The Healer

This has been in my head for a while and I couldn't help but write it down and I hope you like it so lets get started. This starts when Team 7 finds Sasuke. Please excuse the first part of the story which will start of slow and not very good but I promise you it gets better as it goes on because I couldn't figure out the way I wanted to start it.

Disclaimer: I have no ownership of Naruto or any other show/manga

Time slowed down as Orochimaru's sword stabbed into Sakura's left lung and she fell to the ground in a near death state. "Kukuku Sasuke as much as I love watching weaklings die it's time for us to leave" told Orochimaru before he shushined away. Sasuke gave one more look at Sakura before following his master. Yamato, Sai, and Naruto jumped over to check on Sakura but it wasn't looking very good. Yamato used the only medic jutsu he knew to get a diagnosed of her body.

"She won't live more than a few minutes and were to far away from Konoha to get help" told Yamato who despite his emotionless was actually scared knowing what Tsunade and Kakashi would do to him when he returned.

Naruto looked at his two emotionless Ambu friends before sighing in defeat and he stood up before putting hid hands into the most common hand sign. With a yell of "Kai" Naruto went up in a cloud of smoke, then as the smoke went away a completely different man stood in the spot which once held Naruto.

He stood at least four inches taller than Naruto. His Hair was up in a regular pony tail like Iruka's but strangely the man's hair was a combination of blonde, red, and purple (think of Jeff Hardy but with red). The man wore a pitch black version of a regular medic outfit but on the back was a red cross and instead of the regular head wear he had a hood on his coat. On his feet he had black combat boots and on his hands were black fingerless gloves with a red cross on each.

His face was serious and cold with icy blue eyes that looked like they could see all the way to your soul, but what was creepy was a scar that went over the man's righteye and down to just above his lip. The man walked back towards where the members of team seven stood and as he bent down to touch Sakura, Yamato grabbed onto his hand.

"Who are you" asked Yamato while secretly using sign language with his other hand telling Sai to be ready for a fight if need be.

"Naruto" The man replied before pulling his hand back and sitting on the ground Indian style. His gloved hands reached out and rested over Sakura's wound before they slowly started glowing a bloody red color.

Sai stepped forward to stop the man but Yamato threw his arm out keeping him from advancing. Sai gave his Sensei a curious glance but all he got in return was a shrug showing that he didn't know what was happening but it seemed okay.

"Genesis Last breath" whispered Naruto before the red chakra leapt from his hand and into the wound of Sakura making her body glow a eerie red outline color. Wound started to decrease and cuts closed with new skin appearing at the once injured spot. Finally the spot with the sword injury started closing slowly until It became only a minor problem.

"I have healed everything I could including her lung but the jutsu I just used will make me pass out in a few seconds so it would be best if you could carry me back with you if you could" told Naruto before he fell back onto the ground asleep.

"Sai, you can carry Sakura while I carry this guy back to Konoha" told Yamato. Sai gave a nod of approval before the two Anbu took off back to their home village with the two injured ninjas on their back.


"Kami my head is killing me, what happened" Naruto thought as his vision slowly came back to him. He looked up to find the creepy man he had met at the chuunin exams, Ibiki if he remembered correctly and Tsunade the Hokage. Next thing he knew a stinging pain erupted from his back but he bite his lip to control himself from screaming aloud.

"Who are you and what have you done to Naruto" screamed Tsunade who held a leather whip. Naruto couldn't help but bust out laughing I mean come on the woman looked like

She was fixing to rape him.

"O I didn't know the Hokage was into whips maybe you could show me why they call you the legendary sucker" asked Naruto with a arrogant smirk planted on his face. Tsunade's face went completely red before she hit him in the mid section with the whip leaving a red slash mark across his stomach.

"One more remark like that and next time this thing is hitting you in the jewels" told Tsunade.

"Ok Ok but I already told Yamato that I was Naruto but I guess I have some explaining to do" told Naruto


Flashback10 year's ago

Naruto looked over his shoulder to find his attacker still chasing him down a dark alley but unfortunately he didn't see an upcoming object on the ground and he tripped over it and landed hard on the ground.

"I finally got you now demon child" told the man while he stood over the boy. The man punched Naruto in the stomach sending him into a nearby brick wall making his head bust open on impact. He then started slamming the boys head over and over against the wall until he was knocked unconscious.

Naruto fell to the ground as the man took out a kunai ready to deal the killing blow to the boy but as he went down for a strike he found a glowing blue hand stuck threw his chest. He fell over dead and the man who had killed the attacker picked Naruto up before taking off across the rooftops.


Naruto awoke to find himself in a sewer with dripping wet wall's and some kind of water coming up to his ankles. He looked around but nothing of familiarity stood out to him letting him know he was in a completely unknown place.

"Where am I" wondered Naruto out loud before he took off down a random hallway until a booming roar shook him to his core forceing him onto his knees in sheer terror of the over whelming voice. He suddenly felt dizzy with a little bit of nausea building up in his stomach while he felt as though the whole room was spinning around him. When it stopped he found himself in front of a huge cage that was bigger than anything he had ever seen but weirdly no type of door or lock was set up though he did find a small peice of paper that held the kanji for seal.

Naruto reached up to touch the piece of paper but luckily he was able to see a huge furry claw headed for him, so on instinct he jumped back in hope of dodgeing the over sized claw. He closed his eyes as the claw neared in fear of being torn in half but unluckily the left toe nail was able to scratch him deeply from his left eye down to his top of his lip.

"Ahhhhhhh" screamed Naruto as he rolled on the ground screaming from the stinging pain coming from the newly formed scratch. Then A giant fox's face at least twenty times larger than normal appeared behind the bars of the cage laughing in delight as he watched the boy roll around in pain. After a couple of minutes the fox decided he waited long enough and let a little of his demon chakra slip through the cage and onto the deep cut on the boy. The Chakra seamed to absorb into the scar while takeing the pain away from the cut but leaving left the scar in place on his face to remember what would happen if he ever got to comfortable around the mighty nine tailed fox.

"I must say kit I haven't had such a good laugh in a long time but my patience wears thin so let's get on with business. If you must know I am the almighty Kyuubi and before you ask we are inside your mind or the seal i'm not to sure myself.I was sealed away by the fourth Hokageas a last resort to save everyone."told Kyuubi in a his usual menacing manor but kept it to a minimum to keep the boy focused.

"Is that why everyone hates me and why exactly did he seal you in my body" asked Naruto who while still scared of the demon decided it would be better to at least get some answers from the fox.

"Yes I am the reason for the hate that is given to you by those pathetic human beings, they are small minded and can't see past their hate for me. Now i'm going to just come out and say the reason I was sealed into you was because I am an immortal being of chakra that can't be killed so to keep this weak village alive he decided it would be best to seal me into his one and only son."told Kyuubi.

"I'm his son, but what kind of man would do that to his own son and why have you told me all of this when you didn't have too" asked Naruto who strangely found the courage to stand up and look into the demon's eyes without flinching.

"Even I find it despicable to hurt and punish a child for something it had no control over but what really got me to tell you was that I realized just how weak you are when that pathetic ninja attacked you earlier. So my reason for bringing you here is because I'm tired of watching my container get beat up, starved, and over all humiliated which in turn makes me look weak. which is something I can't have after spending my whole life building my reputation." told Kyuubi.

"What can you do about it, I mean I'm only five years old how can I stand up to those people that hurt me" asked Naruto who decided to push the thought of his dad from his head until a later time.

"That scar that you just recieved held a bit of my power which will infuse in youa couple of abilities and a slight transformation that will help you survive. First off you now have the ability to shape shift into anything you want by just concentrating on a picture in your head but the down side you will have a time limit before you can change your shape after every use. Second you will now have perfect chakracontrol like no other and a increased IQ to that of a genuis. Now for your transformation you will recieve bigger muscle mass, taller than you would have been originaly, and bones like steel. Now get ready your going to feel a little bit of pain." answered the demon.

Naruto grabbed onto his stomach as a burning pain erupted from his stomach and the pain spread to the rest of his body. The first thing Naruto noticed was that his body felt as though it was being stretched like taffy and it didn't stop until he grew fiveinches taller with a muscle mass of an academy student. The pain slowed down significantly until the only pain left was his burning scalp. He turned around so he could watch in a puddle as his hair became straight instead of the messy blond mop he normally had but even weirder was that he gained the colors red and purple in his hair.

The last thing he found different was that his nails and fangs had a slight growth to them leaving them sharp enough to cut skin.

"Why did my hair turn purple I mean I can understand the red part but I couldn't think of anything that would give me purple" asked a curious Naruto who thought it looked really cool on him giving him a slight punkish look.

"It seems your bastard father made the seal to make you look almost like a copy of him and when I changed you some of your mothers characteristics were given back to you" told Kyuubi as he grew bored of the conversation.

"Now I have grown bored so its time for you to leave but remember if you need to contact me just meditate or get knocked out again I really don't care." told Kyuubi before the familiar dizziness over took Naruto.


Naruto sat up to find himself laying on a old leather couch that felt as though it would fall apart any moment.The walls where made of what looked like oak logs so he guessed he was in someone's log cabin but who owned it was another question. It felt like a normal cozy place that you could just feel at home when you're their but things can be decieving. He found a blanket draped over his legs.

The room was pretty plain with just a closet, chest, drawer, and a door the sat at the far side of the room. Naruto for the life of him couldn't remember what had happened before he had met the Kyuubi even if he had his intelligence raised he was still only five years old but he remembered that he had been in some kind of danger.

"Your awake I see that's very good news" said a man that just arrived via the door. Naruto looked towards the source of the voice to find a man with fiery red hair in the style of a greased back business man. He wore a white doctors coat with a red tight under shirt that showed off muscles that let people know he was a very athletic man and on his bottom half he wore black silky pants with a red line on the side.

"Who are you and where am I" asked Naruto while he stood up in case the man wanted to hurt him he would at least be able to fight back.

"My name is Jiro the killer doctor and at this minute you're in my home a couple miles away from Konoha. I was running the rooftops of Konoha on a little trip when I heard a screaming noise, so I checked it out and I came upon the sight of a man beating your head into a brick wall. After I killed the man quickly I picked you up and took you back here where I proceeded to heal some of your wounds but strangely your whole body changed before I was done" told the man newly named Jiro.

"Well my name's Naruto Uzumaki and because of a special thing I hold I was given this little body change to help me defend my self from now on" told Naruto who decided not to lie to the man who kept him alive, since he deserved at least that much.

"So the Kyuubi helped you out, that's pretty cool but I tell you what I haven't had a apprentice in a while and I couldn't ever forgive myself if I let you go back out to the real world just to be killed." told Jiro.

"Wow your really ganna let me be your apprentice without even having to show you how good I am" asked Naruto who was ready to jump up and down from the excitement of getting stronger.

"Well you won't have to pass a test to study under me but there is a catch, at the end of your training you'll have to fight me and if I feel your not good enough in my art I will kill you. So your choices are either leave here and never come back or you can let me teach you everything I know but you could die before ever using it" retorted the doctor who held a small devious grin on his face that could scare a normal person.

Naruto Uzumaki was not a normal person though and he ran up and hugged the strange doctor while yelling out how he would be the best apprentice ever and how he was going to pass the final test with flying colors.

"Lets get started then Uzumaki we have a long journey ahead of us" told Jiro while returning the hug to the younger boy.

End flashback no jutsu


Tsunade sat flabbergasted at the story the young man had just fed her but she couldn't just let that be the end of it so she decided to try another route.

"Do you really expect me to believe that story you could have just made it up on the spot if you wanted to" asked Tsunade while on the inside she was smiling at how devious she could be sometimes.

"O come on Tsunade-chan you and me both know you injected me with a truth serum before I even woke up" told Narutousing his all to not laugh at her shocked look and dropped mouth.

"How did you know that, you were knocked out so their shouldn't have been any evidence left of me giving to you" asked Tsunade who was red as a tomato in embarrassment of her being caught of guard by a simple teenager.

"I was taught by a man called the killer doctor did you not think I would learn the ways of a medic ninja and I must say that has to be one of the weakest serum's I have ever taken" told Naruto with a smirk on his face.

"You have never shown any kind of aptitude towards becoming a medic ninja so how could he have taught you anything about being a medic" asked Tsunade who was in between mad at having something she made called weak and confused wondering how much she really knew of her adopted brother.

"Ha no one in this village has seen even a tenth of my power but if you truly want to know I would like to say I'm on your level or above in my power as a medic ninja. I have hidden everything I know and used moves that I absolutely hate just keep everyone away from the truth. I didn't even go to the academy I had a blood clone go for me while I was being trained by Jiro-sensei" told Naruto.

" I don't understand Naruto, why would you hide all of this you love this place and what about your precious people who you've lied to all this time" asked Tsunade who was becoming even sadder and confused as more answers were given to her.

"You actually think I love his place, the place that has given me so much pain, thrown me out of anywhere I went, given me so little that even the evilest villains wouldn't have received! I absolutely detest this place I have wanted to leave for so long and dreamt of far away places where people would chant my name as I walked the street for just being their to protect them. I knew I couldn't just leave without having any kind of plan or place to go so I have waited until everything was in place for me to go and get ready for the battle between me and Konoha. Finally those people you call my precious people are more like pawns and comrades than people I would ever give my life up for even if some of them are cool to hang out with some times." told Naruto who finally took a breath after his long and emotional speech.

"I can't believe you Naruto everything I have ever thought about you is false and you seem almost crazy but what I want to know is why have you told me this" asked Tsunade while on the verge of tears from seeing her most beloved person be almost a total lie.

"I have told you because I decided it would be best to get completely away from that idiotic part of my life and never have to worry about hiding who I am anymore. The reason I decided to inform you is because even if my whole life to you has been a lie you have always been one of my most beloved person I know" told Naruto.

"I Can't even start to process all of this information, so I must leave but you have done a foolish thing in telling me all of this because now I must keep you here to protect the village. Goodbye Naruto I will see you soon even if I don't know you I still care about you" reported Tsunade before she walked over to Naruto and kissed himon the lips. She gave him one more look before walking out of the room not realizing that it would be the last time she would see him for a very long time.

"Good bye Tsu-chan" whispered Naruto


Well the first chapter is done and I can't really tell if it's any good are not so please let my know what you think. I'm looking for a beta that can help me with my grammar and structure problems. I am also looking for some made up medic jutsu so if you have any ideas just leave it in your review and if its good I'll use it.

As for the pairing if anyone is wondering it's going to be another harem but this time it's a Medic Harem so if anyone can figure out the 4 people who will be in the harem I will reward them with a little preview of what I'm going to do, let them help me choose between what could happen, and they can make a OC for my story if they want.