Reviews for Reversed Return
Mystearica 'Primal' Fende chapter 4 . 10/26/2015
Actually, Fire is the fifth one. The sequence is correct, but the First to Sixth goes starting from Darkness (Shadow), in this way, Water (Undine) would come Fourth, and then Sound (Lorelei) would be Seventh). I don't remember the whole sequence by heart, but I do remember the element's Aggregate Sentience. I must've dotted it down somewhere...
Thesonginthewind1 chapter 6 . 8/2/2015
This is really what's the word... Amusing? Or is it interesting? Oh well I say it's both then! Please continue!
Guest chapter 6 . 8/2/2015
Please do continue please oh please! I really like this story!
Minigamer chapter 6 . 6/1/2013
I loved how you wrote this story! :D
Please continue and dont let this story die. I am really enthusiastic to read what happens next.
Anem chapter 6 . 5/8/2013
This is sooo interesting to read! you are a great writer :D
I hope we get to read more chapters soon! :)

Tears Parallel chapter 6 . 3/11/2013
I honestly find myself a little uncomfortable to read Luke as a girl, so I really feel like I understand where Luke's coming from whenever he ... er... she freaks out. I really like the plot you've got going though, but it really makes me wonder what kind of fanfiction you're aiming for. Most genderbent stories I know do it for romance - are you going to do the same? If so, I wonder what pairing you're aiming for...

Besides that, I do see a lot of potential conflicts in the story, and I'm really curious about "General Fringes" and the people Lucian found a party with. (They all seem to be replicas, but then it makes me wonder what's happening if so many replicas are roaming around.)
NeocromancerManiac chapter 6 . 1/12/2013
That was awesome! It's been so long! I thought this fanfic was dropped. Thank goodness you're back! :)
cause I really love this story as it's so interesting to see this side of Luke. Makes me smile and all seeing how she reacts. I'm actually kinda hoping she'll remain this way and no one will discover her identity, "she's" really cute.

It would be great if the chapters were either longer or updated more frequently (: Thanks for all the hard work and for reviving this, really looking forward to seeing future chapters!
TsukihanaYUE chapter 6 . 9/16/2012
Please update I want to read what will happen to Luke
Athina Dark-Angel of Death chapter 6 . 9/2/2012
YAY! Thanks for the chapter. Asch is suspicious and has told Jade, which pretty much means Luke's identity is already forfeit.
Kirana Agi Qiao chapter 6 . 8/31/2012
So today I was checking my e-mail inbox and suddenly there's an e-mail that said this fanfic had been already updated.



Can't wait for the next chapter! X3

Oh yah, Asch, you are so cruel towards Luke-I mean, Lucian. She is your future bride, I suppose. -stabbed-
Oh Guy. I envy your gentlemanliness. ._.

Well, I guess that's it. Update ASAP! XD
Underwater Dreaming chapter 6 . 8/31/2012

You updated! 3
YumeNoSagashite chapter 1 . 8/5/2012
Luv it!
Satukata chapter 4 . 1/23/2012
Well, hello there!

My name is... Err... You can call me 'Satukata'.

Now, let's go to the review, shall we?

The story is too damn GREAT! XDD

It's more exciting every chapter! Just what are you thinking when you make this fic? These chapters make me couldn't sleep! X3

I just hope you won't discontinued this fic. If you discontinued this fic, I don't have any idea about how many people outside there-who read your fic-that will get disappointed.

Now, well... Grammatically error is fine. Everyone make some mistakes, right? :3

The pairing... I really wish it's AschFem!Luke... I really love them! (And AschLuke too~)

Okay, I think it's enough. I'm waiting for the next chapter! XD


Satukata-your secret admirer
Underwater Dreaming chapter 5 . 7/13/2011
AHHHHHH When are you ever going to update? You've left this awful cliffhanger here :c
midnightcrescent98 chapter 5 . 3/27/2011
Okay... Nice

I'm not really in about you know... ToA Yaoi (But I'm in if it's KH) But when I read your stories.. ah... the feeling of the old days! Please continue this!
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