Reviews for Aurora
sham caster chapter 12 . 3/22/2018
I have never heard of a weak vampire like this. Bella also not weak even when she was just a human.
Neko-fire demon tempest chapter 17 . 4/10/2014
Wow go Seth
Neko-fire demon tempest chapter 6 . 4/10/2014
Alice's second ability is something to fear. :)
venglish1984 chapter 31 . 2/21/2013
live2livemylife chapter 1 . 2/19/2013
So i finished reading your story today i was sopost to be writing an essay but i feat that i deserved a well earned break *cought* I was addicted *cough* and i was looking at the other stories that you had write since this was so well done and i found the slideshow thingy( I cant remember the name of it, isnt that sad i just visited the link a minuet ago n i cant remember but oh well i closed the tab and im too lazy to find it again so i'll name it what i want to) and i saw the pictures and though two things one these are AMAZING and two did u draw them cuz if so u shouldnt be in fanfic should be going to some amazing art place and showing off ur skills cuz thoses are AMAZING! I dont really care who drew them i just wanna say that they are AMAZING I really liked the pics , can u tell, anyways im gonna go and finish my essay and resist to urge to reread this AMAZING story

Keep writing and drawing cuz oh god are thoses good
lil labro 31 chapter 31 . 2/18/2013
hey its jessie now lil labro 31 i wrote you before i got an acount and your was the first story i ever read and english is my native languge so i noticed a few subtule mistakes that conmfused me abit in your work but i have read more fanfictions but none have been as good as yours. and i decided to write my own bt mine a cross over but im haveing problems i have had 10 people read it one being my self as a revies and besides me none had bothered to get past the first chapter i even tryed to delete the chapter and mesh it with the second one to make it longer and more interesting but still not much of a inprovement i was hopeing you could help if you have time its the only story om my profile thank you
jessie chapter 19 . 2/12/2013
wet dog i guess would be close and why do u keep saying jet for yet?
KiaraLovesTwilightForever chapter 1 . 11/24/2012
I Really Liked This Story !

La chapter 3 . 6/29/2011
i don't want to sound rude or anything but this review will sound like it even though I will try my hardest to.

First of all, werewovles can't imprint on vampires because, as shallow as this sounds, Immprinting is all about reproduction.

A werewolf finds a mate who could produce the most children to pass on the gene.

Second of all, a vampire does not need to be protected. A werewolf will imprint on a mate who would need protecting at one point in time.

Third of all, vampires and werewolves are enemies. Unless another 'species' is included in the mix the outcome would kill itself once it has phased.

example: Renessmee: She is vampire and human. If she and Jacob were to have kids they would be okay because they have a vampire gene and a human gene on the vampire side.

I know this will make no sense but the other species, if human, must be on the vampire side because werewolves are really humans.

You are a very good writer but I just wanted to point these things out to you so that you can see them in Stephanie Meyers point of view.

So very very very sorry if I sound rude.
Tinker178 chapter 30 . 9/19/2010
I love this story!


dawnmac chapter 30 . 9/18/2010
What a great read. Seth is my favorite character and I wanted a happy ending for him and you gave it to me in spades. Please continue with thiis story, I would love to read about their wedding and their life afterwards. You wrote a story that I could not put down until I read the whole thing. Please, please continue with it; If not a sequel than perhaps a few extra chapters. I don't want this story to end.
TooManyAPsEqualsNoLife chapter 19 . 4/10/2010
Here in the U S of A we say "you look like a drowned rat" as apposed to s doused poodle. Though I actually like the German saying better!
justPROMISE chapter 2 . 9/13/2009
Cool :D x
justPROMISE chapter 1 . 9/13/2009
Love it so far! :D x
16TwilightMyLife chapter 2 . 8/16/2009
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