Well then; a new story – aren't I a moron? :P Well, me and new stories just mix well and I love this story – I have lots of ideas and I'm basically very, very excited about it! So I really hope people like this story because of all the effort I put in to it! :D Pretty please review me? It's been said to me recently that I'm not a good writer which hurt me a lot so I'm doing my ABSOLUTE best to try and prove them wrong. So please like it for my sanity's sake :sniffs:

JUST ENJOY!! Yeah I'm in an odd mood whilst I'm writing this :D but yeah, hope you like it! xx

Killing Spree

SUMMARY: As a mass murderer, you tend not to spare the people who watch you in the act. Not this time, no; Sasuke decides to take this one with him... SasuNaru

Chapter One

It was pouring with rain that night – the thunder raged loudly over the city; lightening flashed and the heavy clouds showed no sign of dispersing. The rain fell to the earth like bullets in to a city of tall grey buildings, shiny black skyscrapers and empty streets – no colour at all in the grey commercial environment. The people who lived there locked themselves away from the horrible weather outside; watching television, talking on their phones or sleeping. It was an average night; another day on another week of another month and another year. It mattered nothing to the inhabitants of the city that there was a young girl alone and walking along to try and find shelter and food.

The girl, dressed in a delicate white gown, was shivering from the cold of the winds and the rain soaked in to her skin; drips traced down her svelte frame – her skin pale as porcelain; her eyes shining ice blue and her lips were dried and cracked from the arctic air. She had nowhere to go – just another run away teenager who refused to go back home, despite her parents anxiousness of her return. Instead of turning to the comfort of her family, she faced the harshness of the city – hoping that maybe she would get the thing she most wanted out of life; her independence.

It wasn't as easy as she thought to just run away from home in the heat of an argument; no money, no supplies at all. But she never knew it was going to be so hard – and she had no idea what she was going to face.

She continued walking onwards, hoping to find a shelter somewhere from the rain if not the cold – somewhere she could gather her thoughts and come up with a plan. She had completed the easiest part – now it was time for the hardest and cruellest fate of all – survival.

Eventually she found a place to sit down, next to a dumpster by a closed down restaurant – Ichiraku. She could smell the foul stench of rotten meat and fish and she could feel the vermin around her, enjoying a feast; a spectacle, a celebration that they also would live another night with their stomachs full of food. Despite the reek making her stomach turn, she felt hunger stab at her own stomach; she wasn't going to sink as low as to stealing from the trash though – she was better than that. Or so she thought.

She sat there, thinking that maybe she had chosen wrong to run away and not face the adversities at home; she had chosen wrong to think that at such a young age she could live by herself. She had come from a relatively stable background – nothing out of the ordinary for a family of five. Maybe she should just give up and go home?

She stood up; determination on her face; her pride refusing to let her give up and admit she was wrong. She turned to look at the dumpster and inhaled deeply. She began to search for something worth eating before her senses returned and she remembered that she was searching trash for food – like a common tramp. She jumped out of the bins and ran out of the alley and back in to the rain.

Her mind was slowly becoming more fragile as the reality hit home; she had already found herself doing something she had never done before to survive. Her greatest assets; her intuition and her common sense, were already failing her. She continued to walk through the rain; a flash of lightening lit up her path and the thunder shook her body not from cold but this time from fear.

As she continued further onwards, she began to feel there was something not quite right with the district she had just entered. She looked around and found that the place was completely deserted; not just the streets but seemingly the buildings as well. She turned around and saw the lights on in the buildings in the district she just left suddenly spark and die out, leaving her in almost complete darkness. The one street lamp she stood under remained lit.

Now she was more than a little worried; more than a little scared – she had entered the realms of pure terror.

She turned in a full circle and began to call out to someone in hopes of someone finding her; someone who could help her and not lead her to another path of destruction. No one answered. As she opened her mouth again to alert anyone to her presence, she could taste the rain as it continued to drip in to her mouth; her light blonde hair straggly and dripping to the floor whirled around as she continued to circle under the only source of light for miles; yelling; screaming. Tears began to form on her face which blended in with the raindrops – unrecognisable. She herself began to feel unrecognisable.

That's when she heard it. The swish of a cloak and an undeniable presence of someone. Someone had found her. She wanted to say something but the words constricted in her throat when a few more street lamps lit up and the name of the street was now visible. She was standing on the street where more than four murders in the past fortnight had taken place.

And that person knew she was there; that was why she was under the only lit street lamp; under the only source of light – so the murderer could gaze at his prey before she was killed. Her tears flowed faster down her face; like small streams in a garden. She was terrified; she was rooted to the spot.

And she knew she was going to die.

With a crunch of some cereal and a loud banging on the door, a young blonde journalist smacked on the whitewash wooden door of the bathroom and waited for it to open. However, annoyingly, there was no response. The blonde struck on the door again and tried his absolute hardest not to start yelling through the door; he promised the landlady that he would be quieter in the mornings – he couldn't help that he was always louder when he was told to be quiet; it just fitted his personality to always do the opposite of what people wanted.

"Kiba, seriously if you don't get out soon I will be late for work and then I will lose my job and I am taking you down with me if that happens. I'm not joking", the blonde spoke through the crack in the door. Threats tended to work well when against a certain scruffy animal loving individual. The blonde sighed once more and he heard the letterbox snap and used this as an excuse to entertain himself at least whilst he waited.

Walking over, he balanced the bowl in his hand as he bent down to pick up the letters; doing his best not to spill his beloved cereal. Looking at them all he could see they were all addressed to him; a Mr Naruto Uzumaki. He sighed once again as all of them looked to be bills; which was annoying as he didn't exactly make a load of money, just enough to get by and to go to the pub every now and again.

And his work was tough.

Then as he made his way back to yell at Kiba in the bathroom, a newspaper was posted through his door; being a journalist and getting the paper he writes for delivered to him every morning – he checked the front page to see that another girl was missing and presumed dead; disappearing from the same section of the city where other bodies had been found. He was beginning to feel more and more worried as he happened to be one of the reporters on the story – and any day now, he would be sent to check the area out.

The newspapers still hadn't created a name for the newest famed serial killer loose on the streets of Konoha City; but it was harder than it seemed seeing as there was no particular pattern to the kills and disappearances. It was like this person just did what they wanted. Naruto had had a talk with some of the profilers assigned to the case and said it was more than likely to be a male; not too old or too young; between his early twenties to his late thirties and they didn't seem to have any other discernible traits than that to go on.

It was becoming one of those impossible searches and Naruto felt that whoever this person was definitely needed to be shot and if it was a man, at least castrated. His mind drifted to the thought and he shuddered at his own punishment for the man. He wanted to protect his own genitalia from the thought when he felt a smack around the head leading him to drop his cereal.

"Kiba you absolute cunt!" Naruto yelled.

"Jesus Naruto, don't get too worked up", Kiba scoffed; he immediately however cowered under the scorching gaze of the blonde in front of him. "Okay, okay I'm sorry – I will buy you another box of cereal when we go out later, I promise!"

Naruto sighed and shoved past Kiba towards the direction of the bathroom; he slammed the door shut, leaving a slightly anxious Kiba in his wake. The scruffy brunette swallowed the lump in his throat before continuing his morning routine of getting ready for work. Aggravating Naruto was not a good idea, especially in the morning; Kiba sighed – he owed him another box of cereal. Kiba was always forced to buy more cereal and more carpet cleaner every time he knocked the precious food substance from Naruto's hands – which seemed to happen a lot more as of recently. For some reason, Naruto just couldn't live without his cereal or his ramen – two rather odd obsessions, the scruffy brunette thought – he himself was much more passionate about beer and porn; it would be about sex but his job took up so much time the only sex he had had in the last two months was with himself.

It wasn't long before both of them were ready and waiting to leave – Kiba was forced to scrub up the carpet again for the second morning in a row – and as they left, an angry blonde woman approached them. Her body was voluptuous and she was so young-looking for her age; dressed in a green robe over a pair of skimpy white pyjamas, the woman walked towards the pair and they knew they were in trouble.

"Uzumaki I thought I told you to keep your voice down in the mornings", she hissed. Not only was it early, it meant she had to face the crisp cold morning air in only her nightclothes – she knew that the Kiba boy would be eyeing her up and she also knew that the blonde would be hissing at her to put herself away; the two were very distantly related though it didn't stop them from treating each other like strangers almost.

"Well Tsunade, I'm sorry but you have to blame this imprudent, idiotic, nonsensical fucktard here. And you know me – I am loud, I like being loud and unless you surgically alter my voice-box its going to stay that way until this prat here changes his ways and becomes less of a jackass". Naruto then turned on his heel and walked in the opposite direction, towards his car. Tsunade, though annoyed she was left without finishing her argument, was impressed that he managed to call his roommate so many different names in just one sentence. Kiba nodded semi-apologetically towards her before he ran off in pursuit of his roommate so he could get driven to work. Tsunade was left stood outside in the cold at seven o'clock in the morning, alone and pissed off. She threw her arms up in the air in exasperation and then walked back inside to her apartment.

Kiba managed to catch up with Naruto in time to make his lift to work – the atmosphere in the car was like it was every morning Kiba knocked Naruto's cereal – he could just feel the anger radiating from the blonde. Kiba guessed it was some kind of Obsession Compulsion Disorder to have cereal every morning, unless he was that passionate about food which just seemed to strike Kiba as being odd.

They reached the office in time, beating most of the early morning traffic; Naruto slammed the door of the car and though he was mad at Kiba, he said sorry for acting irrationally in the same spot outside the office as every other time and then told the brunette not to do it again. Kiba sighed with relief – he was expecting Naruto to completely lose it this time – it was twice in a row this week and Kiba knew that Naruto seemed to perform less well when he hadn't finished his cereal. Kiba wiped the sweat from his brow and walked along next to Naruto, striking up a conversation about the paper's headlines and wondering what they were going to be assigned that day.

The office was bustling when they stepped inside the large floor that held most of the offices for the Konoha Times; there were many small cubicles in lines around the room, each holding a desk, chair and a computer – some were privileged to even have a filing cabinet. Naruto walked through the large area, followed by Kiba, and then to a staircase on the other side of the room; he walked up to the next floor which held more offices but these were personalised office rooms; Naruto had worked his ass off to earn one; he walked in, dumped his belongings on the chair and checked his messages. Kiba sat down on his chair in the corner of the room like he did every morning – the pair were usually partnered together in work so although Kiba was like the rest of the normal workers who only had a small space down the stairs, Naruto doubted that he had ever set foot in it with the amount of times he was sent to do other menial jobs with him.

After finishing listening to his messages and also checking his email, Naruto beckoned Kiba to follow him to talk to the boss of the newspaper; who was unfortunately doing his best to try and consort with his landlady – Jiraiya was a man who had a strong personality and a good sense of humour, yet he was not a man to be taken too lightly. He was very serious when he wanted to be and Naruto knew that it was not good to fail the man, having been on the wrong end of him when he had failed to do some of his tasks before. Naruto and Kiba made their way to his office to see what he had in store for them; Jiraiya liked to partner Kiba to him as he was one of the only people who could control the rather bone idle brunette.

Jiraiya was smoking a cigar as the two walked in to his office; his long white hair tied back in to a rough ponytail; his sharp eyes sparkled and his large frame covered so much of the chair so it could almost not be seen. He stood up as the two roommates entered, towering over them both – but both keeping their cool, well Kiba less so.

"Hey guys how are you? How's your very nice bosomed landlady?"

"Jiraiya – please, I am related to her", Naruto answered.

"Nevertheless, she has a fantastic rack!" Kiba nodded in agreement, grinning whilst Naruto shook his head dejectedly – he was surrounded by morons.

"Right guys – you've seen the front page I hope", Jiraiya continued, hoping not to waste too much time with idle chit-chat. "We have to now get really serious about this new serial killer – we need to get the scoop on the situation before the other papers but we need solid evidence as we are also partnered with the police on helping find the scummer who's actually carrying this out. It's disgusting but the public is lapping it up and buying more papers than before; sales are up and we can only increase them if we find evidence other papers don't".

Jiraiya stubbed out the cigar in the ornately decorated ashtray on top of his handcrafted wooden desk; he put his hands behind his back and began to pace up and down the room. Naruto and Kiba stayed standing in front of the desk. They watched their boss as he continued to talk about ideas and suggestions for the paper, asking them to comment on his ideas. The two both didn't want to be involved with the serial killer news of the paper – the only reason they were complying so far was because it paid more money; money which they desperately needed.

"Right so after all this – basically this is what I want you guys to do. I want you to go and check out Chidori District Five out; you can do this now, but I also want an account of what's going on at night. So you have now to get what you need together, check the place out and then I want you to explore there at night. You will have to be undercover for this – I have notified the police that I have reporters looking for evidence also. They are a bit sceptical as they have the forensics down there; police barriers; they are also shutting down the businesses temporarily and moving people from their homes so they can check the area out. It has become that serious, the police feel, for an evacuation of the District". Jiraiya paused, maybe for dramatic effect, the two roommates didn't know. "But I want you two to do it as you are two of the best undercover people we have".

The roommates remained silent after Jiraiya had finished his little speech on their assignment; Naruto could feel his stomach twist in to a knot and if he felt this way, Kiba would be feeling a lot worse. He turned to look at his best friend to notice his complexion had turned a fraction paler; it was something no one else but he would have noticed, seeing as they knew each other for so long.

"Umm, Jiraiya – because of the danger level, does that mean we get compensated further as regards to our pay?"

"Well, it all depends on what you can find out Uzumaki, Inuzuka. Now, leave my office as I have a rather beautiful bird who wants to press her nice lean body against mine in a sexual way so she can get herself a pay rise – you know her don't you? I've heard she's seen to quite a few people in our office – that Ino Yamanaka?"

"Yeah I've tapped that", Kiba said – he immediately covered his mouth.

"Really?" Jiraiya asked interestedly. "How was it?"

"Pretty good – she's got some moves that one".

"Well, we know she will sleep with anyone to get information and in this case a pay rise. I'll take your word for it Inuzuka – if she can impress me, I think I'll give her a raise, whaddaya say?"

Naruto rolled his eyes at the both of them whilst Kiba just shrugged. "Your call boss dude", he eventually answered.

"Right then – Uzumaki? You had her?"

"No", the blonde answered truthfully. Personally, he found her repulsive; but his work took up so much time, his only passion was food at the moment, which was probably why he always got so mad at Kiba when he stopped him from eating it. His job had reduced his sex drive to nothing – maybe once this job was over, he could try to get back in to the swing of things – try to see if Sakura Haruno was free at all; she was a pretty one, even if she was a little hot-headed and slightly conceited. Naruto tuned back in to the conversation – regretting it almost instantly – to hear that Kiba and Jiraiya were talking about Ino like a piece of meat. "Ah well", Naruto thought, "If she sleeps around like she's does, she's bound to get herself talked about like this". Without feeling sorry for her at all, Naruto cleared his throat and asked to be excused.

He walked down back to his office – looking in to his drawers, he took out two pills and a cup of water from the dispenser in the hall. He chucked the tablets in to his mouth and then downed the water, swallowing both. With a grimace on his face he turned around to see Kiba standing in the door way.

"Yes? I thought you were enjoying your conversation with Jiraiya about tits?"

"When you disappear I know you go and take some kind of medication, what is it this time?"

"Its just ordinary ibuprofen – and you don't need to worry about me; worry about the both of us, we've got a long night ahead of us", Naruto sat down in his chair and banged his head against the table.

"Why did we decide to be journalists and work on assignments with a lot of danger in them?" he said between smacks.

"Because we are morons and loved the glamorous side to the job", Kiba answered.

"There is no glamorous side to the job", Naruto retorted.

"Exactly, so I don't know what we were thinking", Kiba dragged his chair and sat down next to Naruto. "You know you shouldn't aggravate your head more like that if it's driven you to taking ibuprofen", he pointed out.

"That actually makes sense".

"Don't make it sound like it's the first time. Remember – I'm keeping all your secrets for you; I could easily slip and have them come out to anyone - including your brother and sister".

"Watch it Inuzuka – I know plenty about you also so don't even think about going up the blackmail route", Naruto murmured, head still resting on the desk.

"Yeah I know – plus I don't even need to blackmail you; you don't have anything. Actually your in worse shit because of your –"

"Alright that's enough – no need to say anything more I get the picture; we are both in shit. We got more bills to pay by the way so you owe me the money for them".

"We'll sort them out when we get back alright. How bout we go to brunch and start coming up with a plan to get out of the latest assignment?"

"Sounds like a plan – let's go".

- - - - -

Well there you go. I'm excited about this story so hopefully I can actually motivate myself to get on with it :D