"Riiight, because all of these years have been some great proof of it! Let's begin shall we?" Hermione you should stop, her inner voice was saying, it was something that she had ignored ever since Snape had called his name, "You have been punched by a girl, defeated at Quidditch, made some pranks, tried to get on Umbridge's good side in order to give out orders, controlled and bribed people, not to mention that you are one ass-face, disgrace of a human being!" HERMIONE, "Ohh, and let's not forget the great point," DON'T, "You let your little bitty daddy to control all of your bloody life!" JUST STOP, "And let me clear one last thing, IT WOULD NOT SURPRISE ME THAT YOU ARE THE VERY SPITTING IMAGE OF YOUR FATHER!"
Great, Hermione, you have done it now.
Her speech didn't register until after a while… Until she glanced at his eyes again. She had been pointing a finger towards him, but it was his eyes which made her stand still. They didn't look icy anymore, they just looked… dead… filled with a darkness that she didn't understand. It was only after a while that she concluded that it was pure hatred towards her, something she had never seen from him.
Before she could react and run away or apologize, she was thrown onto the wall with Malfoy holding her hands above her head. He was looking down at her with that darkness, something that made her shiver unconsciously. She had seen that look of utter loathing before… It reminded her of the looks that she had received by the Death Eaters, all of them, in the Department of Mysteries in fifth year…
"What do you know about my life," he wasn't even yelling or screaming, he just spoke quietly, something that scared her even more, "You are just a filthy little Mudblood. Your kind shouldn't even deserve to be in these walls…"
Hermione finally seemed to react when she started struggling against him, his grip just tightened. It made her realize just how big he really was, how much he could do to her, but never did.
"LET GO OF ME!" she screamed, but now it held a tinge of fear.
"You know," he continued in that sweet, sickly voice, "You don't even know how black the world truly is. How true cowards look like when they are just seconds away from their death."
His eyes narrowed dangerously as she squirmed and writhed in his arms. Hermione felt the magic within him, trying to respond to his anger, something that made an angry twinge appear in her stomach. She recognized fear when she felt it and she didn't like it. She had never felt actual fear from him before. Thinking that he wouldn't even dare touch her, that he was not his father and yet… This was not the Draco Malfoy that had screamed in the Forbidden Forest in their first year at Hogwarts, this was a completely different person. Her wrists were pinned, and she didn't know any type of wand less magic. She looked around frantically for someone –anyone- to come around the hallway. Something had changed this Malfoy, and she wasn't sure that she liked it.
He opened his mouth to say something more, while she just stared at him with those doe-like eyes. She looked so scared and innocent, something that Draco knew she was. She didn't know what he had to go through in order to survive being a Death Eater. He was too angry to care about their position; it was just her eyes that were making him come back to reason. He tried to let his anger dissipate a little; she just looked fragile right now. He had never felt anything similar to this. Hatred, pure hatred, for her. Sure he disliked her, he enjoyed seeing her annoyed, he just… never truly hated her. Not until she compared him to his father. He was still mulling over his revelation when he heard it.
Hermione swiveled her eyes in the direction of them. She needed a savior; she was just too scared to do anything right now. She turned around and wished for all of her might that it was not just another Slytherin.
Caterina Peacewater was making her way through the halls slowly. Already a few weeks into the new school and she still felt the need to take precautions while wandering around. This place was huge! She had never gotten lost recently, thanks to Blaise's help to get around. She heaved a sigh. There were only a select few people who had had a real conversation with her this beginning of year, Blaise included. The other one, the Gryffindor, was something she didn't mention in her house. She didn't miss the animosity between the two houses. Which reminded her, Hermione hadn't shown in the library today, something they promised to do, which made her wonder what Professor Snape would make them do that took so long.
She already knew about the potions and, to tell the truth, she had looked forward to Hermione talking about it with her. Who knew that befriending someone that you were supposed to hate would be so easy?
The hallways were getting a bit darker, not that she minded much. She knew she was close to the Slytherin dungeons by now, she saw Snape's classroom in the distance. She waved her hand about to produce a quick Lumos, watching how the little ball floated around her as she continued making her way towards the dungeons.
Before, she would have been able to do that with or without a wand, and without worries, but now… She sighed a little. She still remembered the first day this type of talent was introduced to her. Or maybe forced was a better word for it…
A scream interrupted her thoughts.
That voice… it sounded so familiar… it sounded like… Her eyes widened at her realization and she began to hurry up in that direction, hoping blindly that it was not what she thought it was. It all fit, she told her that she had had detention in Snape's classroom, so surely it must be…
She really hoped that what Blaise told her about Draco's relationship with her wasn't that true. Her hope was in vain, however, when she came upon a Hermione Granger pressed against the wall, looking around in fright, and a Draco Malfoy looking angrier than she had ever seen him.
Damn that Blaise for being right.
She extended her arm and hand and felt the familiar tingling of magic surge through her fingertips, along with the familiar feeling of dread. She closed her eyes as she raked her thoughts for a spell strong enough to stun Draco, but weak enough in order to not wake…
She shivered at the thought and caught Hermione's frightful stare with hers when she opened her eyes. She put a finger to her lips, while Draco opened his mouth to say something else. Her main priority now should be Hermione; she'll worry about her relationship with Draco and other repercussions later.
"Levicorpus," she said swiftly, wincing at the way her voice sounded in her ears.
Malfoy looked surprised as he suddenly was floating his way towards the ceiling, and then was dangling by a foot. He struggled for a bit for his wand, but Hermione had reacted quicker than that.
"Petrificus Totalus!" she yelled, and Malfoy found himself in a full body bind, while she turned around to regard her rescuer.
Caterina rushed towards her, a concerned look found in her violet eyes. Hermione sent her a reassuring smile, but there still was a frown in Caterina's face. Maybe because the smile was a bit shaky. They both looked up to the immobilized body of Malfoy. She saw the Slytherin wave her hand and Malfoy began to float beside her as she walked. She turned around when Hermione didn't immediately follow her.
"Come on, I'll accompany you to your common room," she said with a smile.
Hermione nodded and began to follow her in silence. She liked the fact that Caterina didn't try to pry as to what had happened in the corridor. She was still a bit shocked herself.
Once in the common room, Caterina sent Malfoy to his bedroom and placed a spell to put him to sleep before releasing him from his body bind and locking the door. Hermione made no motion to go to her bedroom, as she stood there replaying what had just happened. The potion… the punishment… Malfoy's hate filled eyes. She shivered.
"The spell will be gone by morning," Caterina said, breaking her thought.
Hermione nodded weakly, while Caterina continued studying her before making her way towards the door.
She turned around to face Caterina once more.
"He's very confused about that topic, so try not to be too harsh with him," she sent her a smile.
And with that, she left her alone in the common room, more confused than she ever thought possible. She slowly made her way towards her room and to her bed. Her safe heaven. She changed to her pajamas in a daze, leaving her clothes strewn across the floor. She curled herself into a fetal position in her bed.
What would have happened had Caterina not interrupted? What was he going to say? What had Caterina mean by what she said before leaving?
Her head ached.
The Malfoy she knew wouldn't have done this, wouldn't have caused her this… confusion, she thought. But then again, the Malfoy she knew had never looked at her before with so much… hatred. Frustration, yes, annoyance, very, but hate…
They disliked each other mutually, that she was sure of. But she came to realize that she never actually had hated him.
She closed her eyes and willed herself to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, especially with this on the air. She steeled herself. She was supposed to be a Gryffindor! Where the hell was that famous courage?! Except that now for the first time in her life, she felt fear in what Draco Malfoy could possibly do to her tomorrow, with or without the contract. She closed her eyes and soon went to a world in which her problems didn't matter.
Impervious to the Head Boy and Girl's antics, Severus Snape made his way towards the Headmaster's office. Albus had asked for his presence after they drank the potion. Severus wondered what could be so important for him to be making his way towards the Headmaster's office instead of his quarters.
He had no idea what was going inside Albus's mind now. Why would he possibly think that it would be a good idea to put those two together in something as dangerous as this!? Especially because of the conditions that it needed to be dispelled. He sighed with annoyance; the Gryffindor Head Girl was also to blame for his tiredness. He slowly made his way up the stairs to the office and into the room
"Oh, you are here Severus. Come, come have a seat," Albus said with a smile when Severus entered.
Severus politely sat down at the chair and declined Dumbledore's offer for any sort of food.
"You called for me, Headmaster?" he asked, getting straight to the point.
Dumbledore smiled at him, a light twinkle in his eye. Severus braced himself, he knew that twinkle all too well. This meant meddling. Although, this is the first time that he had seen it since he went with the Boy-Who-Lived-To-Piss-Him-Off to that strange lake. The Headmaster stood up and started pacing around, the smile on his face made Snape wonder if he was ever placed in Slytherin.
"You have just returned from the detention of Miss Granger and Mr. Malfoy, am I correct?"
"Indeed, Headmaster, but, if I may, what has that got to do with this?" he questioned him.
He was not fond of beating around the bush. Dumbledore turned to regard him the twinkle still visible even though he had a serious countenance.
"Everything. You see, Severus, I believe that those two have the power to change themselves and, in turn, their surroundings."
Severus suddenly got it. This was probably another one of his plans for House Unity, but the way that Albus had said it probably meant that it served for another purpose as well.
"I agree that if those two were to become…" He searched for the right word, "civil to each other, they would probably accomplish a great deal. But the probability for that to actually happen-"
"I know that they can do it," with this Severus was once again hit with the notion that it was meant to serve one person only, someone who was not included in the punishment.
Albus turned around to his Pensieve, something that Severus hadn't noticed that was out in the open, and retrieved a memory.
"Light is always brightest in the dark," he murmured, so quietly that Severus barely caught it.
Before he could inquire what he had meant, Albus turned around and regarded him with serious eyes, the twinkle was now gone.
"There is also another matter that I need to discuss with you, and I think you know what."
A feeling of dread filled Severus as he absently rubbed his left forearm.
"I still beg you to reconsider, Albus. I know that I will have to carry on with the deed but… I still can't believe that you would actually consider this to be a good plan."
Dumbledore smiled at him, but it seemed strangely bitter in the Potions Master's eyes.
"It has to be done, Severus, and by the end of this school year. I know that you won't forget."
Well, well, we have finally done the potion! XD The name of the potion means something like "Servitude (or Servant) for Eternity". It is in Latin, if anyone asks. Anyway, sorry for not updating for so long! I was occupied with some stuff for a while. I thank all of you who have been patient with me all this time! Also, I would probably won't update this for some time, some exams of mine are coming up. :D Also, I have a huuge case of writers block with this story XD I mean, I know what would happen when Draco wakes up, I just don't know how to approach it. XD Anyway... Thank you all who have added me to their Fave's and Fave Author's lists! Alerts that thank you is extended to you as well XD Huge Draco smiles to you all! So, I'll be seeing you now! And last but not least, you may want to click on that little button down there to share your opinion on this story XD Hehe, well now it's off to the Review Wall so, take care!
Review Wall:
scarlettcat: Heii there dude! Hehe, sorry for making you read the story again XD Anyway, here it is! :) After a long wait. Thank God you were never like me these days and updated your story! Gotta love that! So a big Draco hug to you and hope you update your story soon XD
CrouchingCrookshanks: Haha, thanks! XD Here is your next chapter hope you like it as well :D A big Draco sexy smirk to you XD
LK-HoGwArTs-hEaDgIrL: Thank you! A big Draco smile to you!
Magical words from Muggle pens: Hehe, that's just what I'm planning ;) Thank you so much! A big Draco smile to you!
Thanks for reading!