Eight months later...
Alone, Stan walked toward the docks, his bag slung over his back. The HST loomed above him, seemingly covered with sailors as they prepared to disembark. A wide smile crossed his face and he waved to a few of the sailors he recognized from a distance. His months on land hadn't changed his appearance...except for a faint linear scar on his forehead. He'd taken time getting to know Gibbs' team better, not a lot. They weren't bosom buddies or anything, but he could add them to his long list of acquaintances. He'd even met the illustrious Ziva David, and she was an interesting woman to say the least. All in all, it hadn't been a bad break from Agent Afloat...but he was happy to be going back to sea. Director Shephard had come through as she had promised and reassigned him to the HST. The skipper was apparently ecstatic to get him back. He was glad to be back himself.
The male voice calling his name was a surprise. He hadn't expected anyone to be there to see him off. Alex sometimes showed up, but generally, he left and returned unacknowledged. He turned to confront the speaker and saw Gibbs' team.
"Hey! What brings you all to Norfolk?" he called back.
"Case," Tony said as they all approached.
"We saw you heading to the boat, and thought we say hello," Tim added.
"It's a ship, McGee," Gibbs said. "How many times do you need to hear it before you get it?"
"Sorry, Boss."
"Well, it's nice to see you all again. It's been a few weeks."
They stared at each other for a few seconds, and Tim even shifted his feet a little bit. Stan suddenly decided that it wasn't so bad not having people to see him off. This was awkward. He looked past the guys to Ziva.
"Hey, Ziva."
"Happy birthday," she said. At his blank look, she elaborated. "Today is your Navy's birthday, is it not?"
"Oh, right. Yeah, it is," Stan agreed, grinning. "Well, I don't know about you, but the awkwardness is killing me."
Relieved chuckles from Tony and Tim told him that they were feeling the same thing.
"Thanks for coming by. I have to board."
"And you guys have a job to do," Gibbs said. "McGee, check with security. DiNozzo, I want you to coordinate with the field office."
"Bye, Stan!" Tim said.
"Just don't try to hit on Agent Downey," Stan warned. "She'll take it as a personal insult."
Tony grinned and nodded in acknowledgment, then jogged away.
"David, maybe you'd better keep him...in check," Gibbs said.
Ziva snorted. "May I use force?"
"If the situation warrants it...and it had better warrant it, Officer David," Gibbs growled as she grinned evilly. After she left, he shook Stan's hand. "You'd better get on board. The skipper might leave you behind."
"I hope not. Thanks for stopping by, Boss." He turned to go but paused. "Are you all right?"
There was the slightest flicker of a shadow. "I'm fine, Stan. Enjoy the trip."
"We're going to the Persian Gulf...I'll enjoy every minute of it." Stan grinned and headed to the gangplank. As he walked up, he paused and looked over his shoulder. Gibbs was already off the docks...back to work.
"Agent Burley!"
He turned back and finished his walk up the gangplank. "Hey, Skipper, permission to come aboard!"
"Permission granted!"