Disclaimer: They all exist in Stephanie Meyer's world and in her head. I claim nothing. I have no power there, but most of them are welcome in my head any time, and Edward can have my soul whenever he wants it...

A/N: This was posted previously for a total of about three days. It is a product of my impatience. I couldn't wait for Breaking Dawn. It was respectfully removed due to some similarities to Mrs. Meyer's fourth, but it has been reoutlined and replotted since then, and I am going to run the risk of reposting...hope it doesn't disappoint!


It was all suddenly so surreal. The pain…the panic…my life…everything had become so trivial in one fated moment. I stared into his beautiful eyes—now so full of desperation as he clung to me, listening to my heart play out its final cadence.

Life can be so well ordered…so controlled that it carries the illusion of indestructibility. That illusion had been his gift to me as we'd toyed with tempting fate and planning for immortality.

The best laid plans…

I was vaguely aware that there should have been pain, and that the absence of it meant something much more final than I had ever imagined, but my mind would not allow for mourning. There was only the bright light of his angel face, and the fleeting indescribable memories of the eternity that would have been.

I smiled as my eyes grew tired. I had long ago embraced the darkness. Now, it was the light that called me home.