Hey guys!

I know it's been a while now and I'm sorry if I evoke false hope of more Chloe and Seth-stuff (I love them, too, but their very own story is told - if you can't get enough of them, cause seriously, who does? they're just so adorable! ^^ go check out Night, they play quite a big role there, though they're not the main characters... *cough cough* covert advertising *cough cough* xD)

So, why the hell am I posting this then? ...

Oh, right, I got it!

Although I finished Aurora almost FOUR YEARS ago! (can't believe it myself! °o°) I still receive mails by readers who tell me how much they love this story and even count it as one of their favorite stories! -So, thank you guys so much!

Now, there were two particular reviews that I'd like to mention here, because those readers reviewed anonymously therefore I can't send them a personal reply. However, I really want to answer because that would be what I demand of an author when I review their stories. So, here's to living up to my own expectations =)

First, the easier one to answer:

"jessie": wet dog i guess would be close and why do u keep saying jet for yet? [2/12/13]

Hey, Jessie! The answer to your question about the "jet/yet"-thing is simple: I was still something between 15 to 16 when I wrote Aurora, now adding the fact that English is not my native language, I just didn't know better at that time =) It was a really silly and embarrassing mistake which I'll hopefully never make again.

Nonetheless, I thank you for reading so carefully and caring enough for my story to inform me about this mistake - I just corrected everything =)

Now, to the more complicated one:

"La": i don't want to sound rude or anything but this review will sound like it even though I will try my hardest to.

First of all, werewovles can't imprint on vampires because, as shallow as this sounds, Immprinting is all about reproduction.

A werewolf finds a mate who could produce the most children to pass on the gene.

Second of all, a vampire does not need to be protected. A werewolf will imprint on a mate who would need protecting at one point in time.

Third of all, vampires and werewolves are enemies. Unless another 'species' is included in the mix the outcome would kill itself once it has phased.

example: Renessmee: She is vampire and human. If she and Jacob were to have kids they would be okay because they have a vampire gene and a human gene on the vampire side.

I know this will make no sense but the other species, if human, must be on the vampire side because werewolves are really humans.

You are a very good writer but I just wanted to point these things out to you so that you can see them in Stephanie Meyers point of view.

So very very very sorry if I sound rude. [6/29/11]

I know my reply is coming very late but somehow I just saw your review recently together with jessie's; I really hope you'll read this, La =)

First, I don't find your review rude, rather interesting because that's a question that I've thought about a lot when writing Aurora. I eventually found a few explanations on this issue for myself which will hopefully also convince, or at least satisfy you to a certain level =)

The "imprinting is only for reproduction and passing on the genes"-theory is just that - a theory. I'm not exactly sure in which passage but at some point in Eclipse Bella asks Jacob for the reason of imprinting and Jacob tells her that Sam has a theory on it being about transmitting. I remembered the passage while writing, that's why there's this scene in Aurora in Chapter8 (Seth -Crime-):

I was just about to get up and phase when Quil woke up with a chuckle.

"I guess that was it with your theory about the reason of imprinting, Sam."

I was implying here that nobody actually knows for sure why the shape-shifters imprint - there are only theories, and the most likely one was proven wrong by Seth and Chloe =)

As for the "protection"-thing: Seth knows that Chloe doesn't need his protection, just like Edwrad knows Bella doesn't really need his after her change - however, because they love their girls so much, they just can't help it =)

About your argument about "vampires and werewolves are enemies" - well, first of all, the La Push guys are no werewolves, that was cleared in Breaking Dawn; they are shape-shifters who just unconsciously decided on phasing into giant wolves. I remember a passage at the very end of Breaking Dawn where -I think it was Edward- says that they acutally could have phased into any kind of animals. In the world created by Stephenie Meyer, werewolves are a completely different species that are a lot like the classical definition of werewolves, with full moon and all that stuff, which I captured and refined a little for my stories Aurora and Nightfall.

Now to your thought on the "outcome" of a vampire/shape-shifter relationship: there is, was and never will be an "outcome", if the term "outcome" here equals offsprings. If you remember Bella's thoughts on being pregnant with Edward's child in Breaking Dawn, she mentions that the female body needs to change in order to carry out a child - something that Chloe as a vampire is obviously not capable of. And Renesmee, too, will share the same fate as Chloe, because at some point she will stop changing, being more vampire than human.

Of course, one could argue: what about the shape-shifter being female and the vampire being male? -Well, since shape-shifters are still human, as you've correctly said, I guess their offsprings would be something like Renesmee, only plus the shape-shifter gene ... maybe some kind of super-vampire-wolve that absolutely nothing can kill? xD

Honesly, I don't know, and I doubt that anyone will ever know since Leah is the first female shape-shifter known and I don't believe her ever imprinting on a vampire guy. So, we'll never know how a vampire-shape-shifter-child will look like, too bad xD

I believe that even Stephenie Meyer herself doesn't know the answer to this truely difficult question, for she said that "it's all just for fun", so we shouldn't waste too much thought on it =)

Finally, I'd like to reassure you again, that I didn't find your review rude - in fact I find it quite interesting for it led to me rethinking the issue and eventually writing my point of view on it down for everyone to read, since I'm sure that a lot of readers were wondering about this question.

This is what I love about reading and writing and fanfiction because it connects readers and writers, leading to such interesting discussions like this one.

I hope I'll hear/read from you all again soon, leading to yet more fun discussions on the world of Twilight. ^^
