A/N: This particular little drabble doesn't mean as much unless you read remuslives23's fabulous piece, "You Fill Up My Senses." The thing she wrote doesn't deserve to be called a 'drabble.' It's amazing. So, you must, MUST read it. It is a prerequisite.
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. I only occasionally control what they sense…
James doesn't need to see them shagging or draped all over each other to know they're in love. And it's not lust—it's love. He sees the same thing in Lily's eyes when she looks at him. But he has seen their awkwardness and affection turn into something possessive and passionate.
It's the worry and the fear in Sirius' eyes when he looks at Remus on the nights of the full moon — worry and fear that Padfoot won't be enough to keep Moony from hurting himself — or worse. It's the something primal that stirs in Remus' eyes when he watches Sirius just walk across the room, for Merlin's sake.
He thinks that it doesn't seem right to see one without the other. How did that happen?
Oh, he's heard them. If he had a Sickle for every time they'd forgotten Silencing spells, he'd be a rich man—or at least richer than he is now.
But he never tells them. Because, though he'd never admit it to them, he's in awe of the worshipful tone to Sirius' "Remus," and the rather disturbing, yet arousing, exotic tone to Remus' growls of pleasure.
It even sounds like they're in love. Is that possible?
How many times had James been in the Quidditch locker room? He knew the smell of masculinity — dirt, sweat, nervousness, arousal, semen, testosterone — it was all there, and more besides.
But when Remus and Sirius were 'together' there was something primordial—the smell was entirely thick and seductive and pheromone-laden. James couldn't label the scent with an adjective; there was no "woodsy" or "musky" that could describe the sharpness that filled his nostrils when Remus and Sirius were together.
All he knew was that it made him want to shag Lily senseless.
As weird as it seems, and James would never, never, ever think of telling anyone about this, he knows exactly how Sirius and Remus would taste. There was a time when they had used James' bed for things that will forever remain unnamed. But the scent of what they had done filled James' senses so entirely, that even his taste buds had to acknowledge what he knew to be Sirius' saltiness and Remus' sweetness… or was it the other way around?
James stopped his thoughts before they went any further on that one.
James has been touched, hugged, slapped, hit, petted, and even massaged by both Sirius and Remus at different times since they first met when they were eleven. He knows that Sirius' touch is casual, almost careless, occasionally rough. But, sometimes, those gentle fingers can rub kinks out of knotted muscles, or soothe the pain of heartache.
Remus is the opposite. Perhaps it's because of what is trapped within his mind, but his touch is usually gentle and, if need be, insistent rather than demanding. But the nimble fingers and large palms hide a power that can bruise sensitive flesh, whether Remus is trying to pull someone out of the way of a Death Eater curse or punishing a certain someone for sending a particular Slytherin under the Whomping Willow.
They are velvet and steel, and James can't quite figure out which one is which in that relationship.
Gosh, isn't it fun to think about, the velvet and steel of Remus and Sirius? Sigh...
Okay, tell me what you think, and go tell remuslives23 (Julie) what you think about "You Fill Up My Senses."
Ready? Set... GO!!