Title: To Get Attention
Fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer
Author: Danyella Skyler Silverfire
Website: Livejournal, Insanejournal, or
Rating: G
Genre(s): Humor
Pairing(s): None
Summary: There are reasons summoning Unnamed Horrors is a bad idea. Luckily Xander's around to clean up the mess.
Series: Unnamed Horrors
Warnings: B&E. Non-discribed evil ritual gone wrong. Xander's wobbly moral compass?
Disclaimer: Checks reality meter (It's remarkably Magic Eight Ball shaped). {{shake}}{{shake}} Do I own Buffy? Nope still the right reality. Go eat a tuna sandwich instead. {{stares}} Damn.
Author's Note: I seriously have the weirdest plotbunnies attack me.
Word Count: 723
To Get Attention
Xander had these days. Days were everything doesn't necessarily go wrong, just weird. It had started with his early morning run, and he had noticed that the creepy, to-nice-to-be-real, family's house was to quiet.
Now Xander didn't really have anything against them, they just creeped him out. They were nice, and sweet, and normal, and in Sunnydale, so they made him naturally paranoid. So to make himself more comfortable he kept a subtle eye on them, mostly by jogging by their house.
After seeing no movement and the family cars still in the drive, Xander made a mental note to swing by after work to check things out. After all, it could just be him being overly paranoid. So Xander continued his run and kept an eye out for anything else out of the norm.
Xander took one last look around before unlocking the door to the house with the key he had found in the planter. He wondered briefly if it was a bad thing that he didn't feel even the smallest bit of guilt at breaking into a family's home, but brushed the thought off as unimportant.
Xander did a brief, room by room search of the first and second floors before heading down to the basement and hitting the jackpot. There painted on the floor in what he hoped wasn't blood was some sort of summoning circle. Still no sign of the family, but worrisome all the same. Taking a breath he stepped off the stairs and started taking a closer look around the basement, careful not to disturb the circle, or get to close if he could help it. Finding nothing else, and still no signs of Creepy McEvil family Xander headed home after locking up behind him.
Once he was safely back in his own apartment he picked up the phone and dialed Giles.
"Hey, Giles! You know that creepy family on Devret Drive? I think they summoned something in their basement and it ate them," Xander said in greeting.
"Xander, I told you, just because they're normal doesn't mean their up to something," Giles explained with an exasperated sigh.
"I know what you said, but I found a summoning circle in their basement and no sign of them not an hour ago."
"You broke into their house?" Giles asked incredulously. He really wondered about the boy's moral compass sometimes.
"Yeah, I noticed something weird when I passed by on my morning run today, and went to go check it out after work. Which was good, because summoning things is a bad thing."
"What kind of summoning circle was it?"
"Creepy and evil? I'm not sure, I hadn't seen one like it before, maybe you should check it out? The key to the door is in the planter on the right."
"Right, I'll run by with Buffy. We'll talk about your breaking and entering later."
After a few more minutes of talking they both hung up and Xander went about preparing his dinner. Finally he was able to sit in front of his TV with a plate of beef stroganoff and a glass of milk to watch tv for an hour.
Two Weeks Later
"I'll be right back, don't unpause it." Xander said over his shoulder as he went to answer the door. "Oh, hey guys. What's up?"
"Anya said you got a roommate?" Buffy asked.
"Yeah. I found him in one of the cemeteries and offered him a place to stay until he could head home," Xander grinned. "He's a pretty good roommate. Pays me on time and is getting to be pretty good at Mortal Kombat."
"You never said you needed money, Xander," Willow scolded with a frown.
"Oh, I don't. But I couldn't leave him in the graveyard. Who knows what might have happened."
"Good thinking," Giles said.
"So come on in." Letting his friends into his apartment, he ignored the terrified silence that fell when they saw his new roommate. "Guys this is my roommate. Roomie this is my friends. Buffy, Willow, Oz, and Giles."
Oz thankfully managed to keep things from getting awkward. "So Lovecraft a fan?"
Xander and the 'roommate' laughed. "Maybe. I don't know." Xander shrugged. "Pizza?"
Oz swung his eyes from Xander, his roommate to the open pizza box. There was only one thing he could really say, "Cool."