Author's notes: Now I know that it has been almost a year since I updated, but rest assured that this fanfic has not been dropped. In fact, I already have until chapter ten already planned out. This chapter is somewhat rushed (especially the part near the end of the chapter), but I had to release this already in order to move on. I am not entirely contented with this chapter to be honest, and I am itching to start on the next chapter already.

She could believe her luck… Just when she thought she finally managed to escape from them, this happens… and this time, she was not allowed to escape – not after the blonde saved her from a potential… pervert. She held the paper bag in her arms tightly, forcing herself not to fidget. She didn't know how to get out of this situation… "Hey, are you okay?" She glanced to look at him, eyes slightly wide and unfocused. "My name is Guy." He reintroduced himself. "What's your name?"

"Lucian…" She let out, and she was glad that her voice didn't sound fake when she said it. Maybe she was starting to get used to the name. "My name is Lucian."

"Lucian…" He repeated in a whisper, testing the name on his lips before grinning. "Nice name. Hey… uhh… since it would seem that I kind of made you uncomfortable more than once…" He rubbed the back of his neck bashfully, almost as in unsure of what he was asking. Luke found herself wanting to laugh. It was actually kind of cute… "…I'd like to treat you to a meal. You know… to apologize for before." To be honest, she didn't really want to spend more time with him than she should in fear of being recognized, but the happiness of finally finding time with her former best friend wasn't letting her say no. In the end, she nodded…


Despite how scared she was when she said yes, she was actually enjoying her time with him. She had been a guy before so she didn't really notice it, but Guy was a true gentleman. He pulled her chair for her, and allowed her to be seated before him. He allowed her to choose what she wanted to order and didn't even ask for the cost. He was doing his best not to make her uncomfortable, and when she dropped her knife by accident, he stopped her from bending down before picking it up himself and then asking a nearby waiter for a spare.

Since she wasn't taking the initiative to talk, Guy took the chance to start. He told her story after story and made extra sure that she wasn't getting bored. There were times wherein he would tell her a story about their journey together – well… him and Luke - and she would see his grin shine the brightest. It made her wonder. Had Guy always been like this to women? Well he had his gynophobia before and it was different towards Tear, Natalia, and Anise… so this was the first time for Luke to see him so… alive while with a woman.

It was kind of making her jealous. This was a side of Guy that he never knew… that Guy never showed. Or perhaps Guy didn't have this side of his until lately…

Hearing herself laugh made her somewhat surprised. She had been so scared of spending time with him before, but now she was seriously enjoying it. During her time within the fonbelt, she wasn't really sad… because she was able to still watch over them from above. She was still alive in a sense that she was simply there, but even though she was happy, even though she was content, she never laughed like this.

It was nostalgic… It was as if it was just him and Guy joking around again back in the manor… only that this time, it wasn't Luke and Guy… It was Lucian and Guy, and Luke didn't know whether or not she was supposed to be happy or sad with this development. "And you know what happened? He – huh?" He stopped, looking at her who suddenly became silent all of a sudden with a soft smile on her face. "What's wrong?"

"I wonder…" She began in a whisper, and Guy leaned slightly forward to hear her. "How long has it been… since I last laughed like this…?"

Guy could only stay silent as he stared at the girl in front of him. Truth be told, he didn't know why he was adamant in meeting her. Ever since he saw her that night on the way back to Malkuth, he felt nostalgic… and that feeling only grew stronger when he found out that she was in Malkuth as well. He didn't know why she ran away when they met, but he felt the need to run after her. No… It wasn't the typical love at first sight scenario. He knew that it wasn't attraction in the romantic sense. It was more of a… feeling that he haven't felt for so long… the feeling of having a very close friend chatting with you… and simply being near you.

It's almost like he knew her from a long time ago. He felt like he needed to get close to her… in order to get that feeling that he lost. He wanted to grasp that feeling into his hand and never let go. He missed it… He missed it so much…

"I feel like… like I've known you from before…"

Her eyes widened upon hearing them.

"Guy, I…"

…and the door slammed open.

"Oh hey it's Asch…! Good timing…! Come here and join us." Guy called, and Luke's eyes could only grow wider as the red head continued his approach… his eyes never leaving hers. He pulled the chair beside Guy's, sitting down and looking. "I found her at the market. She almost got rigged by this man. Hey Asch?"

Luke was… terrified. It look her everything to escape Asch's clutches from before, and now here he was again, trapping her between himself and Guy. She couldn't cause a scene either because there were so many people inside the area and she couldn't risk getting attention. She clenched her hands from under the table. She was trapped.

She wasn't afraid that she was going to be hurt. She was pretty much immune to all that physical pain and trauma… but she was afraid of seeing their reactions when they would realize who she really was. She was afraid of seeing their disgusted faces when they find out that someone who had once been a man was "reborn" as a woman… all while acting like a woman. She didn't want to be rejected. She feared rejection. She loathed it…

"Are you a fonist?"

And the first question was dropped.

"I believe you are one… since I felt the course of different fonons around you when we connected." Luke was glad that Asch was currently side stepping questions regarding her identity, but she knew she had to be on guard. Knowing Asch, he was going to be very careful with his questions while waiting for her to slip up and reveal herself. Since she knew she couldn't escape right now, she had to answer his questions carefully. Forcing herself to calm down, she answered.

"I suppose I am." She told him. "Though I'm still learning and I'm currently having a hard time when it comes to controlling them." She let out a small smile. "I actually prefer swords than using fonic arts." She saw Asch give a nod before he continued asking questions. Thankfully, Luke already had answers for the questions… like where she came from, why she was here, and the likes. They continued the conversation normally as if nothing happened before, but they both knew that it was only a matter of time before one of them snaps…

And It was Asch who snapped first.

"How did you know my name?"

He definitely knew that she was hiding something…

…and she remained silent.

What was she going to say? How was she going to answer that? She didn't want to lie to him, but she didn't want to tell the truth either. However, she kind of knew that Asch would be able to see through her lies… Of course he would. He was her original…

He was

Was she even still a replica…?


Asch glared.


"Asch," Guy scolded, his eyes narrowing. "Don't force her like that. What if she really couldn't say the reason why? And besides, you're pretty well-known, aren't you?"

"I have my reasons, Gailardia." He answered. "And I need to get my answers."

What was she going to do…?

"Lucian…! There you are!" Her glance snapped to the door as a familiar pair of uniform-clad soldiers came to the table. "We were wondering where you were because it was getting late. I'm so glad you're alright…!"


"God-generals?" Asch questioned upon seeing the familiar pattern. "What are you doing here?" Yulan merely glared at him, obviously not liking him the moment he first laid eyes on him. His red eyes narrowed upon seeing their new companion staying completely silent. He didn't like it… He didn't like it at all. But before he could pull his sword though, Ran stepped in.

"We are here under authorization from Daath for a mission." He answered lightly before walking over towards her. "Are you alright, Lucian?" She nodded in appreciation and listened as Guy asked what was wrong. Quickly, Ran managed to string up a story that involved her, interrogation, and trauma, which was why she was unable to answer any questions thrown at her. It was a lie, of course, but she was grateful for the escape. "She is currently under our protection, so if you want anything from her, you have to take it up to us." Though the younger general was smiling, they knew that it was going to get dangerous if they didn't move back. Looking from the corner of his eyes, even the darker haired general had his hand prepared to pull his sword when needed. Asch wasn't able to find out who she was, but he wasn't dumb to say that he didn't have any ideas.

However, those ideas were too farfetched to be true.

"Let's go, Lucian." She felt his hand pull her up, and as he supported her out, the younger general glanced at the blonde noble. "Thank you for taking care of her, Sir Gailardia."

"You're welcome…"

The walk back to the inn was relatively silent. It was quite obvious that she was still somewhat shook up with what had happened and she wasn't exactly expecting Asch of all people to be there. Ran supported her up, while Yulan took the rear, all prepared to strike at a moment's notice. "Hang in there." The younger one whispered, and by the time they entered the inn and closed the door, she fell on her knees and hugged herself tightly.

"Are you okay…?"

"I was scared…" She whispered shakily. "I was so scared, Ran… I didn't want them… I didn't want him to meet me… I didn't want to see any of them yet…" She tried rocking herself for comfort, but to no avail as tears started streaming down her cheeks. "I didn't want them to be disgusted by me… I didn't even want them to know about me… and yet he's already suspecting me. I'm scared… I'm so scared…"

"Then what did you want to do?" Glancing up, it was Yulan who was now kneeling beside her, his usually annoyed eyes softer than before. "Why are you here right now?"

"I don't know…" She whispered. "But all I want is to see them happy again… All I want is to continue protecting them…"

"Then do it." He told her. "Do what you want to do if you believe that it's right. No one is stopping you. Just… don't freeze like that again. It's a bother…" She lightly laughed at his words, realizing by now that it was yet again another of his awkward ways of cheering her up. "To be honest, even I know that you're hiding a lot of things from us…" She tensed. "But I don't see any harm in it just yet so we'll let it slide. Feel free to tell us when you want to… since…" Was he... blushing? "You're technically traveling with us from now on."

Laughing at herself… she managed a small smile.

"I will…" She whispered. "I will…"

The necromancer pushed his glasses back, eying the red head who was standing in front of him. Both their faces were serious… contemplating the weight of the idea presented before them.

"They are farfetched, yes…" Jade told him, crossing his arms before him in thought…

"Farfetched… but not entirely impossible."

end chapter six

Author's notes: Well... that's chapter six then. I know that the second half was kind of rushed, but I really just had to get this part out so I can finally make her leave Malkuth and travel around again. Don't worry though. I already have until chapter ten planned out. All I have to do is write them down.

Now I just want to make this clear. Yes. Luke is somewhat emotionally unstable since she is still trying to adjust to the life of a woman. It's like a battle of hormones and emotions since he was originally a guy and now he has to live as a woman with womanly emotions and stuff like that. But anyway, I'm rambling now. Haha!

I do hope that my lack of writing did not cause me to go blunt... since I haven't written anything for quite some time already. Anyway, reviews would be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much.